10 research outputs found

    Rancangan Model Konseptual denganTheory of Contraints untuk Menyeimbangkan Lini Produksi dan Meningkatkan Output pada Industri Komponen Otomotif

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    Nowadays, competition among manufaktur industries is increasing rapidly. This competition causes similar industries to compete, including the automotive component industry. To win the competition, the automotive component manufaktur industry must carry out various repair methods. Improvements made include managing inventory, scheduling, delivery, quality management and eliminating waste. Based on observations, problems that often occur in the automotive component manufaktur industry are not achieving production output and unbalanced production lines so that problems such as waste and bootleneck arise. The purpose of this research is to design a model on the production line to increase production output and balance the production line. The method used to analyze and solve this problem is to design a conceptual model of Theory of Constraints (ToC). This method interprets structured and systematic stages to solve problems in the manufaktur industry. Based on the analysis, the results of this study produce a generic model that can be used in the automotive component industry. The models offered can increase production output, balance workloads and eliminate waste

    Pemanfaatan Artificial Neural Network dan Fuzzy Inventory Model untuk Penentuan Persediaan Pengaman

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    PT XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi kemasan dalam bentuk kaleng dan tutup botol dengan produk crown caps guiness yang memiliki permintaan tertinggi. Penentuan persediaan pengaman (safety stock) produk jadi yang dilakukan perusahaan saat ini kurang tepat sehingga menyebabkan tingginya biaya simpan produk jadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan usulan metode peramalan permintaan produk jadi menggunakan metode Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Backpropagation serta penentuan persediaan pengaman produk jadi menggunakan model Fuzzy Inventory. Peramalan permintaan menggunakan ANN Backpropagation diawali dengan tahap normalisasi data permintaan dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan untuk menentukan arsitektur jaringan terbaik. Berikutnya penentuan persediaan pengaman produk jadi dengan menggunakan model fuzzy inventory, dilakukan dengan menentukan input, output, fungsi keanggotaan, dan parameter untuk mendapatkan persediaan pengaman produk jadi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan penentuan persediaan produk jadi dilakukan perhitungan biaya simpan produk jadi. Usulan perbaikan memberikan penghematan biaya produk jadi sebesar 72% yaitu senilai Rp. 4,743,471 dibandingkan kondisi saat in


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    PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur produksi material fitting accessories untuk pemasangan sambungan material listrik tegangan rumah, menengah, dan tinggi. Masalah yang terjadi pada perusahaan yaitu berhentinya proses produksi saat melakukan perakitan akibat pengadaan komponen dan penjadwalan produksi yang tidak tepat. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan perancangan sistem bahan baku dengan Material Requirement Planning (MRP) serta merancang penjadwalan produksi menggunakan algoritma genetika. Berdasarkan input  MRP akan dilakukan tahapan MRP yang meliputi netting, lotting, time offsetting, dan exploding. Hasil perhitungan MRP berupa planned order release yang dijadikan input dalam penjadwalan produksi flowshop dengan menggunakan metode meta heuristik yaitu genetic algorithm yang meliputi tahapan pembentuan kromosom, penentuan parameter, inisialisasi populasi, performansi kinerja kromosom, seleksi kromosom, crossover, mutasi, dan generasi. Hasil rancangan MRP menghasilkan 3 level untuk 29 tabel MRP. Hasil penjadwalan produksi menggunakan  genetic algorithm menghasilkan completion time sebesar 2664 menit dengan urutan J3-J5-J6-J4-J7-J1-J2 atau mengalami penurunan sebesar 536 menit (25.1%) dibandingkan penjadwalan perusahaan.

    Pemanfaatan Lean Production untuk Perbaikan Kinerja Sistem Manufaktur pada Perusahaan Tas PT TIJ

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    The implementation of this Community Service program is part of the activities of the Production Systems Laboratory of the Industrial Engineering Department, FTI Trisakti University, as an effort to share knowledge in industrial society. PT TIJ is a women's bag company located on Jl. Raya Bogor km.38 No.1 Cilodong - Depok. grow with family management. Companies need knowledge sharing in order to increase efficiency and company performance for plans to increase bag production capacity. Community service activities in the form of counseling and mentoring activities to industrial community, namely employees of the PT TIJ bag company. Based on interviews and observations, it can be seen that there are inefficiency problems in production process activities, plans to increase production capacity and the need for finished product warehouse layout design..Counseling activities are carried out using zoom media followed by visits to companies to provide consultations in the context of assisting companies to understand the utilization of Industrial Engineering knowledge, namely Lean Production to improve company performance. PkM activities at PT TIJ with the topic of Utilizing Lean Production include material: Lean Production Systems, Facility Layout Design, Time Study and Movement Study as well as Machine Maintenance material which has been carried out well, it is hoped that this can reduce the inefficiencies that occur thereby improving the performance of the company's manufacturing system.Pelaksanaan program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan Laboratorium Sistem Produksi Jurusan Teknik Industri FTI Universitas Trisakti sebagai upaya sharing knowledge pada masyarakat industri. PT TIJ merupakan perusahaan tas wanita yang berlokasi di Jl. Raya Bogor km.38 No.1 Cilodong – Depok, bertumbuh dengan pengelolaan secara keluarga. Perusahaan membutuhan sharing knowledge dalam rangka meningkatkan efisiensi dan kinerja perusahaan untuk rencana peningkatan kapasitas produksi tas. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa kegiatan penyuluhan dan pendampingan kepada masyarakat industri yaitu karyawan perusahaan tas PT TIJ. Berdasarkan wawancara dan pengamatan dapat diketahui adanya permasalahan ketidakefisienan pada kegiatan proses produksi, rencana peningkatan kapasitas produksi, serta kebutuhan rancangan tata letak gudang produk jadi. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan dengan kunjungan ke perusahaan untuk memberikan konsultasi dalam rangka pendampingan perusahaan untuk memahami pemanfaatan ilmu Teknik Industri yaitu Lean Production untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Kegiatan PkM di PT TIJ dengan topik Pemanfaatan Lean Production meliputi materi: Sistem Produksi Lean, Perancangan Tata Letak Fasilitas, Studi Waktu dan Studi Gerakan, serta materi Pemeliharaan Mesin telah terlaksana dengan baik, diharapkan dapat mengurangi ketidakefisienan yang terjadi sehingga meningkatkan kinerja sistem manufaktur pada perusahaan

    Pendampingan Manajemen Kualitas Produksi Tas di PT TIJ

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    PT TIJ is a company that produces the local brand "LC," which is located in Depok, West Java. According to data for June-August 2022, there are significant product returns of around 1-7%, and a repair process is needed during production. Quality control at PT TIJ is carried out by checking goods one by one by supervisors and production operators. Recording quality problems is only done by labeling the products that need repair. The Quality Assurance (QA) department only records the number of products that need repair. Documentation of specific defects that often occur has never been done. Documentation is one of the essential things for quality control because quality data plays a significant role in making process improvement decisions. This PkM program is carried out by providing training materials for implementing an integrated system of sustainable quality management and the importance of quality data providing information related to problems in the production process. The conducted training increased the participants' knowledge regarding management and quality data. The usefulness of the training was confirmed directly to the participants through a questionnaire. The results showed that 77% of participants strongly agreed that the material was helpful, and 73% strongly agreed that the presenter delivered the quality management material well. Participants also provided suggestions regarding material for further assistance related to using a computer to use quality data analysis tools.PT TIJ is a company that produces the local brand "LC," which is located in Depok, West Java. According to data for June-August 2022, there are significant product returns of around 1-7%, and a repair process is needed during production. Quality control at PT TIJ is carried out by checking goods one by one by supervisors and production operators. Recording quality problems is only done by labeling the products that need repair. The Quality Assurance (QA) department only records the number of products that need repair. Documentation of specific defects that often occur has never been done. Documentation is one of the essential things for quality control because quality data plays a significant role in making process improvement decisions. This PkM program is carried out by providing training materials for implementing an integrated system of sustainable quality management and the importance of quality data providing information related to problems in the production process. The conducted training increased the participants' knowledge regarding management and quality data. The usefulness of the training was confirmed directly to the participants through a questionnaire. The results showed that 77% of participants strongly agreed that the material was helpful, and 73% strongly agreed that the presenter delivered the quality management material well. Participants also provided suggestions regarding material for further assistance related to using a computer to use quality data analysis tools

    Performance factors for successful business incubators in Indonesian public universities

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    Measuring the performance of business processes is already a main concern for both faculty and enterprise players, since organizations are motivated to reach the productivity stage. Employing a performance achievement framework for the relationship between business incubator success factors will guarantee connection with commercial schemes, which support a high level of performance indicators in successful business incubator models. This research employs a quantitative approach, with the data analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 23 and Smart PLS version 3 statistical software packages. Employing a sample of 95 incubator managers from 19 universities which geographically located in Indonesia, it is shown that the image of business incubator factors has a positive effect on incubator performance. The study investigates the relationship between incubator performance and business incubator success factors in Indonesia. It was found that IT, as part of the business incubators’ facets/abilities, partially supports their performance; that the entry criteria directly support the performance of the incubators; that mentoring networks also support the performance, with good infrastructure systems as a moderating factor; that funding supports the performance of business incubators, also with good infrastructure systems as a moderating factor; and that university regulations and government support and protection enhance the performance of business incubators, with credits and rewards as a moderating factor. In addition, a variety of indicators from the local context affiliate positively to promote a community that highlighted the incubators’ strategies.N/


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    PT . Gaya Motor is a manufacturing company that is engaged in the assembly and production of automotive components incorporated in the group of PT Astra International.Perusahaan implement inventory control system Just In Time.Kanban’s supplier with safety stock of 0.5 days plus a safety stock of 0.5 extra days beyond the kanban. The study was conducted on the material supply products Main Floor Side LH SA - 001 , SA - 002 , SA - 003 , SA - 004 , SA - 005 , SA - 006 , SA - 007 , SA - 008 and SA - 009. Problems faced by the company are the high amount of inventory caused by inaccurate inventory systems and fault current in raw material procurement procedures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the company's current inventory control system and propose improvements inventory control system that can minimize inventory costs compared to the cost of inventory at the company's current inventory system.Kanban inventory method supplier company currently has a total cost of inventory of Rp 318.861.462,00. Supplier kanban inventory control methods with safety stock kanban 0.1 days has a total cost of inventory of Rp 158.703.378,00. Inventory control methods Two - Bin Replenishment has a total inventory cost of Rp 98.497.214,00. From the results of these calculations, the minimum inventory cost obtained by using the method of inventory Two - Bin Replenishment, and made proposals related to changes in inventory control system

    Perancangan dan pengembangan produk

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    Jilid Ixxiii, 328 p. : il.; 24 c

    Perancangan dan pengembangan produk

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    xxiii; 328 hlm. : ilus. ; 25 cm