138 research outputs found

    Topological defects: A problem for cyclic universes?

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    We study the behaviour of cosmic string networks in contracting universes, and discuss some of their possible consequences. We note that there is a fundamental time asymmetry between defect network evolution for an expanding universe and a contracting universe. A string network with negligible loop production and small-scale structure will asymptotically behave during the collapse phase as a radiation fluid. In realistic networks these two effects are important, making this solution only approximate. We derive new scaling solutions describing this effect, and test them against high-resolution numerical simulations. A string network in a contracting universe, together with the gravitational radiation background it has generated, can significantly affect the dynamics of the universe both locally and globally. The network can be an important source of radiation, entropy and inhomogeneity. We discuss the possible implications of these findings for bouncing and cyclic cosmological models.Comment: 11 RevTeX 4 pages, 6 figures; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-charge separation in the single hole doped Mott antiferromagnet

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    The motion of a single hole in a Mott antiferromagnet is investigated based on the t-J model. An exact expression of the energy spectrum is obtained, in which the irreparable phase string effect [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 5102 (1996)] is explicitly present. By identifying the phase string effect with spin backflow, we point out that spin-charge separation must exist in such a system: the doped hole has to decay into a neutral spinon and a spinless holon, together with the phase string. We show that while the spinon remains coherent, the holon motion is deterred by the phase string, resulting in its localization in space. We calculate the electron spectral function which explains the line shape of the spectral function as well as the ``quasiparticle'' spectrum observed in angle-resolved photoemission experiments. Other analytic and numerical approaches are discussed based on the present framework.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; references updated; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Kinetic energy driven superconductivity in doped cuprates

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    Within the t-J model, the mechanism of superconductivity in doped cuprates is studied based on the partial charge-spin separation fermion-spin theory. It is shown that dressed holons interact occurring directly through the kinetic energy by exchanging dressed spinon excitations, leading to a net attractive force between dressed holons, then the electron Cooper pairs originating from the dressed holon pairing state are due to the charge-spin recombination, and their condensation reveals the superconducting ground-state. The electron superconducting transition temperature is determined by the dressed holon pair transition temperature, and is proportional to the concentration of doped holes in the underdoped regime. With the common form of the electron Cooper pair, we also show that there is a coexistence of the electron Cooper pair and antiferromagnetic short-range correlation, and hence the antiferromagnetic short-range fluctuation can persist into the superconducting state. Our results are qualitatively consistent with experiments.Comment: 6 pages, Revtex, two figures are included, corrected typo

    Big bang nucleosynthesis with a varying fine structure constant and non-standard expansion rate

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    We calculate primordial abundances of light elements produced during big bang nucleosynthesis when the fine structure constant and/or the cosmic expansion rate take non-standard values. We compare them with the recent values of observed D, He4 and Li7 abundances, which show slight inconsistency among themselves in the standard big bang nucleosynthesis scenario. This inconsistency is not solved by considering either a varying fine structure constant or a non-standard expansion rate separately but solutions are found by their simultaneous existence.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    f(R)f(R) gravity constrained by PPN parameters and stochastic background of gravitational waves

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    We analyze seven different viable f(R)f(R)-gravities towards the Solar System tests and stochastic gravitational waves background. The aim is to achieve experimental bounds for the theory at local and cosmological scales in order to select models capable of addressing the accelerating cosmological expansion without cosmological constant but evading the weak field constraints. Beside large scale structure and galactic dynamics, these bounds can be considered complimentary in order to select self-consistent theories of gravity working at the infrared limit. It is demonstrated that seven viable f(R)f(R)-gravities under consideration not only satisfy the local tests, but additionally, pass the above PPN-and stochastic gravitational waves bounds for large classes of parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    The onset of the non-linear regime in unified dark matter models

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    We discuss the onset of the non-linear regime in the context of unified dark matter models involving a generalised Chaplygin gas. We show that the transition from dark matter-like to dark energy-like behaviour will never be smooth. In some regions of space the transition will never take place while in others it may happen sooner or later than naively expected. As a result the linear theory used in previous studies may break down late in the matter dominated era even on large cosmological scales. We study the importance of this effect showing that its magnitude depends on the exact form of the equation of state in the low density regime. We expect that our results will be relevant for other unified dark matter scenarios particularly those where the quartessence candidate is a perfect fluid.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
