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    In this article the authors aim to create a presentation of the triangle morals-ethics-responsibility with an accent on the current globalized society. Business ethics has to disseminate in all the corners of a company, and first of all it has to be understood. Understanding the moral criteria of behaviour in business is important because the new Organizational structures create new complications, related to information flow and information administration inside various workgroups and in the entire organization, for which there are no traditional precedents.business ethics, corporatist social responsibility, ethical investments, green energies


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    In this paper I explore the phenomenon of personal development in an "unconventional" way. The contribution of this paper is to use a different method (i.e. in -depth interviews) to focus on a different unit of analysis (i.e. managerial couples) in a different context. In addition the information and communication technologies (IT&C) are entering all the fields: business, state institutions, education and the day-by-day life. This paper contributes to the field by suggesting a different theoretical approach to personal development conflict as a decision-making problem. I propose using social exchange theory to explain personal development conflict as a complex evaluation of cost and benefits of exchanges between multiple actors on the basis of personal values and beliefs. The critical thinking is one of the most popular learning objects in the English speaking countries and they are also offering most of hopes to distance learning and also the critical thinking is a reflective one. This paper suggests that the field may be overlooking some fundamental variables. Content analysis of the interview transcripts reveals the crucial importance of implicit values and benefits, immanent or tacit actions such as decision-making and learning and communication and mutual understanding. Communication and personal development is essential in this respect. It's difficult to separate work, family and personal development and communication is fundamental in all directions. To conceptualize personal development conflict as a decision-making problem while taking into account exchanges and interactions between multiple actors and we can draw on equity theory or social exchange theory.Future research should test whether decision making is central for the understanding of personal conflict only in managers or in other collectives as well. I recommend the couple as the best unit of analysis to address issues such as accommodation within couples and complex decision- making in both individuals and couples. Future research should draw on boarder and different samples to replicate our study and check the generalizability of its findings - because if it can be generalized it may have strong implication for theoretical development.e-learning, critical thinking, IT training


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    Technology has become more and more global and access to advanced technologies is vital for gaining and maintaining a durable competitive advantage under the conditions of economic globalization. Globalization and opening of large research and development centres by the large companies in areas with a major human potential, in which the operating costs are low, imply an exchange of specialized information with global distribution, access to specific applications and big data traffic generators. In the same time they imply the existence of IT&C infrastructure, as well as the availability of human resources experienced in using the new technologies. Electronic communications have a significant impact over cultural activities as well as on recreative ones, by offering a high accessibility, changing the consumer behaviour as well as offering access to a large number of options.universal service, national strategy, interactivity of the on-line environment, durable competitive advantage, on-line public services dedicated

    IT&C during the Crisis

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    The development of the IT&C has been exceptional in the history of industrial changes and the telecommunication revolution leads to a decrease of the price of telecommunication services and equipment. The huge volume of information change the way of functioning of the markets, restructuring of economic activities and to opening of new opportunities for creating wealth by exploiting the available information. The analysis of informational society during a crisis period implies examining the specific philosophical and methodological problems that appeared while using them and especially the philosophy of the Internet, the philosophy of principally open systems.telecommunication revolution, restructuring of economic activities, exploiting the available information, functioning of the markets, a crisis period, open systems


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    The development of an informational society requires consolidating trust in information and communication technology (ICT), the protection of personal data and of the right to a private life, but also promoting a world and national unification of the infoinformational society, information and communication technology, informatic safety, vulnerable to e-criminality, knowledge

    Is unemployment insurable? Employers and the institutionalization of the risk of unemployment

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    In order to shed light on the recent debates that are reinterpreting the role played by organized employers in the development of modern social policy, this paperexamines the origin of the system of contributory unemployment insurance during the Weimar period. Contrary to the claims of the laborist accounts of the origin ofthe modern welfare state that view the working class as the most important protagonist behind the transition from 'assistance' to 'insurance' policies, this paperargues that employers dissatisfaction with the means-tested system ofunemployment assistance and employers endorsement of an insurance solution tothe risk of unemployment was the decisive factor leading to the introduction of theinsurance system during the Weimar period.Drawing on original archival material, this paper reconstructs the political preferences of employers towards various institutional solutions to the risk of unemployment and focuses on a sectoral conflict between employers of large andsmall firms over the organization of the risk pool within the system of unemploymentinsurance. While the existing literature concerned with the political role played by employers in the development of the modern welfare state fails to provide the analytical elements for an understanding of employers preference towards social policies, this paper attempts to address this limitation of the existing literature by providing the microfoundations for an understanding of sectoral differences in thedegree of employers support for alternative social policies -- In diesem Diskussionspapier wird die politische Entwicklung wĂ€hrend der WeimarerPeriode von dem System der ArbeitslosenfĂŒrsorge zur Arbeitslosenversicherung analysiert, um die Diskussion zur Rolle der organisierten Arbeit-geber bei derEntwicklung der modernen Sozialpolitik neuerlich zu beleuchten. Das Ergebnis der Analyse widerspricht der power-resource- Theorie. Im Gegensatz zu den laborists, die die Arbeiterklasse als wichtigsten Protagonisten fĂŒr das Entstehendes modernen Wohlfahrtsstaates sehen, wird hier die Meinung vertreten, daß die Unzufriedenheit der Arbeitgeber mit einem System der ArbeitslosenfĂŒrsorge und ihreBevorzugung eines Systems der Arbeits-losenversicherung der letztlichentscheidende politische Faktor war, der die EinfĂŒhrung einerArbeitslosenversicherung ermöglichte.Auf der Basis der historischen Quellen wird in diesem Beitrag die politischeHaltung der Arbeitgeber fĂŒr unterschiedliche institutionelle Lösungen des Risikos Arbeitslosigkeit analysiert. Dabei geht es besonders um den Konflikt zwischen Groß- und Kleinunternehmen ĂŒber die Gestaltung des Risiko-Pools innerhalb derArbeitslosenversicherung. In den vorliegenden Publikationen zur politischen Rolleder Unternehmer bei der Entwicklung des Wohlfahrtsstaates werden keine Argumente fĂŒr eine Analyse vorgelegt, die zu einem Verstehen der PrĂ€ferenz der Arbeitgeber fĂŒr sozialpolitische Regelungen beitragen. In dem vorliegenden Papierwird versucht, diese SelbstbeschrĂ€nkung in der vorhandenen Literatur in den Blickzu nehmen und die AnsĂ€tze einer Theorie der politischen PrĂ€ferenzen der Unternehmen fĂŒr verschiedene Sozialpolitiken zu entwickeln und so einen Beitragzur theoretischen Literatur ĂŒber die Rolle der Unternehmer bei der Entwicklung derSozialpolitik zu leisten.


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    In the current economic and socio-demographic context, the pressure exerted over the informatic departments by the top management in order to have them offer a high volume of information in a short time, efficient for maintaining and developing the businegeo-business informatic systems, indicators cost, european integration, management of geo-spatial data, geomarketing

    Firms and the welfare state: the emergence of new forms of unemployment

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    The goal of this paper is to provide the elements of a unitary analytical framework that incorporates the findings of two bodies of literature which, so far, havedeveloped independently: comparative models of the political economy that distinguish between coordinated and uncoordinated market economies and comparative models of social policy. While sharing the emphasis on firm behaviour of the first models, the paper attempts to build a micro-logic into comparative models of social policy, in order to overcome the functionalist character of these analyses.By using combined insights from both models and by specifying the micro-regulatory role of the welfare regimes and the impact of welfare regimes on firm adjustment, we can explain cross-national differences in the changes of the institutions situated at the interface between the welfare state and firms during the1980s and cross-national differences in the mix between employment and non-employment. -- Ziel des Papiers ist es, Elemente fĂŒr einen einheitlichen Analyse-Rahmen zuentwickeln, der Ergebnisse zweier unterschiedlicher StrĂ€nge der Forschungsliteratur aufgreift, die bis jetzt unabhĂ€ngig voneinander entwickelt worden sind: es geht zumeinen um die vergleichenden Modelle der politischen Ökonomie, die zwischen koordinierten und unkoordinierten Marktwirtschaften unterscheiden und zum anderenum vergleichende Modelle bezogen auf Sozialpolitik. Von den erstgenanntenModellen wird die Fokussierung auf das Verhalten von Unternehmen ĂŒbernommen, denn es geht um den Einbau einer Mikro-Logik in die Modelle zur Analyse von Sozialpolitik. Damit soll der funktionalistische Charakter dieser Analysen ĂŒberwunden werden. Durch die Kombination von Ergebnissen beider Modelle und durch eine genaueAnalyse der mikro-regulatorischen Rolle wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Regelungen sowiederen Bedeutung auf Anpassungsprozesse von Unternehmen können Unterschiedezwischen verschiedenen LĂ€ndern bei der VerĂ€nderung der Institutionen an der Nahtstelle des Wohlfahrtsstaats und der Unternehmen wĂ€hrend der achtziger Jahre und Unterschiede in der Verteilung von BeschĂ€ftigung und Arbeitslosigkeit erklĂ€rtwerden.

    The Relevant Logic E and Some Close Neighbours: A Reinterpretation

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    This paper has two aims. First, it sets out an interpretation of the relevant logic E of relevant entailment based on the theory of situated inference. Second, it uses this interpretation, together with Anderson and Belnap’s natural deduc- tion system for E, to generalise E to a range of other systems of strict relevant implication. Routley–Meyer ternary relation semantics for these systems are produced and completeness theorems are proven
