26 research outputs found

    Techniques for the Evaluation of Physicochemical Quality and Bioactive Compounds in Honey

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    Honey is a concentrated aqueous solution of sugar, especially glucose and fructose, and minor amounts of dextrin, enzymes, waxes, volatile oils, organic acids, ethers, albuminoidal gum substances and minerals. Commercially available honey samples vary in quality according to various factors such as climate diversity, type of flora of the surrounding region, geographical characteristics, processing, floral supply period, and packaging and storage conditions, which can compromise the standardization and quality of the final product. The different techniques that will be presented in this chapter to assess the quality of honey are tests required by identification standards and national and international quality control or are important quality tools that can be used in the evaluation of the conditions for obtaining and processing of the honey, fraud identification and changes to and/or adulteration of the honey, ensuring the physical and chemical composition of the project and guaranteeing quality standards, directly impacting the shelf life and use and presentation of the product

    Physicochemical characteristics of organic honey samples of africanized honeybees from Paraná River islands.

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    This research was carried out to evaluate the physicochemical composition of organic honey in Paraná River islands, in Porto Brasílio, State of Paraná. Honey was harvested directly from super of the colonies in three apiaries spread in the Floresta and Laranjeira Islands, from August 2005 to August 2006. Twenty-four samples of organic honey produced by Africanized honeybees were evaluated. The following parameters were analyzed: pH, acidity, formol index, hydroxymethylfurfural, ashes, color, electric conductivity and moisture. Three replications per sample were performed for laboratorial analysis, giving the means and standard deviation. Most honey samples were in conformity with the Normative Instruction 11 from October 20, 2000. However, 4.17% were not in accordance with the moisture standards, 8.33% showed high concentrations of hydroxymethylfurfural, thus, totalizing 12.50% of non-complying samples. Nevertheless, 87.50% of the analyzed honey samples are within the standards, being characterized as an organic product of excellent quality, with good commercialization perspectives in the market

    Techniques for the Evaluation of Microbiological Quality in Honey

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    The aim of this chapter is to describe the most commonly used techniques to evaluate the microbiological characteristics of honey for the purpose of identifying its contaminant flora, its significance and its control in this type of food. Honey is a product that is rich in simple sugars, minerals, vitamins and bioactive compounds and possesses an antimicrobial activity of great significance for human health. However, as it has physical and chemical properties that are unfavourable for the proliferation of micro-flora, honey can contain a large population of microorganisms from two sources of contamination—the first primarily represented by pollen, the digestive system of the bee, dust, air and the flower itself; and the second as the result of negligence and the absence of good health practices during handling and use; for example, placing honey in wooden beehives directly on the floor or the use of improperly washed honey extraction equipment, rather than equipment based on the oxidizable material, or using very dark honeycombs and storing the honey for long periods in wooden beehives. As honey is a natural product, the risks inherent to the lack of industrial processing, such as pasteurization and strict microbiological quality control, are often overlooked

    Floral Origin and Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Honey from Africanized Bees in Apiaries of Ubiratã and Nova Aurora, State of Paraná

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    Physical and chemical characteristics of honey may vary due to the diversity of flora and soil characteristics, or seasonal factors. This study was carried out in two counties, Nova Aurora and Ubiratã, located in the West and Center-West regions of the State of Paraná. The objective of the study was to verify if the physical and chemical parameters of Apis mellifera (L.) honey are in accordance with the national standard, as well as to verify how the 21 samples collected in the two localities are grouped, based on the physical, chemical and pollen characteristics. Honey was analyzed for sugar, ash, protein, moisture, color, electrical conductivity, formaldehyde index, diastase and viscosity. Samples of honey containing the dominant pollen types Glycine max (L.) Merr. and Eucalyptus sp. formed groupings similar to those based on physical and chemical characteristics, however, the multivariate classification of honey samples in groups based on pollen types was not an efficient method to group samples of polyfloral honey

    Avaliação da presença de coliformes, bolores e leveduras em amostras de mel orgânico de abelhas africanizadas das ilhas do alto rio Paraná.

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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido para caracterizar a microbiota do mel produzido nas ilhas Floresta e Laranjeira do alto rio Paraná, na região de Porto Brasílio, Paraná (PR). O mel foi coletado diretamente das melgueiras das colônias avaliadas, em três apiários distribuídos nas ilhas Floresta e Laranjeira. O período de coleta das amostras de mel foi de novembro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006, perfazendo o total de 24 amostras de mel orgânico produzido por abelhas Apis mellifera africanizadas. Seguindo o método das normas internacionais da Compendium of Methods for the Microbiology Examination of Foods, os parâmetros analisados foram: presença de coliformes a 35°C e 45°C e quantificação de bolores e leveduras. Verificou-se que todas as amostras apresentaram-se em conformidade com o Regulamento Técnico MERCOSUL de Identidade e Qualidade do Mel (MERCOSUL/GMC/RES no 15/94). As amostras analisadas indicaram excelente qualidade microbiológica para o mel orgânico

    Growth of Fungal Cells and the Production of Mycotoxins

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    Some filamentous fungi are able to grow in food and produce toxic metabolites. It occurs mainly in grains, cereals, oilseeds and some by-products. The growth of fungi in a particular food is governed largely by a series of physical and chemical parameters. The production of toxic metabolites is not confined to a single group of molds irrespective of whether they are grouped according to structure, ecology, or phylogenetic relationships. Mycotoxins can be carcinogenic and cause several harmful effects to both human and animal organisms, in addition to generating large economic losses. The major mycotoxins found in food are the aflatoxins, fumonisins, ochratoxins, patulin, zearalenone, and trichothecenes, generally stable at high temperatures and long storage periods. Considering the difficult prevention and control, international organizations for food safety establish safe levels of these toxins in food destined for both human and animal consumption. Good agricultural practices and control of temperature and moisture during storage are factors which contribute significantly to inhibit the production of mycotoxins. The use of some fungistatic products, such as essential oils and antioxidants, as well as physical, mechanical, chemical, or thermal processing, represents important methods to have the concentration of mycotoxins reduced in food

    Quality of royal jelly produced by Africanized honeybees fed a supplemented diet

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of artificial supplements prepared with soybean protein isolate, brewer's yeast, mixture of soybean protein isolate with brewer's yeast, linseed oil, palm oil, and a mixture of linseed oil with palm oil on the physicochemical and microbiological composition of royal jelly produced by Africanized honey bee colonies. Considering these results, providing supplements for Africanized honeybee colonies subjected to royal jelly production can help and strengthen the technological development of the Brazilian beekeeping industry increasing its consumption in the national market. This research presents values of royal jelly a little different from those established by the Brazilian legislation. This fact shows that is important to discuss or change the official method for royal jelly analysis. The characterization of physicochemical and microbiological parameters is important in order to standardize fresh, frozen, and lyophilized royal jelly produced by Africanized honeybees

    Viabilidade financeira da produção de geleia real com abelhas africanizadas suplementadas com diferentes nutrientes =Financial viability in royal jelly production with Africanized honey bees supplemented with different nutrients

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    O objetivo foi avaliar a viabilidade financeira do fornecimento de cinco suplementos elaborados com diferentes fontes de óleo e proteína para abelhas africanizadas submetidas à produção de geleia real. Foi verificado se os investimentos com a suplementação das colônias proporcionam rentabilidade aos apicultores, a fim de proporcionar opções lucrativas para diversificação dos produtos apícolas. Para avaliar os cinco suplementos, realizaram-se dois ensaios experimentais. Em cada ensaio, 20 recrias foram divididas aleatoriamente em quatro tratamentos. Foram realizadas 15 observações por recria. No ensaio I, os tratamentos foram: óleo de linhaça mais óleo de palma, óleo de linhaça, óleo de palma e controle sem suplementação. No ensaio II, proteína isolada de soja mais levedo de cerveja, proteína isolada de soja, levedo de cerveja e controle sem suplementação. Foram determinados os seguintes indicadores financeiros de produção: receita operacional líquida, custo total, lucro e relação benefício-custo. Suplementos elaborados com mistura de óleos de linhaça mais óleo de palma e proteína isolada de soja maislevedo de cerveja produziram uma relação entre o lucro obtido e o valor calculado dos custos indiretos de produção de 2,58 e 2,50, respectivamente, diferindo do controle (p This study was carried out to evaluate the financial viability of five supplements made with different sources of oil and protein, to be given to Africanized honeybees for royal jelly production. The study verified whether the investments with colony supplementation give financial returns to beekeepers, increasing profits for thediversification of bee products. In order to evaluate the five supplements, two experimental assays were performed. In each, 20 colonies were distributed randomly in four treatments, with 15 replications per colony. In assay I, the treatments were: linseed oil plus palm oil supplement, linseed oil, palm oil, and control without supplementation. In assay II, isolated soy protein plus brewer’s yeast, isolated soy protein, brewer’s yeast, and control without supplementation were evaluated. The following production financial indicators were determined: net operating income, total cost, profit and benefit-cost ratio. Supplements made with mixtures of linseed oil plus palm oil and isolated soy protein plus beer yeast showed ratios between the obtained profit and the calculated values for indirect production costs of 2.58 and 2.50, respectively, differing from the control (p < 0.05), which indicates it is economically viable to supplement Africanized honey bees in royal jelly production when compared to other treatments and control without supplementation