58 research outputs found

    Captain Euro: vrijeme, prostor i imperijalna moć (Sažetak)

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    Captain Euro is a comic superhero created in 1999 by ā€œTwelve Stars Corporate Vision Strategistsā€, a U.K.-based company known for promoting the European Parliament and the European Commission in the 1990s. A key purpose of this essay is to provide some insights into the ways in which popular culture operates in the European Union in order to contribute to the construction of a European supranational identity.Captain Euro je mrežni strip kreiran 1999. godine. Kreirala ga je britanska kompanija ā€œTwelve Stars Corporate Vision Strategistsā€ po narudžbi Europskog parlamenta i Europske komisije. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati ulogu popularne kulture u procesu konstruiranja europskog identiteta. U srediÅ”tu takve analize je superheroj Captain Euro

    Captain Euro: vrijeme, prostor i imperijalna moć (Sažetak)

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    Captain Euro is a comic superhero created in 1999 by ā€œTwelve Stars Corporate Vision Strategistsā€, a U.K.-based company known for promoting the European Parliament and the European Commission in the 1990s. A key purpose of this essay is to provide some insights into the ways in which popular culture operates in the European Union in order to contribute to the construction of a European supranational identity.Captain Euro je mrežni strip kreiran 1999. godine. Kreirala ga je britanska kompanija ā€œTwelve Stars Corporate Vision Strategistsā€ po narudžbi Europskog parlamenta i Europske komisije. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati ulogu popularne kulture u procesu konstruiranja europskog identiteta. U srediÅ”tu takve analize je superheroj Captain Euro

    Efficiency of ultrasonic Vertex III hypsometer compared to the most commonly used hypsometers in Croatian forestry

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    The article investigates the efficiency of the ultrasonic Vertex hypsometer in tree height measurements in relation to some of the most commonly used hypsometers in Croatian forestry. The whole measurement process consists of three steps: time needed to reach the measurement zone, time needed to determine the distance to a tree, and time needed to measure and read the height of a tree. Measurements were conducted with four hypsometers: Vertex, Blume-Leiss, Bitterlich\u27s Spiegel Relaskop with a standard scale (RO) and Bitterlich\u27s Spiegel Relaskop with a CP scale (with the horizontally /RCPH/ or vertically /RCPV/ positioned staff). Research results do not show any statistically important differences among the hypsometers in terms of time needed to reach the measurement zone. In measuring tree heights in a stricter sense (without the element of reaching the measurement zone), the least amount of time was required by the Vertex (28.4 cmin) on average. The Vertex is followed by the relaskop with a CP scale, the horizontally (57.4 cmin) or vertically positioned staff (86.1 cmin), then the Blume-Leiss (84.0 cmin) and finally the relaskop with a standard scale (106.8 cmin). The differences between the Vertex and other hypsometers are statistically significant. Despite a slightly higher price of the Vertex, its speed, precision, accuracy and simplicity of use, as well as the possibility of simple circular plot forest inventories rank it above all the other instruments

    FILMSKI DODIR: interkulturalno haptičko i dekolonizacija misli

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    Haptic visuality is for Laura Marks the possibility of vision to be tactile, ā€œas though one were touching a film with one\u27s eyes.ā€ An intercultural visual work, for Marks, more than any other work does this sensory exploration. This article does both: it builds on Marksā€™s work on haptic visuality and distinguishes its reading of the possibilities of an intercultural work to translate to ā€œan audiovisual medium the knowledge of the body.ā€ Inspired by a relatively recent anthropological school of thought, developed particularly around the works of Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, the article offers new readings of haptic visuality and invites us to think of the political dimension of film and the role of haptic translation as a possibility of decolonization of thought


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    U radu se na osnovu podataka kanonskih vizitacija PečuÅ”ke biskupije u južnoj Baranji daje slika vjerskoga života katolika u 18. stoljeću. Nastoji se procijeniti u kojoj su mjeri katolički vjernici, u stoljeću koje je slijedilo nakon oslobođenja od osmanske vlasti, prihvaćali crkvene odredbe po pitanju kulta i bogoslužja, koja su osnovna obilježja narodne pobožnosti te u kojem stupnju ove sastavnice odražavaju vjerski konformizam. Istražuje se mogućnost postojanja različitosti po pitanju pobožnosti, morala i ponaÅ”anja katoličkih vjernika pojedinih južnobaranjskih naselja te promjene istoga tijekom promatranoga stoljeća.The paper portrays the religious life of the Catholics in the 18th century based on the data obtained by canonical (episcopal) visitations performed by the Diocese of PĆ©cs in south Baranja and attempts to evaluate to what extent the people of Catholic faith accepted the Churchā€™s decrees regulating cult and liturgy in the century following the liberation from Ottoman rule; what were the basic characteristics of folk piety; and to what extent these components reflected religious conformism. The authors also investigate the possibility of differences regarding piety, morality and the behavior of Catholics in individual villages in south Baranja, as well as the changes to the aforementioned factors in the observed century. Since the territory of the Diocese of PĆ©cs had been under Ottoman rule for another century and a half after the Council of Trent, the canonic visitations of the bishop or his representative to south Baranja in the eighteenth century became essential for the stabilization of the Catholicsā€™ religious life. The visitation, i.e. the inspection of the church and its equipment, other sacral buildings, the parish house, the revenues of the church and parish priest, church books etc. followed after a ceremonious reception of the visitators, holy mass and a blessing of the congregation. It is important to point out that the comments and recommendations given after the visitations considerably helped improve the quality of the church and religious life. Their prominence is evident in documents from 1782 in which a separate chapter was devoted to them. Religious ceremonies were sometimes held on the occasion of the arrival of the visitators. We should thus mention the renovation of the Church of the Holy Cross in Petlovac in 1782 and the blessing of church bells in villages of Topolje, Podolje and Batina in Baranja that took place in 1738. The visitators paid much attention to the manner in which the Eucharist, the holy liquids, the baptismal font and other church objects were kept, while the principal objections pertained to the oil lamp that was not burning constantly and improper font maintenance. A section of this paper is dedicated to the life of the congregation, analyzing the piety, morality and the behavior of the congregation in individual villages. Various deviations from church regulations were noticed in the observed period. We may therefore conclude that a considerable portion of the congregation remained at the level of religious conformism, even though the influence of the Church and the faith, which nevertheless ensured the sense of Catholic religious identity, is prominent

    Modeling Bark Thickness of Silver Fir Trees (Abies alba Mill.)

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    Temeljni cilj istraživanja bio je načiniti modele koji objaÅ”njavaju debljinu kore obične jele u dinarskim bukovo-jelovim Å”umama Hrvatske, kao funkciju staniÅ”nih (ekoloÅ”kih) čimbenika i značajki pojedinih stabala. Od staniÅ”nih čimbenika pri modeliranju koriÅ”tena je nadmorska visina, nagib te orijentacija terena, a od značajki pojedinih stabala koriÅ”teni su prsni promjer, visina te starost stabla. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 531 stablo obične jele, kojemu je osim navedenih parametara izmjerena debljina kore na izvrtku dobivenom Presslerovim svrdlom u prsnoj visini. Istraživanje je provedeno u dinarskom dijelu areala obične jele u Republici Hrvatskoj (Uprave Å”uma Podružnice: Delnice, Gospić, Ogulin i Senj). Pri modeliranju debljine kore obične jele, u provedenoj parcijalnoj linearnoj korelaciji statistički značajnim varijablama pokazali su se: prsni promjer, visina stabla, starost stabla, i nadmorska visina. Bonitet sastojine u radu uzet je kao kategorijska varijabla. U statističkoj obradi koriÅ”tene su varijable u izvornom i logaritamskom (ln) obliku. Koeficijenti determinacije dobiveni modeliranjem nalaze se u rasponu od 62,5 % do 70,4 %. Modeli s varijablama u logaritamskom obliku daju oko 4 % veće koeficijente determinacije u odnosu na modele s izvornim varijablama. Složeniji modeli sa svim značajnim varijablama ukupno povećavaju objaÅ”njenu varijabilnost sa svega 3ā€“4 %, pa se preporučuje uporaba jednostavnijeg modela s prsnim promjerom kao jedinom nezavisnom varijablom te koriÅ”tenje logaritamske funkcije. Pokazalo se da bonitet sastojine značajno utječe na debljinu kore, te je kora deblja Å”to je bonitet loÅ”iji. U radu je istražen i utjecaj gospodarenja ovim sastojinama u proÅ”losti na debljinu kore. Rezultati ovih istraživanja ukazuju na manju debljinu kore u sastojinama kojima se intenzivno gospodarilo u odnosu na ekstenzivno gospodarene ili negospodarene sastojine, iako se iz rezultata ne može razlučiti koji dio te razlike je posljedica intenziteta gospodarenja, a koji neÅ”to boljeg srednjeg boniteta intenzivno gospodarenih sastojina.Basic aim of research was to make correlation models that explain bark thickness of silver fir in dinaric beech ā€“ fir forests as a function of ecological and stand factors. Modeling was made by using spatial variables (altitude, terrain slope and orientation) and individual tree characteristics (diameter at breast height, tree height and age). Sample was taken by measuring given parameters of 531 fir trees in dinaric region of Republic of Croatia (Forest Administrations: Delnice, Gospić, Ogulin i Senj). Bark thickness was measured on increment cores taken at breast height by using Presslerā€™s increment bore. Calculating was made by MS Excel application, and modeling bark thickness by Statistica 7.1 software. Diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height, tree age and altitude were variables with highest correlation coefficients to bark thickness that proved to be statistically significant, and were therefore used in model building. Models were made using partial linear correlation method, with variables calculated both in original and logarithmic form, considering p = 0,05 as a limit of statistical significance. Determination coefficients of 8 models ranged from 62,5 % to 70,4 %, with logarithmic form variables showing on average 4 % higher values. Diameter at breast height proved to be basic variable for models, with determination coefficient of 63 %, while additional variables increased it at most to 70 %. Therefore it is suggested to use simple model for predicting bark thickness, with DBH in logarithmic form as the only independent variable. Impact of site quality on bark thickness was also studied, emphasizing that trees in lower quality stands have thicker bark. Models obtained by this research give lower values of bark thickness compared to former studies of Bojanin (1966a, 1966b) and Klepac (1972). Calculating percentage in tree dimensions, according to our model 1.2, bark make 4,1 % (diameter class 97,5 cm) to 8,1 % (diameter class 12,5 cm) of tree diameter, which is about 2,3 % lower to 1,7 % higher compared to their research. According to this study silviculture and management proved to influence bark thickness: trees in intensively managed stands have thinner bark. However this may be the result of difference in site quality of intensively managed and non-managed stands. Bark increment can also be predicted based on obtained models. According to model 1.2, bark contributes from 2,8 % (diameter class 92,5 cm). to 5,6 % (diameter class 12,5 cm) in tree diameter increment

    Applicability of Vertex telemeter in measuring the structure of montane beech stand using variable probability sampling

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    Uporabljivost ultrazvučnog visinomjera/daljinomjera Vertex pri izmjeri strukture brdske bukove sastojine primjenom uzoraka promjenjive vjerojatnosti selekcije ocijenjena je na temelju rezultata procjene strukturnih elemenata i vremena, odnosno novčanih sredstava utroÅ”enih za izmjeru. Istraživanje je provedeno u čistoj bukovoj sastojini na području Uprave Å”uma Podružnice Karlovac, Å umariji Slunj u gospodarskoj jedinici MaÅ”vina. Na kvadratnoj mreži 100x100 metara postavljeno je 25 stajaliÅ”ta na kojima je provedena izmjera prsnih promjera Bitterlichovom metodom (PPS). Za odabir stabala koriÅ”ten je Bitterlichov Å”tapić (faktor temeljnice 1) i Bitterlichov zrcalni relaskop (faktori temeljnice 1, 2 i 4). Provjera udaljenosti rubnih stabala provodila se Vertexom, a uz faktore temeljnice 2 i 4 i mjernom vrpcom. Kao referentna metoda postavljena je kružna ploha radijusa 20 m. Na temelju izmjera različitim metodama izračunate su vrijednosti strukturnih elemenata (broj stabala, temeljnica i volumen) za pojedine plohe i sastojinu u cjelini. Analizom varijance ponovljenih mjerenja nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u prosječnim vrijednostima strukturnih elemenata između različitih metoda izmjere uz razinu značajnosti 0,05. Za odabrane PPS metode provedena je studija vremena i procjena troÅ”kova inventure. Uz veće faktore temeljnice znatno se smanjuje vrijeme i troÅ”ak inventure (i do 71 %). Ukupno vrijeme i troÅ”kovi inventure primjenom faktora temeljnice 2 uz koriÅ”tenje Vertexa su 20 % manji, a kod faktora temeljnice 4 su 12 % manji nego kada se udaljenost rubnih stabala provjerava mjernom vrpcom. Ovim istraživanjem potvrđeno je da se troÅ”kovi izmjere PPS metodama mogu smanjiti primjenom Vertexa, a jednako tako i primjenom odgovarajućih faktora temeljnice, kao i organizacijom rada (prijevoz ekipa).Applicability of ultrasonic telemeter Vertex in inventory of montane beech stand was estimated. Evaluation was based on estimates of structure elements from Bitterlich variable plot sampling, time consumption and costs. Research was carried out in pure beech stand located near Slunj, in management unit "MaÅ”vina", Forest administration Karlovac, Croatia. Systematic sample of 25 plots was laid on a grid 100 x 100 m. Breast height diameters (DBH) and heights of trees over 10 cm DBH were measured using Variable plot sampling with different metric basal area factors (BAF). Sample trees were selected by Bitterlich stick (BAF 1) and Spiegelrelaskop (BAFs 1, 2 and 4). Distance of borderline trees was checked by Vertex telemeter and measurement tape (BAF 2 and 4). In total, seven combinations of Bitterlich plots (methods) were carried out (Table 1), and circular 20 m radius plots on the same standpoints were set as a reference method. Diameter distributions estimated from BAFs 1, 2, and 4 were compared to distribution from 20 m radius plots by chi-square test, difference of 0.05 being considered statistically significant. Distributions from BAF 2 and 4 were found to be statistically different (Table 2), with difference mostly coming from number of trees DBHs 10 to 20 cm (Fig. 2). Number of stems, basal area and volume were calculated for each method per each plot and whole stand (Table 4). All estimates were compared by repeated measures ANOVA with significance level 0,05. No statistically significant differences were found between estimates of N, G and V coming from different methods (Table 5). Time study and estimation of costs were carried out for measurement methods. Bigger BAFs were found to considerably decrease time (Figure 4) and costs (Table 6), even up to 71 % (BAF 4 vs. BAF 1). Using Vertex instead of measurement tape for checking borderline trees reduced time and costs by 12 % (BAF 4) and 20 % (BAF 2). By economically organizing transport of field crews (two crews using the same vehicle) time and costs were reduced by 8 %. This research confirmed that cost of forest stand inventory using variable plot sampling can be reduced by use of Vertex telemeter, as well as by choice of appropriate BAFs and economical transport of the field crews

    The even-aged forest development computer program SIMPLAG: design, structure and application

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    Predikcija stanja Å”umskih resursa nezaobilazan je čimbenik u procesu planiranja gospodarenja Å”umama. Brojni modeli razvoja sastojina i Å”uma imaju zadatak predvidjeti posljedice postupaka gospodarenja i time unaprijediti proces planiranja gospodarenja. U radu je prikazana struktura računalnog programa SIMPLAG namijenjenog projekciji razvoja regularne, mjeÅ”ovite Å”ume hrasta lužnjaka, simuliranjem različitih scenarija gospodarenja kao podrÅ”ka za učinkovito planiranje gospodarenja. Osnovnu strukturu programa čine modeli razvoja strukture sastojina, modul za određivanje etata glavnog prihoda i algoritam za oblikovanje scenarija gospodarenja. Modeli razvoja sastojina baziraju se na raspoloživim optimalnim modelima razvoja lužnjakovih sastojina, te smanjenju broja stabala uslijed mortaliteta. Odabir dijelova sastojina za obnovu temelji se na ekonomskom kriteriju razlike potencijalnog prihoda, u okviru ostalih zadanih odrednica (maksimalni povrÅ”inski etat glavnog prihoda, najmanja i najveća povrÅ”ina sastojine za obnovu, najmanja starost sastojina koje mogu biti obuhvaćene obnovom, najmanja udaljenost između sastojina) unutar scenarija gospodarenja. Modeli sortimentne strukture i cijenik drvnih sortimenata u programu omogućuju projekciju prihoda tjekom simulacijskog razdoblja. Primjena računalnog programa SIMPLAG rezultira podacima o razvoju prostorne i dobne strukture Å”ume, te vrsti, iznosu i vrijednosti očekivanih prihoda za svaki korak simulacije, Å”to omogućava sveobuhvatno vrednovanje postavljenih scenarija gospodarenja te odabir i primjenu optimalnog scenarija gospodarenja.Forest management planning in many cases is based on predicting of the development and future state of forest resources. A numerous stand development and forest development models are used as a support in forest management. During the last two decades the development and use of simulation models aimed to design of an integrated computer application as useful support for managing not only the forest but the natural resources in general. This paper presents the architecture of the computer program SIMPLAG, for simulation of development of an even-aged forest, particularly of pedunculate oak forests with an irregular structure (age class distribution, understocked old stands). The main components of the program are stand structure development models, the module for planning of stand regeneration (spatial and temporal) and the algorithm for the creation of the management scenarios. Development of the program was aimed to achieve: simulations of the pedunculate oak forest development based on the different management scenarios, and possibility of choosing of an appropriate management options which could lead to improving of the forest and stand structure in a long term. Built-in stand development models are based on available theoretical models for the pedunculate oak, and on reducing the number of trees due to mortality. According to a separate development models, development structure of the old stands up to time of regeneration (reduction of oak trees due to mortality, thinning and the formation of secondary stand to preserve soil), and development of newly regenerated stands (denser, mixed stands and thus more stable), are projected. There are separate structure development models for four tree species: pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustyfolia), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) and "other broad-leaved trees". Ranking and selection of stands or a part of stands according to regeneration priority are based on the economic criterion. The criterion means difference in potential revenue as a result of decision: prompt stand regeneration or adjournment of stand regeneration for 20 years. Habitat characteristics, structural and economic features of the stand are included too (Cavlovic et al. 2011a). As a base for a rough selection of part of stand for regeneration, the program uses inventory data (0.09 ha circular sample plots on network 100 * 100 m, each sample plot represent 1 ha of the stand). Calculation of the potential revenues during the projection period is based on the obtained relevant models of assortment structure and the prices of wood assortments, which are integrated in the program. Through a complex algorithm within the guidelines for the creating scenarios of future forest management (the maximum 10-year regeneration area, minimum and maximum area of the stand for regeneration, the minimum age of stands considered for regeneration, the minimum distance between regenerated stands), allows the numerous projections of the spatial and temporal forest development. Each step of the projection is showed on an interactive map that can display information for each 1 ha area or stand (group of 1 ha areas) separately (Figure 3, Figure 5). The basis of the spatial view is ESRI shape file that is required to set before creating the simulation. Plotting the spatial view is created by using GDI + programming instructions. The program is fully developed on .NET Framework 3.5 platform, using development tools Visual Studio 2008 and MS Access 2007 database. Used development language is C#. The SIMPLAG program provides informationā€™s of the spatial and temporal forest development, development of age class distribution, stand development, amount and value of the revenues generated for each step of the projection, according to the different management scenarios. This informationā€™s allow a comprehensive evaluation of a different management scenarios and selection of the most suitable management options
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