11 research outputs found


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    Background/Purpose: Oesophageal atresia (OA) is a congenital malformation with a variable prognosis. The aims were to establish OA’s incidence in the central region, to characterize infants with OA admitted and to compare its clinical outcome after surgical repair, according to OA classification. Methods: A retrospective review of infants with OA admitted to a PICU, after surgical repair, between 2002 and 2011. Patient characteristics, OA’s classification, surgery, morbidity and mortality were analyzed. Two groups were compared according to OA classification. Results: Thirty-four infants were admitted, out of which 65% were male, with a median gestational age of 36 weeks and birth weight of 2310g. Nineteen of them presented other malformations, mainly cardiac. Nine cases were classified as long-gap OA. Fistula ligation and primary oesophageal anastomosis was the most common surgical option (n=27). Early complications occurred in 13 infants (38%), mostly anastomotic leak, and were similar according to gap length (p=0.704). PICU stay and mechanical ventilation were longer in long-gap OA patients (p=0.009 and p<0.001 respectively) and in infants with other malformations (p=0.027 and p=0.003 respectively). There was no mortality. Conclusions: The frequency of OA associated malformations implies a systematic screening of these patients. Gap length and presence of associated malformations were the major determinants of length of intensive care stay and ventilation days in OA patients

    Investigação do manejo e do controle de verminose em criações de ovinos no Estado de São Paulo.

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    A ovinocultura é uma atividade que desperta enorme interesse como alternativa viável de agronegócio, principalmente para as pequenas e médias propriedades rurais e para a agricultura familiar (CUNHA et al., 2004). Nos últimos anos, em São Paulo, tem-se verifi cado aumento signifi cativo do rebanho ovino e de propriedades envolvidas nessa atividade. Enquanto no período de 1970 a 2008 o rebanho ovino brasileiro passou por redução de 5,75% no número de cabeças (de 17.643.004 para 16.628.571 animais), no Estado de São Paulo o número de animais aumentou em 361,9% (de 98.126 para 453.261). Apesar do grande crescimento nos últimos anos, o rebanho ovino paulista representa somente 2,7% do rebanho nacional (PRODUÇÃO, 2010).bitstream/CPPSE-2010/19363/1/PROCISCMN2010.00022.pd

    Situação da resistência de helmintos gastrintestinais de ovinos aos principais grupos de anti-helmínticos no estado de São Paulo.

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    O controle da verminose por vermífugos é cada vez menos eficiente em função da resistência que os nematóides têm desenvolvido a anti-helmínticos. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a situação atual da eficácia anti-helmíntica em propriedades situadas em várias regiões do Estado de São Paulo. O trabalho foi feito em 19 propriedades, situadas nas seguintes regiões (municípios): Noroeste (Valentim Gentil, Votuporanga), Extremo Oeste (Araçatuba, Gabriel Monteiro, Guararapes, Itapura), Centro Norte (Monte Aprazível, Nova Granada), Centro Leste (São Carlos), Centro Oeste (Piratininga), Centro Sul (Engenheiro Coelho, Nova Odessa, São Pedro), Sudoeste (Itapetininga), Região Leste (Amparo, Serra Negra) e Vale do Paraíba (Guaratinguetá, Pindamonhangaba). As colheitas foram realizadas no período de novembro de 2008 a junho de 2009, assumindo um protocolo estabelecido para a implantação dos experimentos pelos responsáveis em cada região. Em cada propriedade, cerca de 60 ovinos semelhantes em número, sexo e categoria, com OPG superior a 200, foram alocados, ao acaso, em 5 tratamentos anti-helmínticos, a base de quatro grupos químicos: a) lactonas macrocíclicas: ivermectina 1% (IVM, 1mL/50kg), e moxidectina 1% (MOX, 1mL/50kg); b) benzimidazol: sulfóxido de albendazol (ABZ, 1mL/30kg); c) imiditiazol: cloridrato de levamisol (LEV, 1mL/10kg); d) salicilanilidas e substitutos fenólicos: closantel sódico 10% (CLO, 1mL/10kg), e um tratamento controle, não medicado. Em uma propriedade somente testou-se o ABZ, e em outra, ABZ e MOX. Entre 10 e 16 dias após a vermifugação, procedeu-se à colheita das fezes dos animais de todos os tratamentos para efetuar o teste de redução de contagem de ovos nas fazes (calculado pelo programa RESO 2.0 modificado), e coproculturas. A eficácia média geral nos diferentes grupos químicos foram: a) IVE, 35% (0 ? 77%)e MOX, 47% (0 - 99%); b) ABZ, 26% (0 ? 83%); c) LEV, 73% (0 ? 100%); d) CLO, 53% (2 ? 95%). Para a eficácia de redução de Haemonchus: a) IVE, 34% (0 ? 88%), MOX, 46% (0 ? 98%); b) ABZ, 27% (0 ? 85%); c) LEV, 73% (0 ? 100%); d) CLO, 68% (0 ? 99%). Com relação à redução de Trichostrongylus: a) IVE, 39% (0 ? 100%) e MOX, 54% (0 ? 100%); b) ABZ, 52% (0 ? 100%); c) LEV, 68% (0 ? 100%); d) CLO, 34% (0 ? 100%). Trichostrongylus e especialmente Haemonchus foram os nematóides mais encontrados após a vermifugação, em todos os tratamentos. Constatou-se que ABZ foi o que apresentou maior número (18, 95%) de propriedades com resistência (eficácia inferior a 80%); apenas uma propriedade apresentou quatro produtos com eficácia superior a 81%, as outras apresentaram resistência a pelo menos dois grupos; LEV apresentou eficácia superior a 80% em 10 (59%) propriedades. Concluiu-se que a resistência múltipla está presente em várias regiões do Estado de São Paulo, e ações conjuntas no manejo geral dos animais devem ser adotadas, visando mitigar ou reverter esse fenômeno


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    Two hundred and four stools of 102 diarrheic (0-12 months of age) and 102 non-diarrheic dogs coming from kennel and ambulatory, respectively, were assayed for the presence of Campylobacter. From the diarrhetic group, 46% of the samples yelded positive Campylobacter isolation mainly found in young animals until 5 months of age (72%), whereas those with age ranging from 6-12 months showed either a lower frequence of the organisms (28%) and a trend of the younger animals to be more charged than the older. 47 Campylobacter strains isolated from the diarrheic group were: C. jejuni biotype 1 (49%); C. jejuni biotyp 2 (11%); C. jejuni/coli (19%); C. coli (8,5%); Campylobacter NARTC group (8,5%) and C. sputoruns (4%). In the non-diarrhetic group, 27 (28%) Campylobacter strains were classified as: C. jejuni biotype 1 (34%) and biotype 2 (28%); C. jejuni/coli (24%) and C. coli (14%). According the biochemical tests, the 1% glycine tolerance test was not taking in account for the differentiation of C. jejuni because 45% of the strains failed in showing characteristic and 3 strains did not reduce the sodium selenite. The biochemical studies also showed phenotipical cross reactions between two Campylobacter NARTC-group strains with the C. jejuni strains, as well as two thermophilic species grew also at 25°C. All the 76 isolates were sensitive to gentamicin, nitrofurantoin and neomycin and resistant to oxacillin and penicillin. Furthermore, for the remaining 16 drugs the populational resistance ranged from 8% to 73% of strains. The presence of Campylobacter in dogs as well their close contact which man makes possible the occurrence of infections as also confirm the campylobacteriosis as an important zoonosis

    Levantamento e análise de dados de subprodutos provenientes de actividade hortícola em modo de produção biológico

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    Os autores agradecem o apoio financeiro do grupo operacional Waste2 Value PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-032314 no âmbito do programa operacional Compete 2020 competitividade e internacionalização. São devidos agradecimentos ao Instituto Politécnico de Viseu e à FCT / MCT pelo apoio financeiro à Unidade de Investigação CITAB (FCT UID / AGR / 04033/2019) e à Unidade de Investigação QOPNA (FCT UID / QUI / 00062/2019) através de fundos nacionais e quando aplicável, cofinanciado pelo FEDER, no âmbito do Acordo de Parceria PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multidrug and multispecies resistance in sheep flocks from São Paulo state, Brazil.

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    The economic importance of sheep production is increasing worldwide simultaneously with the emergence of parasitic resistance. This study aimed to survey the current situation of management practices and parasite resistance in sheep flocks in São Paulo state, Brazil. A questionnaire was given to 35 sheep farmers to obtain information related to flock management practices. Of these flocks, 30 were submitted to the fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) with at least one of the five following anthelmintics: albendazole, closantel, ivermectin, levamisole, and moxidectin, for comparison against an untreated control group. In the survey, the median number animals per flock was 301, mainly of the Santa Ines breed (in 75.8% of the flocks) and crossbred animals (in 54.5% of the flocks). The predominant farming system was semi-intensive (82.9%), using rotational grazing (80%). Selective treatment was based on FAMACHA grade (47.1%) and in clinical signs (41.2%). The most often applied anthelmintics were macrocyclic lactones (42.9?54.2% in the last three applications). Considering the anthelmintics employed in this study, 10.7% of the farms? flocks were resistant to three, 35.7% to four, and 53.6% to all five anthelmintics. The main helminth genera observed before and after treatments were Haemonchus sp. (75.8%) and Trichostrongylus sp. (19.1%), but all observed genera (Cooperia sp., Oesophagostomum sp., and Strongyloides sp.) were detected by the FECRT. Considering efficacy values less than or equal to 90% in the FECRT as resistant, 100% of flocks were resistant to albendazole and ivermectin, 96.6% to moxidectin, 92.9% to closantel, and 53.6% to levamisole. It is thus possible to conclude that multidrug resistance is widespread in sheep flocks in São Paulo state, Brazil, and this involves all prevalent helminth genera


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    Humans and mice with loss-of-function mutations of the genes encoding kisspeptins (Kiss1) or kisspeptin receptor (Kiss1r) are infertile due to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Within the hypothalamus, Kiss1 mRNA is expressed in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) and the arcuate nucleus (Arc). In order to better study the different populations of kisspeptin cells we generated Kiss1-Cre transgenic mice. We obtained one line with Cre activity specifically within Kiss1 neurons (line J2-4), as assessed by generating mice with Cre-dependent expression of green fluorescent protein or beta-galactosidase. Also, we demonstrated Kiss1 expression in the cerebral cortex and confirmed previous data showing Kiss1 mRNA in the medial nucleus of amygdala and anterodorsal preoptic nucleus. Kiss1 neurons were more concentrated towards the caudal levels of the Arc and higher leptin-responsivity was observed in the most caudal population of Arc Kiss1 neurons. No evidence for direct action of leptin in AVPV Kiss1 neurons was observed. Me lanocortin fibers innervated subsets of Kiss1 neurons of the preoptic area and Arc, and both populations expressed melanocortin receptors type 4 (MC4R). Specifically in the preoptic area, 18-28% of Kiss1 neurons expressed MC4R. In the Arc, 90% of Kiss1 neurons were glutamatergic, 50% of which also were GABAergic. In the AVPV, 20% of Kiss1 neurons were glutamatergic whereas 75% were GABAergic. The differences observed between the Kiss1 neurons in the preoptic area and the Arc likely represent neuronal evidence for their differential roles in metabolism and reproduction. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.NIH[1R01HD061539]NIH[K08-DK-068069-01A2]NIH[1R01DA024680]NIH[GM007062]Advancement of Higher Education/CAPES-BrazilNational Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq-Brazil)[201804/2008-5]UTSW Medical Center RegentPresident`s Council ResearchUTSW Medical Cente