43 research outputs found

    Legume-rhizobia signal exchange: promiscuity and environmental effects

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    Although signal exchange between legumes and their rhizobia is among the best-known examples of this biological process, most of the more characterized data comes from just a few legume species and environmental stresses. Although a relative wealth of information is available for some model legumes and some of the major pulses such as soybean, little is known about tropical legumes. This relative disparity in current knowledge is also apparent in the research on the effects of environmental stress on signal exchange; cool-climate stresses, such as low-soil temperature, comprise a relatively large body of research, whereas high-temperature stresses and drought are not nearly as well understood. Both tropical legumes and their environmental stress-induced effects are increasingly important due to global population growth (the demand for protein), climate change (increasing temperatures and more extreme climate behavior), and urbanization (and thus heavy metals). This knowledge gap for both legumes and their environmental stresses is compounded because whereas most temperate legume-rhizobia symbioses are relatively specific and cultivated under relatively stable environments, the converse is true for tropical legumes, which tend to be promiscuous and grow in highly variable conditions. This review will clarify some of this missing information and highlight fields in which further research would benefit our current knowledge

    Environmental factors and plant-to-bacteria signals effects on nodulation and nodule development of pea

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    With the projected increase in global population, unprecedented increases in crop production will be needed and legume crops are one of the primary means of achieving these increases. The legume-Rhizobium symbiosis is the single most important source of biologically fixed nitrogen in agricultural systems but, as a biological system it is complex, and very sensitive to environmental effects, such as available soil nitrogen, soil pH (both high and low), soil salinity and extremes of soil temperature. Each of these may affect the delicate signal exchange process that occurs during symbiosis establishment. To better understand the effect of environmental factors on signal exchange and nodulation, we conducted four experiments, under controlled-environment conditions, with pea (Pisum sativum) as the model legume. The first experiment studied the effects of available nitrogen, the second the effects of low soil pH, the third the effect of soil salinity and the fourth the effects of low soil temperature. In all experiments the plants were inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae cells previously treated with 10 x 10-3 M of hesperitin or naringenin, or not treated (control). In all experiments plants were destructively sampled at 10, 20, 30 and 40 days after inoculation (in two experiments samplings were also conducted at 15 DAI), and data on plant and nodule variables were collected. To allow for a better understanding of the effects of flavonoids on nodule development an image analysis technique was developed that permitted us to measure every individual nodule at each sampling. This provided a more precise picture of nodule development over time than would have been possible with previous methods. Our results indicated that addition of flavonoids had positive effects on nodulation, both in number and size of nodules produced, and that the positive effects were greatest at the most inhibitory levels of the environmental factors tested, and at earlier samplin

    Avaliação de testes estatísticos de comparações múltiplas de médias

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a eficiência e uniformidade das respostas de diferentes testes de comparações múltiplas entre médias, bem como a taxa de ocorrência do erro tipo I. Quatro diferentes testes de comparações múltiplas de médias foram aplicados a 200 experimentos e a 10 variáveis, criadas com valores aleatórios, para avaliação do número de níveis; concordância com o teste F; taxa de ocorrências do erro tipo I por variável e por experimento. Os testes diferiram em seus resultados para todas as variáveis analisadas. As maiores divergências de resultados foram encontradas quando se utilizou o teste LSD. Quanto ao nível de significância adotado, maior concordância foi encontrada por meio do teste de Tukey

    Deposição e acúmulo de matéria seca e nutrientes em serapilheira em um bosque de sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth.)

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    A quantificação da deposição de serapilheira e o acúmulo de manta orgânica são etapas importantes dos estudos de ciclagem de nutrientes. Com esse fim, objetivou-se quantificar a deposição de serapilheira e o acúmulo de manta orgânica em um povoamento de Sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth.), no campo experimental pertencente à Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária - IPA, Itambé, PE. Para quantificação da serapilheira foram utilizados 20 coletores de madeira de 0,50 x 0,50 x 15 cm, à distância do solo de 30 cm, distribuídos sistematicamente na área. O material depositado foi coletado mensalmente no período de outubro/2000 a setembro/2001. O material colhido em cada coletor foi separado em folhas, galhos, flores, frutos e miscelânea. A manta orgânica não decomposta sobre o solo foi amostrada, ao acaso, nas proximidades da caixa coletora, obtendo-se 20 amostras mensais. De cada amostra foi retirado o material contido numa área de 30 x 30 cm. O material colhido foi separado em folhas, flores, frutos, miscelânea e galhos. As amostras foram levadas à estufa a 60 º C no período de 48 horas até peso constante. A deposição mensal de serapilheira e frações folha e legume ocorreu em outubro, provavelmente devido ao início do período seco. A deposição e o estoque de serapilheira foram estimados em 7830,44 kg.ha-1.ano-1 e 8906.9, kg.ha-1, respectivamente, com a fração folha dominando. A fração folha apresentou os maiores teores de nutrientes

    Isolamento e prospecção de bactérias endofíticas e epifíticas na cana-de-açúcar em áreas com e sem cupinicida

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    A exploração e o conhecimento dos mecanismos de interação bactéria-planta podem ser utilizados para a produção sustentável de diversas culturas, como a cana-de-açúcar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar e prospectar bactérias associadas à cultura da cana-de-açúcar com capacidade de fixar nitrogênio e solubilizar fosfato inorgânico em áreas com e sem aplicação de cupinicida. Bactérias endofíticas, de folha e raiz, e do rizoplano foram isoladas de três variedades comerciais (RB 92579, RB 867515 e RB 863129) de cana-de-açúcar, cultivadas no Nordeste brasileiro, em áreas com e sem aplicação de cupinicida, aos quatro meses após o plantio. Foram obtidos 272 isolados, selecionados quanto à sua capacidade de solubilizar fosfato inorgânico e fixar nitrogênio. O uso do cupinicida não provocou alterações nas comunidades microbianas endofíticas de folha e raiz e epifíticas do rizoplano. As variedades estudadas apresentam uma comunidade bacteriana associada com potencial aplicação para a promoção de crescimento vegetal, pois possuem a capacidade de fixar N2 e solubilizar fosfato inorgânico

    Symbiotic capability of calopo rhizobia from an agrisoil with different crops in Pernambuco

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    Biological nitrogen fixation by rhizobium-legume symbiosis represents one of the most important nitrogen sources for plants and depends strongly on the symbiotic efficiency of the rhizobium strain. This study evaluated the symbiotic capacity of rhizobial isolates from calopo (CALOPOGONIUM MUCUNOIDES) taken from an agrisoil under BRACHIARIA DECUMBENS pasture, sabiá (MIMOSA CAESALPINIIFOLIA) plantations and Atlantic Forest areas of the Dry Forest Zone of Pernambuco. A total of 1,575 isolates were obtained from 398 groups. A single random isolate of each group was authenticated, in randomized blocks with two replications. Each plant was inoculated with 1 mL of a bacterial broth, containing an estimated population of 10(8) rhizobial cells mL-1. Forty-five days after inoculation, the plants were harvested, separated into shoots, roots and nodules, oven-dried to constant mass, and weighed. Next, the symbiotic capability was tested with 1.5 kg of an autoclaved sand:vermiculite (1:1) mixture in polyethylene bags. The treatments consisted of 122 authenticated isolates, selected based on the shoot dry matter, five uninoculated controls (treated with 0, 50, 100, 150, or 200 kg ha-1 N) and a control inoculated with SEMIA 6152 (=BR1602), a strain of BRADYRHIZOBIUM JAPONICUM The test was performed as described above. The shoot dry matter of the plants inoculated with the most effective isolates did not differ from that of plants treated with 150 kg ha-1 N. Shoot dry matter was positively correlated with all other variables. The proportion of effective isolates was highest among isolates from SABIÁ forests. There was great variation in nodule dry weight, as well as in N contents and total N