616 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of transverse oscillations in radiatively cooling coronal loops

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    We aim to study the influence of radiative cooling on the standing kink oscillations of a coronal loop. Using the FLASH code, we solved the 3D ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. Our model consists of a straight, density enhanced and gravitationally stratified magnetic flux tube. We perturbed the system initially, leading to a transverse oscillation of the structure, and followed its evolution for a number of periods. A realistic radiative cooling is implemented. Results are compared to available analytical theory. We find that in the linear regime (i.e. low amplitude perturbation and slow cooling) the obtained period and damping time are in good agreement with theory. The cooling leads to an amplification of the oscillation amplitude. However, the difference between the cooling and non-cooling cases is small (around 6% after 6 oscillations). In high amplitude runs with realistic cooling, instabilities deform the loop, leading to increased damping. In this case, the difference between cooling and non-cooling is still negligible at around 12%. A set of simulations with higher density loops are also performed, to explore what happens when the cooling takes place in a very short time (tcool = 100 s). We strengthen the results of previous analytical studies that state that the amplification due to cooling is ineffective, and its influence on the oscillation characteristics is small, at least for the cases shown here. Furthermore, the presence of a relatively strong damping in the high amplitude runs even in the fast cooling case indicates that it is unlikely that cooling could alone account for the observed, flare-related undamped oscillations of coronal loops. These results may be significant in the field of coronal seismology, allowing its application to coronal loop oscillations with observed fading-out or cooling behaviour

    4U 1626-67 as seen by Suzaku before and after the 2008 torque reversal

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    Aims. The accretion-powered pulsar 4U 1626-67 experienced a new torque reversal at the beginning of 2008, after about 18 years of steadily spinning down. The main goal of the present work is to study this recent torque reversal that occurred in 2008 February. Methods. We present a spectral analysis of this source using two pointed observations performed by Suzaku in 2006 March and in 2010 September. Results. We confirm with Suzaku the presence of a strong emission-line complex centered on 1 keV, with the strongest line being the hydrogen-like Ne Ly-alpha at 1.025(3) keV. We were able to resolve this complex with up to seven emission lines. A dramatic increase of the intensity of the Ne Ly-alpha line after the 2008 torque reversal occurred, with the equivalent width of this line reaching almost the same value measured by ASCA in 1993. We also report on the detection of a cyclotron line feature centered at ~37 keV. In spite of the fact that an increase of the X-ray luminosity (0.5-100 keV) of a factor of ~2.8 occurred between these two observations, no significant change in the energy of the cyclotron line feature was observed. However, the intensity of the ~1 keV line complex increased by an overall factor of ~8. Conclusions. Our results favor a scenario in which the neutron star in 4U 1626-67 accretes material from a geometrically thin disk during both the spin-up and spin-down phases.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures and 2 tables. Accepted in A&

    Uqosp(2,2)U_q osp(2,2) Lattice Models

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    In this paper I construct lattice models with an underlying Uqosp(2,2)U_q osp(2,2) superalgebra symmetry. I find new solutions to the graded Yang-Baxter equation. These {\it trigonometric} RR-matrices depend on {\it three} continuous parameters, the spectral parameter, the deformation parameter qq and the U(1)U(1) parameter, bb, of the superalgebra. It must be emphasized that the parameter qq is generic and the parameter bb does not correspond to the `nilpotency' parameter of \cite{gs}. The rational limits are given; they also depend on the U(1)U(1) parameter and this dependence cannot be rescaled away. I give the Bethe ansatz solution of the lattice models built from some of these RR-matrices, while for other matrices, due to the particular nature of the representation theory of osp(2,2)osp(2,2), I conjecture the result. The parameter bb appears as a continuous generalized spin. Finally I briefly discuss the problem of finding the ground state of these models.Comment: 19 pages, plain LaTeX, no figures. Minor changes (version accepted for publication

    New oral anticoagulants and their reversal agents

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    Atrial fibrillation is a commonly encountered pathology in medical practice, and its prevalence has shown a continuous rise over the past years. Atrial fibrillation has a significant impact on patients\u27 quality of life, not only due to the standard anticoagulant treatment with vitamin K antagonists that require close monitoring and dose adjustment, but also due to the fragile equilibrium between hemorrhagic and thrombotic risks. The introduction of new oral anticoagulants (NOACs) in the treatment guidelines for atrial fibrillation has improved the quality of life, as NOACs do not require close monitoring or dose adjustments. However, even if the safety profile of the NOACs regarding the hemorrhagic risk is superior to vitamin K antagonists, the problem raised by an unexpected hemorrhage (e.g. severe hemorrhage after an accident) and the need for efficient hemostasis in a chronic anticoagulated patient has remained unsolved. To find a solution for this problem, reversal agents for NOACs have been developed and tested, and two of them, idarucizumab and andexanet-alpha, have already been approved by the FDA, thus making NOACs increasingly appealing as a choice of anticoagulation treatment

    Note on Gauge Theory on Fuzzy Supersphere

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    We construct a supermatrix model whose classical background gives two-dimensional noncommutative supersphere. Quantum fluctuations around it give the supersymmetric gauge theories on the fuzzy supersphere constructed by Klimcik. This model has a parameter β\beta which can tune masses of the particles in the model and interpolate various supersymmetric gauge theories on sphere.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Modelling of Tirapazamine effects on solid tumour morphology

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    Bioreductive drugs are in clinical practice to exploit the resistance from tumour microenvironments especially in the hypoxic region of tumour. We pre-sented a tumour treatment model to capture the pharmacology of one of the most prominent bioreductive drugs, Tirapazamine (TPZ) which is in clinical trials I and II. We calculated solid tumour mass in our previous work and then integrated that model with TPZ infusion. We calculated TPZ cytotoxicity, concentration, penetra-tion with increasing distance from blood vessel and offered resistance from micro-environments for drug penetration inside the tumour while considering each cell as an individual entity. The impact of these factors on tumour morphology is also showed to see the drug behaviour inside animals/humans tumours. We maintained the heterogeneity factors in presented model as observed in real tumour mass es-pecially in terms of cells proliferation, cell movement, extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction, and the gradients of partial oxygen pressure (pO2) inside tumour cells during the whole growth and treatment activity. The results suggest that TPZ high concentration in combination with chemotherapy should be given to get maximum abnormal cell killing. This model can be a good choice for oncologists and re-searchers to explore more about TPZ action inside solid tumour

    New solutions to the Reflection Equation and the projecting method

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    New integrable boundary conditions for integrable quantum systems can be constructed by tuning of scattering phases due to reflection at a boundary and an adjacent impurity and subsequent projection onto sub-spaces. We illustrate this mechanism by considering a gl(m<n)-impurity attached to an open gl(n)-invariant quantum chain and a Kondo spin S coupled to the supersymmetric t-J model.Comment: Latex2e, no figure

    Gauge Theory on Noncommutative Supersphere from Supermatrix Model

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    We construct a supermatrix model which has a classical solution representing the noncommutative (fuzzy) two-supersphere. Expanding supermatrices around the classical background, we obtain a gauge theory on a noncommutative superspace on sphere. This theory has osp(12)osp(1|2) supersymmetry and u(2L+12L)u(2L+1|2L) gauge symmetry. We also discuss a commutative limit of the model keeping radius of the supersphere fixed.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, typos corrected, references adde