48 research outputs found


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    This study aims to conduct a systematic review of the Brazilian scientific production on academic entrepreneurship from 2017 to 2021. Data collection was carried out in the Spell and Scielo databases, using a bibliometric and qualitative approach in data analyses. Based on the methodological procedures adopted, a total of 31 articles included in this review were retrieved. The results indicated a growing number of studies that include a behavioral approach to investigate academic entrepreneurship in Brazil from a quantitative analysis of the profile, trend, and entrepreneurial intention of university students. In addition, other topics, such as university-company interaction, obstacles, and challenges for academic entrepreneurship, were discussed using the previous literature. Finally, an agenda for future research regarding the investigated theme was defined

    Diagnóstico do uso do solo e a degradação ambiental na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego Fundo no município de Barra do Garças (MT)

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     ResumoO objetivo principal deste trabalho foi diagnosticar uso do solo e a degradação ambiental na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego Fundo no município de Barra do Garças (MT). A metodologia utilizada foi baseada em cinco etapas distintas: 1ª etapa: revisão de literatura, e procedimento de vetorização, das curvas de nível e da drenagem a partir da carta topográfica folha SD-22-Y-D-IV MI-2206, 2ª etapa: elaboração de mapas temáticos em ambiente de SIG, utilizando-se o Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada, ou NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Índex), 3ª etapa: analises de dados, 4ª etapa: verificação da verdade terrestre, e 5ª etapa: discussão dos resultados. Dessa forma foram identificadas as seguintes classes Água, Áreas Hidromórficas, Asfalto (Baixa reflectância) com 0,587%; Pastagem, Lavoura, Área Urbana (Áreas com maior exposição do solo) com 35,136%; Campo Sujo, Campo Limpo, Pasto sujo (Áreas com média atividade fotossintética) com 35,053%; e Cerrado, Mata de Galeria (Áreas com maior atividade fotossintética) se destacou com 29,224%. Ficou constatado que a bacia hidrográfica do Córrego Fundo precisa de atenção quanto a sua preservação e conservação.Palavras-Chave: Córrego Fundo. Cerrado. Diagnóstico. Degradação ambiental. AbstractThe main objective of this work was to diagnose land use and environmental degradation in the hydrographic basin of the stream bottom in the municipality of Barra do Garças (MT). Also point to the need for greater planning of activities within the analyzed space . The methodology used, wich was based on Five distinct steps: Step 1: literature review and procedure vectorization of countor lines and drainage as from the topographic map sheet SD-22-YD-IV MI-2006, 2nd stage: elaboration of thematic maps in SIG, using the indez normalized difference vegetation ,or NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) 3rd stage: analysis of  data, 4th step: verification of ground truth , and 5th stage: discussion of results. This way we identified the following classes water áreas hydromorphic , asphat (low reflectance) with 0.587%, pasture , cropland , urban area (areas with the highest soil exposure) with 35.136%, dirty Field , clear Field , dirty pasture (area mean photosynthetic  activity with 35.053% and the thick , gallery Forest ( areas with higher photosynthetic activity) stood out with 29,224%. It was found that the watershed of stream bottom needs attention as their preservation and conservation. We imagine that it is necessary to perfom a job involving civil society and the government to be discussed and worked on enviromental education pratices and in attendance to current legislation.Key-words: Córrego Fundo. Cerrado. Diagnostic. Environmental degradation

    Organic fertilization on the productivity of biofortified sweet potato

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    ABSTRACT - Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.), is a plant originating in Central and South America, is a very popular vegetable in Brazil, cultivated throughout the country, mainly in the South and Northeast regions of the country. The use of organic fertilizers is an alternative that can be adhered by producers in the cultivation of sweet potatoes, because it presents significant amounts of nutrients. The use of organic fertilizers of animal origin is considered a useful and economical practice for vegetable producers, as it favors fertility and soil conservation. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the commercial and total productivity of sweet potatoes as a function of increasing doses of bovine manure. The study was conducted from February to July 2020, in the experimental area of the Center for Agrarian and Environmental Sciences of the Federal University of Maranhão. A randomized block design was used, with 6 treatments and 5 replicates. Being the doses: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 Mg ha-1 of bovine manure. The agronomic characteristics of the crop were evaluated: fresh and dry mass of shoots, fresh and dry mass of the tuberous root, number of commercial roots and damage caused by insects. In conclusion, bovine manure can be used as a source of organic fertilizer in the cultivation of sweet potatoes, it is recommended to dose between 10 to 20 Mg ha-1.Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is a widely grown vegetable in Brazil. The application of organic fertilizers of animal origin is considered a useful and economical practice for producers because it enhances soil fertility and ensures conservation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the commercial potential and total productivity of biofortified sweet potato based on the concentration of applied tanned bovine manure. This study was conducted from February to July 2020 in the experimental area of the Center for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), Brazil. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with six treatments (0, 10, 20, 30, 40., and 50 Mg ha-1 of tanned bovine manure) and five replicates. The following agronomic characteristics of sweet potatoes were evaluated: fresh and dry biomass of the shoot (Mg ha-1), fresh and dry biomass of the tuberous root (Mg ha-1), number of commercial roots, and damage galleries (and holes) caused by insects. Bovine manure can be used as a source of organic fertilizer in the range of 10.0-20.0 Mg ha-1 to improve the productivity of biofortified sweet potato ‘Beauregard’. The yield was 7 Mg ha-1 with 10 Mg ha-1 of bovine manure, and this yield is higher than the average yield for the state of Maranhão


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    The breeding programs have sought to provide rust-resistant cultivars, since the genetic control is the most economical and efficient method of management of this plant disease. This study investigated the relationship between the rust severity, vigor and crop yield capacity of conilon coffee plants. The experiment was conducted in the Experimental Farm of Bananal do Norte (INCAPER), located in Cachoeito de Itapemirim, in the southern state of Espírito Santo. The crop yield was evaluated in 20 combinations of 4 levels of vigor and 5 levels of rust severity. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks, with four replications and 5 plants per plot. There was the formation of five groups of homogeneous means for the combinations and the means was adjusted to a response surface model. The combinations between the levels of vigor and rust severity influenced the crop yield of conilon coffee in the evaluated conditions. The vegetative vigor factor was the more limiting than the rust severity in determining the coffee plants yield


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    In our experience in basic education, we observed that physics classes are characterized by excessive exposure of contents, besides a mechanized form of presentation, in which teachers excessively emphasizes the mathematical formalism, repetition of exercises, and little explores the theory, thephenomenology, also in their pedagogical practice they rarely use didactic tools that facilitate students’ learning. We understand it is necessary to use alternative methodologies which facilitate the learning of the contents by students. In this way, we use Scientific “Folhetos de Cordel” as a didactic tool for teaching Physics, as well as a teaching sequence to the application of these in the classroom. We held a workshop in three meetings with a second-year high school class from a public school, located in Juazeiro do Norte-CE, where we worked “Heat Transfer” through “Folhetos de Cordel”. We analyzed students learning through questionnaires, interviews, and observations during class. A priori, a questionnaire was applied to identify the preexisting prior knowledge in their cognitive structure about the content. A posteriori we applied a questionnaire and we interviewed to evaluate the learning, and if the use of “Folhetos de Cordel” were facilitators for the teaching-learning process. We observed evidence that the methodology used with the use of the “Folhetos de Cordel” was effective, regarding the students’ learning. Thus, we conclude that “Folhetos” can be used as an instrument to facilitate the occurrence of significant learning of the studentsEm nossa experiência na educação básica, observamos que as aulas de Física são caracterizadas pela excessiva exposição de conteúdos, além de uma forma mecanizada de apresentação destes, em que o professor enfatiza excessivamente o formalismo matemático, a repetição de exercícios, e pouco explora a teoria, a fenomenologia, como também em sua prática pedagógica poucas vezes utilizam ferramentas didáticas que facilitem a aprendizagem dos alunos. Entendemos que se faz necessário o uso de metodologias alternativas que facilitem a aprendizagem dos conteúdos da disciplina pelos alunos. Nesse sentido, utilizamos os Folhetos de Cordel Científicos como ferramenta didática para o ensino de Física, além de uma sequência de ensino para a aplicação destes em sala de aula. Realizamos uma oficina em três encontros com uma turma de segundo ano do ensino médio de uma escola pública, situada na cidade de Juazeiro do Norte-CE, onde trabalhamos o conteúdo Transferência de Calor através de um Folheto de Cordel. Analisamos a aprendizagem dos alunos acerca do conteúdo por meio de questionários, entrevista e observações durante as aulas. A priori, um questionário foi aplicado para identificarmos os conhecimentos prévios relevantes preexistentes na estrutura cognitiva dos alunos acerca do conteúdo. A posteriori aplicamos um questionário e fizemos uma entrevista, para avaliarmos a aprendizagem dos discentes, e se o uso dos folhetos científicos foram facilitadores para o processo ensino-aprendizagem. Por meio da análise dos resultados, observamos evidencias que a metodologia utilizada com uso dos Folhetos de Cordel foi eficaz, no que tange a aprendizagem dos alunos. Assim, os folhetos podem ser utilizados como um instrumento facilitador para a ocorrência da aprendizagem significativa dos discentes


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    Neste trabalho foram analisadas vigas de concreto armadas com barras de aço e barras de compósitos formados por fibras envolvidas em uma matriz polimérica denominadas Polímero Reforçado por Fibras por (PRF). Analisando teoricamente, procurou-se compreender a dinâmica que envolve o desenvolvimento dos métodos de cálculo propostos nas normas ACI 440.1R-06 e NBR 6118:2014. As formas de dimensionamento e verificação de deformações que as normas propõem para as barras de aço e para as barras de PRF, foram comparadas de forma a determinar a viabilidade de ambos materiais como reforço nas estruturas de concreto. Comparou-se quatro vigas biapoiadas com geometria, comprimento e esforços solicitantes diferentes, em que as barras de reforço foram dimensionadas conforme os parâmetros de suas respectivas normas. As barras de aço mostraram desempenho superior uma vez que o método dimensionamento de barras de PRF leva em consideração diversos fatores de segurança