3,738 research outputs found

    Emergence of rotational bands in ab initio no-core configuration interaction calculations of light nuclei

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    The emergence of rotational bands is observed in no-core configuration interaction (NCCI) calculations for the odd-mass Be isotopes (7<=A<=13) with the JISP16 nucleon-nucleon interaction, as evidenced by rotational patterns for excitation energies, quadrupole moments, and E2 transitions. Yrast and low-lying excited bands are found. The results demonstrate the possibility of well-developed rotational structure in NCCI calculations using a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; to be published in Phys. Lett.

    Confinement Phenomenology in the Bethe-Salpeter Equation

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    We consider the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation in Euclidean metric for a qbar-q vector meson in the circumstance where the dressed quark propagators have time-like complex conjugate mass poles. This approximates features encountered in recent QCD modeling via the Dyson-Schwinger equations; the absence of real mass poles simulates quark confinement. The analytic continuation in the total momentum necessary to reach the mass shell for a meson sufficiently heavier than 1 GeV leads to the quark poles being within the integration domain for two variables in the standard approach. Through Feynman integral techniques, we show how the analytic continuation can be implemented in a way suitable for a practical numerical solution. We show that the would-be qbar-q width to the meson generated from one quark pole is exactly cancelled by the effect of the conjugate partner pole; the meson mass remains real and there is no spurious qbar-q production threshold. The ladder kernel we employ is consistent with one-loop perturbative QCD and has a two-parameter infrared structure found to be successful in recent studies of the light SU(3) meson sector.Comment: Submitted for publication; 10.5x2-column pages, REVTEX 4, 3 postscript files making 3 fig

    Path integral Monte Carlo simulation of helium at negative pressures

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    Path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations of liquid helium at negative pressure have been carried out for a temperature range from the critical temperature to below the superfluid transition. We have calculated the temperature dependence of the spinodal line as well as the pressure dependence of the isothermal sound velocity in the region of the spinodal. We discuss the slope of the superfluid transition line and the shape of the dispersion curve at negative pressures.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review B Revised: new reference, replaced figure

    K_{l3} transition form factors

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    The rainbow truncation of the quark Dyson-Schwinger equation is combined with the ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation for the meson bound state amplitudes and the dressed quark-W vertex in a manifestly covariant calculation of the K_{l3} transition form factors and decay width in impulse approximation. With model gluon parameters previously fixed by the chiral condensate, the pion mass and decay constant, and the kaon mass, our results for the K_{l3} form factors and the kaon semileptonic decay width are in good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Revte

    N3LO NN interaction adjusted to light nuclei in ab exitu approach

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    We use phase-equivalent transformations to adjust off-shell properties of similarity renormalization group evolved chiral effective field theory NN interaction (Idaho N3LO) to fit selected binding energies and spectra of light nuclei in an ab exitu approach. We then test the transformed interaction on a set of additional observables in light nuclei to verify that it provides reasonable descriptions of these observables with an apparent reduced need for three- and many-nucleon interactions.Comment: Revised text due to journal referee comments. 6 pages, 2 figure

    The no-core shell model with general radial bases

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    Calculations in the ab initio no-core shell model (NCSM) have conventionally been carried out using the harmonic-oscillator many-body basis. However, the rapid falloff (Gaussian asymptotics) of the oscillator functions at large radius makes them poorly suited for the description of the asymptotic properties of the nuclear wavefunction. We establish the foundations for carrying out no-core configuration interaction (NCCI) calculations using a basis built from general radial functions and discuss some of the considerations which enter into using such a basis. In particular, we consider the Coulomb-Sturmian basis, which provides a complete set of functions with a realistic (exponential) radial falloff.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; presented at Horizons on Innovative Theories, Experiments, and Supercomputing in Nuclear Physics 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 4-7, 2012; submitted to J. Phys. Conf. Se
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