133 research outputs found

    Contaminantes ambientales y su asociación con la incidencia de cáncer de mama y próstata en Córdoba, Argentina

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    Ponencia presentada en la XIV Jornadas de Investigación Científica (JIC 2013). Córdoba, 24 de octubre de 2013La exposición ambiental a contaminantes naturales y antrópicos como el arsénico y los agroquímicos, ha sido asociada a una mayor ocurrencia de diversos tipos de cáncer 1 En Argentina, y particularmente en la Provincia de Córdoba, el patrón de incidencia de cáncer de próstata ( y mama ( relacionado con la presencia de los contaminantes mencionados, no ha sido estudiado hasta el momento. Analizar la asociación entre la exposición ambiental a arsénico y agroquímicos y la incidencia de CM y CP en la Provincia de Córdoba.Fil: Margara, L. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina.Fil: Lantieri, María Josefina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina.Fil: Blanco, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Román, M. D. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Biología Celular y Escuela de Nutrición; Argentina

    Progettazione e realizzazione di algoritmi per l'indicizzazione e la ricerca di dati semistrutturati

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    Il progetto mira alla progettazione, alla realizzazione e alla validazione di algoritmi efficienti (sia in termini di tempo che di spazio di memoria) per la indicizzazione e la ricerca di dati semistrutturati. Tra le applicazioni pi\uf9 importanti in questo settore occorre sicuramente menzionare la ricerca di informazioni su Internet

    Attractors of Linear Cellular Automata

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    Attractors of Linear Cellular Automata

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    AbstractIn this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of D-dimensional linear cellular automata over the ring Zm (D⩾1, m⩾2). In the first part of the paper we consider nonsurjective cellular automata (CA). We prove that, after a transient phase of length at most ⌊log2m⌋, the evolution of a linear nonsurjective cellular automata F takes place completely within a subspace YF. This result suggests that we can get valuable information on the long term behavior of F by studying its properties when restricted to YF. We prove that such study is possible by showing that the system (YF, F) is topologically conjugated to a linear cellular automata F* defined over a different ring Zm. In the second part of the paper, we study the attractor sets of linear cellular automata. Recently, Kurka has shown that CA can be partitioned into five disjoint classes according to the structure of their attractors. We present a procedure for deciding the membership in Kurka's classes for any linear cellular automata. Our procedure requires only gcd computations involving the coefficients of the local rule associated to the cellular automata

    Invertible Linear Cellular Automata over Zm: Algorithmic and Dynamical Aspects

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    AbstractWe give an explicit and efficiently computable formula for the inverse ofD-dimensional linear cellular automata overZm(D⩾1, m⩾2). We use this formula to get an easy-to-check necessary and sufficient condition for an invertible one-dimensional linear CA to be expansive, and we prove that this condition is equivalent to topological transitivity