7 research outputs found

    Promoting Learning through Interaction: Examples from the English Language Classroom

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    Classroom interaction is helpful for language learning. Every learner is expected to develop competence in English language learning, in order to function effectively in the multilingual Nigerian setting. English as the official language in Nigeria occupies an important position. Considering the importance, role and functions of English in Nigeria the primary goal of the English language curriculum is that learners should acquire communicative competence in English. From our observation we found that learners learn more comprehensively through classroom interaction. This research also discovered that applying the basic principles of interactive language teaching can promote learners initiative and autonomy, which in turn begets linguistic and communicative competence. To achieve this goal, the curriculum recommends the communicative language teaching approach for teachers of English; to enable learners achieve communicative competence in the use of the English language. Teaching through interaction enhances observation, using apt methods, strategies and resources which in turn promote learners autonomy and initiative. This study thus, emphasizes the need to use interactive strategies in order to enable students to use, practice and achieve fluency in the language. This paper therefore, explores some interactive strategies applied in the classroom with a focus on re-tooling English language teachers for more productive teaching and learning. Keywords: Learning, Interaction, English Language and Classroo

    Texture, Textuality and Political Discourse: A Study of Lexical Cohesion in Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan’s Inaugural Address, May, 2011

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    This study, entitled, ”Texture and textuality in Political Discourse: A Study of Cohesive Devices in President Goodluck Jonathan’s Inaugural Address-May, 2011” was an analysis of the lexical cohesive devices employed by Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan in crafting his May, 2011’s Presidential Inaugural Address (PIA). Guided by the theoretical postulations of Halliday’s tripartite metafunctions of language: the ideational, the interpersonal and the textual, with closer affinity to the textual metafunction that has to do with text creation, cohesion is understood in this study, to be a textual quality, attained through the use of grammatical and lexical elements that enable readers to perceive semantic relationships within and between sentences. Specifally, the study concentrated on the various lexical cohesive devices the President used to bring his message and intentions to the forecourt of the listeners’ and readers’ attention. The basic finding was that the President made preponderant use of :lexical repetitions, synonyms and near synonyms, superordinate/ hyponyms and the various shades of oppositeness in language use, in fleshing out the details of his text and  making the text to say what it intends to say. In a more general terms, it was discovered that producers of political discourse normally have particular intentions and aims. These aims are not far from convincing, conscientizing and swaying, their target audience to their side on various issues, subjects or particular demands. To achieve these, it was discovered that they use a properly crafted, well- articulated, tightly knit coherent body of discourse rich in cohesive ties and other linguistic elements that give their texts texture.Keywords: Cohesion, Text,  Texture, Textuality, Political Discours

    A Structuralist Study of Chinua Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah

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    Major African writers have never stopped exploring the themes of corruption, radical struggles and political instability in their respective domains. One of these writers and his monumental classic, Chinua Achebe; Anthills of the Savanna, discusses these themes expertly and with utmost dexterity. The major task of this paper is not to discuss the themes, rather to study the underlying structures of signification as they are applied in the structure of the narrative. The researcher therefore, will attempt to identify the smallest meaningful units in the text and study their modes of combination with the sole aim of comprehending fully how the meaning and thematic content of this narrative is created instead of interpreting the actual meaning conveyed. Simply put, this study will take a deep incursion into the methods through which the author deftly gets these themes across to his audience.Key words: structuralism, semiotics, narrative, Actants, functions, binary opposition

    Texture, Textuality and Political Discourse: A Study of Lexical Cohesion in Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan’s Inaugural Address, May, 2011

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    This study, entitled, ”Texture and textuality in Political Discourse: A Study of Cohesive Devices in President Goodluck Jonathan’s Inaugural Address-May, 2011” was an analysis of the lexical cohesive devices employed by Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan in crafting his May, 2011’s Presidential Inaugural Address (PIA). Guided by the theoretical postulations of Halliday’s tripartite metafunctions of language: the ideational, the interpersonal and the textual, with closer affinity to the textual metafunction that has to do with text creation, cohesion is understood in this study, to be a textual quality, attained through the use of grammatical and lexical elements that enable readers to perceive semantic relationships within and between sentences. Specifally, the study concentrated on the various lexical cohesive devices the President used to bring his message and intentions to the forecourt of the listeners’ and readers’ attention. The basic finding was that the President made preponderant use of :lexical repetitions, synonyms and near synonyms, superordinate/ hyponyms and the various shades of oppositeness in language use, in fleshing out the details of his text and  making the text to say what it intends to say. In a more general terms, it was discovered that producers of political discourse normally have particular intentions and aims. These aims are not far from convincing, conscientizing and swaying, their target audience to their side on various issues, subjects or particular demands. To achieve these, it was discovered that they use a properly crafted, well- articulated, tightly knit coherent body of discourse rich in cohesive ties and other linguistic elements that give their texts texture.Keywords: Cohesion, Text,  Texture, Textuality, Political Discours

    Texture, Textuality and Political Discourse: A Study of Lexical Cohesion in Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan’s Inaugural Address, May, 2011

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    This study, entitled, ”Texture and textuality in Political Discourse: A Study of Cohesive Devices in President Goodluck Jonathan’s Inaugural Address-May, 2011” was an analysis of the lexical cohesive devices employed by Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan in crafting his May, 2011’s Presidential Inaugural Address (PIA). Guided by the theoretical postulations of Halliday’s tripartite metafunctions of language: the ideational, the interpersonal and the textual, with closer affinity to the textual metafunction that has to do with text creation, cohesion is understood in this study, to be a textual quality, attained through the use of grammatical and lexical elements that enable readers to perceive semantic relationships within and between sentences. Specifally, the study concentrated on the various lexical cohesive devices the President used to bring his message and intentions to the forecourt of the listeners’ and readers’ attention. The basic finding was that the President made preponderant use of :lexical repetitions, synonyms and near synonyms, superordinate/ hyponyms and the various shades of oppositeness in language use, in fleshing out the details of his text and  making the text to say what it intends to say. In a more general terms, it was discovered that producers of political discourse normally have particular intentions and aims. These aims are not far from convincing, conscientizing and swaying, their target audience to their side on various issues, subjects or particular demands. To achieve these, it was discovered that they use a properly crafted, well- articulated, tightly knit coherent body of discourse rich in cohesive ties and other linguistic elements that give their texts texture.Keywords: Cohesion, Text,  Texture, Textuality, Political Discours

    Synchronizing the Primary Language Skills for Effective Communication

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    The primary language skills; listening and speaking skills are interrelated and unique language activities embedded in communication.The basic need for humans to engage in communication involves having a comprehensive knowledge and command of the language skills; listeneing, speaking, reading and writing. The processes of listening and speaking form the major focus of attention in this research. It require the individuals involved to speak eloquently and listen attentively. It makes them think critically, react confidently and respond appropriately to a communication programme. This paper therfore aims at highlighting listening and speaking skills as language skills that promote proficiency in English language communicaiton. Thus study discovered that the combinations of these skills consolidates the meaning in syllabications, stress and intonation in a communication program and as well reduce the complexities of effective communication


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    Over the years, language, literacy, and ethnicity have been looked at as very important tools in the identification and analysis of a people, whether as an ethnic, racial, or national group. However, no single group is in the majority in Nigeria.  Three ethnic groups were marked as the largest ethnic groups and they have often encountered ethnic and linguistic situations from other groups in the nation. In other words, the complex ethno-linguistic situation in Nigeria has been the prime representation of the classic set of problems in matters relating to national planning and development. Historical and sociocultural elements are fundamental requirements for national development which requires social cohesion, understanding, and cordial relationships among the citizens. This can be achieved through language which is a medium of communication. Language influences an individual's interpretation of reality; also, ethnicity and literacy can be established using language which is one of the main symbols of a people's culture. The Nigerian Society is multilingual and pluralistic as such most of our social problems involve some type of conflict, and sometimes, disagreement over cultural tradition and language symbols of our identities. In order words, language meets universal human needs for identification and communication. This paper explores the place of language, literacy, and ethnicity in the identification of a people and their culture, it x-rayed some notable situations induced by ethnic and linguistic affiliations and concluded by advocating for a policy that should encourage the existence and maintenance of these concepts in Nigeria. This will help the nation to achieve cordial relationships, and a good understanding of the present-day interdisciplinary dialogue in language, literacy, and ethnicity, for greater national development