15,390 research outputs found

    Unified model for vortex-string network evolution

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    We describe and numerically test the velocity-dependent one-scale (VOS) string evolution model, a simple analytic approach describing a string network with the averaged correlation length and velocity. We show that it accurately reproduces the large-scale behaviour (in particular the scaling laws) of numerical simulations of both Goto-Nambu and field theory string networks. We explicitly demonstrate the relation between the high-energy physics approach and the damped and non-relativistic limits which are relevant for condensed matter physics. We also reproduce experimental results in this context and show that the vortex-string density is significantly reduced by loop production, an effect not included in the usual `coarse-grained' approach.Comment: 5 pages; v2: cosmetic changes, version to appear in PR

    Probing dark energy beyond z=2z=2 with CODEX

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    Precision measurements of nature's fundamental couplings and a first measurement of the cosmological redshift drift are two of the key targets for future high-resolution ultra-stable spectrographs such as CODEX. Being able to do both gives CODEX a unique advantage, allowing it to probe dynamical dark energy models (by measuring the behavior of their equation of state) deep in the matter era and thereby testing classes of models that would otherwise be difficult to distinguish from the standard Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm. We illustrate this point with two simple case studies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Kondo regime in triangular arrangements of quantum dots: Molecular orbitals, interference and contact effects

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    Transport properties of an interacting triple quantum dot system coupled to three leads in a triangular geometry has been studied in the Kondo regime. Applying mean-field finite-U slave boson and embedded cluster approximations to the calculation of transport properties unveils a set of rich features associated to the high symmetry of this system. Results using both calculation techniques yield excellent overall agreement and provide additional insights into the physical behavior of this interesting geometry. In the case when just two current leads are connected to the three-dot system, interference effects between degenerate molecular orbitals are found to strongly affect the overall conductance. An S=1 Kondo effect is also shown to appear for the perfect equilateral triangle symmetry. The introduction of a third current lead results in an `amplitude leakage' phenomenon, akin to that appearing in beam splitters, which alters the interference effects and the overall conductance through the system.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR


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    This papers aims to present techniques and methods to develop an alternative equation to determine the thermal efficiency of internal combustion engines. Towards interpolation of data, obtained from thermodynamic tables, it presents a function that allows a faster calculation of efficiency for combustion engines

    Sistema de produção agrossilvipastorial para a região de caatinga - SAF: avaliação dos impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais.

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    Exactly Solvable Models of Interacting Spin-s Particles in one-dimension

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    We consider the exact solution of a many-body problem of spin-ss particles interacting through an arbitrary U(1) invariant factorizable SS-matrix. The solution is based on a unified formulation of the quantum inverse scattering method for an arbitrary (2s+1)(2s+1)-dimensional monodromy matrix. The respective eigenstates are shown to be given in terms of 2s2s creation fields by a general new recurrence relation. This allows us to derive the spectrum and the respective Bethe ansatz equations.Comment: 10 pages, plain late

    Análise in silico de proteínas quinases expressas em Coffea arabica.

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    Apesar da indiscutível importância agronômica do café, particularmente para o Brasil, esta cultura ainda é alvo de diferentes estresses que causam perda em sua produtividade. A resposta do cafeeiro aos diferentes sinais como patógenos e de condições ambientais adversas é ainda desconhecida. Com o objetivo de identificar proteínas quinases, o banco de seqüências expressas de Café (CAFEST) foi investigado. A análise do banco de dados CafEST revelou 479 seqüências identificadas como quinases que formaram um conjunto de 153 unigenes. As proteínas codificadas pelos segmentos expressos correspondem a diferentes e importantes categorias de quinases (MAPK, MAPKK, MAPKKK, receptores, etc). A análise filogenética mostrou a conservação das proteínas expressas no cafeeiro comparado a outras plantas e fungos. Os presentes resultados indicam que a resposta a estresses seja conservada em cafeeiro, provavelmente mediada pelos mecanismos de fosforilação em cascata. Além disso, apontam para o aprofundamento dos estudos destas vias como contribuição aos fenômenos relacionados à interação planta-patógeno