36,556 research outputs found
Renormalized transport of inertial particles in surface flows
Surface transport of inertial particles is investigated by means of the
perturbative approach, introduced by Maxey (J. Fluid Mech. 174, 441 (1987)),
which is valid in the case the deflections induced on the particle trajectories
by the fluid flow can be considered small. We consider a class of compressible
random velocity fields, in which the effect of recirculations is modelled by an
oscillatory component in the Eulerian time correlation profile. The main issue
we address here is whether fluid velocity fluctuations, in particular the
effect of recirculation, may produce nontrivial corrections to the streaming
particle velocity. Our result is that a small (large) degree of recirculation
is associated with a decrease (increase) of streaming with respect to a
quiescent fluid. The presence of this effect is confirmed numerically, away
from the perturbative limit. Our approach also allows us to calculate the
explicit expression for the eddy diffusivity, and to compare the efficiency of
diffusive and ballistic transport.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, submitted to JF
Updated constraints on spatial variations of the fine-structure constant
Recent work by Webb {\it et al.} has provided indications of spatial
variations of the fine-structure constant, , at a level of a few parts
per million. Using a dataset of 293 archival measurements, they further show
that a dipole provides a statistically good fit to the data, a result
subsequently confirmed by other authors. Here we show that a more recent
dataset of dedicated measurements further constrains these variations: although
there are only 10 such measurements, their uncertainties are considerably
smaller. We find that a dipolar variation is still a good fit to the combined
dataset, but the amplitude of such a dipole must be somewhat smaller:
ppm for the full dataset, versus ppm for the Webb {\it
et al.} data alone, both at the confidence level. Constraints on the
direction on the sky of such a dipole are also significantly improved. On the
other hand the data can't yet discriminate between a pure spatial dipole and
one with an additional redshift dependence.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
Constraining spatial variations of the fine-structure constant in symmetron models
We introduce a methodology to test models with spatial variations of the
fine-structure constant , based on the calculation of the angular power
spectrum of these measurements. This methodology enables comparisons of
observations and theoretical models through their predictions on the statistics
of the variation. Here we apply it to the case of symmetron models. We
find no indications of deviations from the standard behavior, with current data
providing an upper limit to the strength of the symmetron coupling to gravity
() when this is the only free parameter, and not able to
constrain the model when also the symmetry breaking scale factor is
free to vary.Comment: Phys. Lett. B (in press
Large model footing tests on a sandy clay till
Imperial Users onl
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