147 research outputs found

    Bag of ARSRG Words (BoAW)

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    In recent years researchers have worked to understand image contents in computer vision. In particular, the bag of visual words (BoVW) model, which describes images in terms of a frequency histogram of visual words, is the most adopted paradigm. The main drawback is the lack of information about location and the relationships between features. For this purpose, we propose a new paradigm called bag of ARSRG (attributed relational SIFT (scale-invariant feature transform) regions graph) words (BoAW). A digital image is described as a vector in terms of a frequency histogram of graphs. Adopting a set of steps, the images are mapped into a vector space passing through a graph transformation. BoAW is evaluated in an image classification context on standard datasets and its effectiveness is demonstrated through experimental results compared with well-known competitors

    Triadic Motifs in the Partitioned World Trade Web

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    AbstractOne of the crucial aspects of the Internet of Things that influences the effectiveness of communication among devices is the communication model, for which no universal solution exists. The actual interaction pattern can in general be represented as a directed graph, whose nodes represent the "Things" and whose directed edges represent the sent messages. Frequent patterns can identify channels or infrastructures to be strengthened and can help in choosing the most suitable message routing schema or network protocol. In general, frequent patterns have been called motifs and overrepresented motifs have been recognized to be the low-level building blocks of networks and to be useful to explain many of their properties, playing a relevant role in determining their dynamic and evolution. In this paper triadic motifs are found first partitioning a network by strength of connections and then analyzing the partitions separately. The case study is the World Trade Web (WTW), that is the directed graph connecting world Countries with trade relationships, with the aim of finding its topological characterization in terms of motifs and isolating the key factors underlying its evolution. The WTW has been split based on the weights of the graph to highlight structural differences between the big players in terms of volumes of trade and the rest of the world. As test case, the period 2003-2010 has been analyzed, to show the structural effect of the economical crisis in the year 2007

    Defining the role of two newly identified proteins in the Vibrio vulnificus TonB2 system

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    Vibrio vulnificus is a human pathogenic bacteria that is closely related to Vibrio cholera, the disease causing agent of cholera. Three TonB transport systems are found in the outer membrane of V. vulnificus and are responsible for powering the uptake of iron bound siderophores into the cell. Within the Ton82 and TonB3 systems are two proteins, Orf1 and Orf6. The function and necessity of Orf1 and Orf6 to the TonB systems were investigated through the use of growth, motility, and antibiotic sensitivity assays and RNA transcriptional level analysis
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