55,182 research outputs found

    No I don’t like where you come from, it’s just a satellite of London: High Wycombe, the Sex Pistols and the punk transformation

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    The journey from proto-punk to punk occurred at high speed in many of London’s satellite towns. Among these, the town of High Wycombe in the home counties offers a narrative that can trace an involvement in the earliest stages of that journey as a result of performances by leading British punk group the Sex Pistols. This article explores three Sex Pistols-related events that are used to map three clear phases of the proto-punk to punk transformation. The first wave notes the blurred lines in the fluid symbiotic relationships between proto-punk in London and its satellite towns. Drawing on Crossley, I note that London’s networked punk ‘music world’ was reliant on both cultural commuters and activities in the provinces. I propose a further, fluid notion of transivity that shows the relationship between local and ‘commuter’ punks is needed. The second wave shows the damaging aspect to High Wycombe’s punk identity as, due to its close proximity to London, many if its key actors would move to the capital as soon as they were able to. They escaped from the ‘boredom’ of High Wycombe – the commuter town – to go to the ‘excitement’ of cosmopolitan London to live their dreams. The third wave reveals a moment of class and regional cohesion, through which a High Wycombe Punk identity emerges during the summer of 1977. This occurs among the first and second wave participants who remained and the newer school-aged punks. Finally, the article introduces the local punk terrain beyond the timeline under investigation. Here, regional and class difference became played out through violent interactions between Wycombe punks and skins, and punk scenes from other towns. Here we see the assertion of ‘Wycombe Punk’ as a type

    Limiting shape for directed percolation models

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    We consider directed first-passage and last-passage percolation on the nonnegative lattice Z_+^d, d\geq2, with i.i.d. weights at the vertices. Under certain moment conditions on the common distribution of the weights, the limits g(x)=lim_{n\to\infty}n^{-1}T(\lfloor nx\rfloor) exist and are constant a.s. for x\in R_+^d, where T(z) is the passage time from the origin to the vertex z\in Z_+^d. We show that this shape function g is continuous on R_+^d, in particular at the boundaries. In two dimensions, we give more precise asymptotics for the behavior of g near the boundaries; these asymptotics depend on the common weight distribution only through its mean and variance. In addition we discuss growth models which are naturally associated to the percolation processes, giving a shape theorem and illustrating various possible types of behavior with output from simulations.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117904000000838 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Reconstruction thresholds on regular trees

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    We consider a branching random walk with binary state space and index set TkT^k, the infinite rooted tree in which each node has k children (also known as the model of "broadcasting on a tree"). The root of the tree takes a random value 0 or 1, and then each node passes a value independently to each of its children according to a 2x2 transition matrix P. We say that "reconstruction is possible" if the values at the d'th level of the tree contain non-vanishing information about the value at the root as d→∞d\to\infty. Adapting a method of Brightwell and Winkler, we obtain new conditions under which reconstruction is impossible, both in the general case and in the special case p11=0p_{11}=0. The latter case is closely related to the "hard-core model" from statistical physics; a corollary of our results is that, for the hard-core model on the (k+1)-regular tree with activity λ=1\lambda=1, the unique simple invariant Gibbs measure is extremal in the set of Gibbs measures, for any k.Comment: 12 page

    Stationary distributions of the multi-type ASEP

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    We give a recursive construction of the stationary distribution of multi-type asymmetric simple exclusion processes on a finite ring or on the infinite line ZZ. The construction can be interpreted in terms of "multi-line diagrams" or systems of queues in tandem. Let qq be the asymmetry parameter of the system. The queueing construction generalises the one previously known for the totally asymmetric (q=0q=0) case, by introducing queues in which each potential service is unused with probability qkq^k when the queue-length is kk. The analysis is based on the matrix product representation of Prolhac, Evans and Mallick. Consequences of the construction include: a simple method for sampling exactly from the stationary distribution for the system on a ring; results on common denominators of the stationary probabilities, expressed as rational functions of qq with non-negative integer coefficients; and probabilistic descriptions of "convoy formation" phenomena in large systems.Comment: 54 pages, 4 figure

    Integrated launch and emergency vehicle system

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    A heavy launch vehicle is discussed. The launch vehicle is comprised of an expendable, multi-container, propellant tank that has a plurality of winged booster propulsion modules at one end and a payload supported by adapter structure at the other end. The preferred payload is an entry module that can be adapted for docking to the space station and used as a return vehicle for the space station crew. Additionally, the payload may include communication satellites, supplies, equipment, and/or structural elements for the space station. The winged propulsion modules are released from the expendable propellant tank, in pairs, and they return to Earth in a controlled glide. After a safe landing, at or near the launch site, the modules are prepared for reuse. The rocket engines for each propulsion module are dual-fuel, dual-mode engines and use methane-oxygen and hydrogen-oxygen from the multi-containers of the propellant tank. When the propulsion modules are released from the expendable propellant tank, the rocket engines are moved into the module cargo bay for the return glide flight

    Dual-fuel, dual-mode rocket engine

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    The invention relates to a dual fuel, dual mode rocket engine designed to improve the performance of earth-to-orbit vehicles. For any vehicle that operates from the earth's surface to earth orbit, it is advantageous to use two different fuels during its ascent. A high density impulse fuel, such as kerosene, is most efficient during the first half of the trajectory. A high specific impulse fuel, such as hydrogen, is most efficient during the second half of the trajectory. The invention allows both fuels to be used with a single rocket engine. It does so by adding a minimum number of state-of-the-art components to baseline single made rocket engines, and is therefore relatively easy to develop for near term applications. The novelty of this invention resides in the mixing of fuels before exhaust nozzle cooling. This allows all of the engine fuel to cool the exhaust nozzle, and allows the ratio of fuels used throughout the flight depend solely on performance requirements, not cooling requirements

    Batch queues, reversibility and first-passage percolation

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    We consider a model of queues in discrete time, with batch services and arrivals. The case where arrival and service batches both have Bernoulli distributions corresponds to a discrete-time M/M/1 queue, and the case where both have geometric distributions has also been previously studied. We describe a common extension to a more general class where the batches are the product of a Bernoulli and a geometric, and use reversibility arguments to prove versions of Burke's theorem for these models. Extensions to models with continuous time or continuous workload are also described. As an application, we show how these results can be combined with methods of Seppalainen and O'Connell to provide exact solutions for a new class of first-passage percolation problems.Comment: 16 pages. Mostly minor revisions; some new explanatory text added in various places. Thanks to a referee for helpful comments and suggestion

    Distribution of the Consumption Tax Load

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    Multi-type TASEP in discrete time

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    The TASEP (totally asymmetric simple exclusion process) is a basic model for an one-dimensional interacting particle system with non-reversible dynamics. Despite the simplicity of the model it shows a very rich and interesting behaviour. In this paper we study some aspects of the TASEP in discrete time and compare the results to the recently obtained results for the TASEP in continuous time. In particular we focus on stationary distributions for multi-type models, speeds of second-class particles, collision probabilities and the "speed process". In discrete time, jump attempts may occur at different sites simultaneously, and the order in which these attempts are processed is important; we consider various natural update rules.Comment: 36 page
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