14 research outputs found

    Electronic level shifter for use in half-bridges operating at 13.56 MHz

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    Toracoscopia aplicada à ressecção de fragmento pulmonar com o auxílio de sutura mecânica em eqüinos Thoracoscopy for resection of lung fragment in horses with the aid of mechanical suturing

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    Este trabalho visou à ressecção de fragmento dorsocaudal do lobo pulmonar caudal esquerdo com o auxílio de sutura mecânica por via toracoscópica. Foram utilizados 10 eqüinos clinicamente sadios, os quais foram sedados e mantidos em estação. O procedimento foi realizado no hemitórax esquerdo, por três acessos previamente programados: o primeiro acesso foi no 12º espaço intercostal (EIC), o segundo no 14º, 15º ou 16º EIC e o terceiro no 14º ou 15º EIC, conforme a necessidade de posicionamento dos instrumentos. Em todos os animais foi possível controlar o pneumotórax, sendo observada evolução clínica satisfatória durante o período pós-operatório, exceto em um animal. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, por meio da videotoracoscopia, pode-se realizar ressecção pulmonar parcial com uso de sutura mecânica em eqüinos e seu emprego na rotina hospitalar poderá contribuir para melhor compreensão e controle de enfermidades sediadas na cavidade torácica.<br>In this study, a dorsocaudal portion resection of the left caudal lung lobe was performed using an endoscopic stapler by thoracoscopic procedure. Ten healthy horses, eight males and two females were evaluated by clinical examination and submitted to the surgical procedure. The animals were sedated and maintained in standing position. The procedure was done in the left hemitorax using three access previously studied: the first portal was done at the 12th intercostal space (IS); the second one at the 14th, 15th, or 16th IS; and the third one at the 14th or 15th IS, in accordance with the necessity of positioning the instruments. The employed surgical technique seemed to be adequate in all animals, since it helped controlling the existing pneumothorax; furthermore, clinical recovery during the postoperative period was satisfactory, except for one animal. These results suggest that thoracoscopic may successfully be employed for partial lung resection in horses, using endoscopic staplers, and its practical use may contribute to the knowledge and resolution of thoracic diseases

    An 86-probe-set gene-expression signature predicts survival in cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia

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    Patients with cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia (CN-AML) show heterogeneous treatment outcomes. We used gene-expression profiling to develop a gene signature that predicts overall survival (OS) in CN-AML. Based on data from 163 patients treated in the German AMLCG 1999 trial and analyzed on oligonucleotide microarrays, we used supervised principal component analysis to identify 86 probe sets (representing 66 different genes), which correlated with OS, and defined a prognostic score based on this signature. When applied to an independent cohort of 79 CN-AML patients, this continuous score remained a significant predictor for OS (hazard ratio [HR], 1.85; P = .002), event-free survival (HR = 1.73; P = .001), and relapse-free survival (HR = 1.76; P = .025). It kept its prognostic value in multivariate analyses adjusting for age, FLT3 ITD, and NPM1 status. In a validation cohort of 64 CN-AML patients treated on CALGB study 9621, the score also predicted OS (HR = 4.11; P < .001), event-free survival (HR = 2.90; P < .001), and relapse-free survival (HR = 3.14, P < .001) and retained its significance in a multivariate model for OS. In summary, we present a novel gene-expression signature that offers additional prognostic information for patients with CN-AML

    Lavagem traqueobrônquica por sondagem nasotraqueal em bezerros Tracheobronchial lavage in calves using a nasotracheal technique

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    Avaliou-se a técnica de lavagem traqueobrônquica por sondagem nasotraqueal e caracterizou-se a população celular em 10 bezerros clinicamente sadios. Após a contenção dos animais em decúbito lateral e auxílio de sonda guia, foi introduzida uma sonda de menor diâmetro até a bifurcação da traquéia, para produzir tosse e obter o lavado traqueobrônquico. A média de células totais nas amostras de lavado foi de 133.750 células/ml. À citologia, foram observados na contagem diferencial: 77,2% macrófagos, 14,9% células epiteliais cilíndricas, 6,0% neutrófilos e 1,8% linfócitos. Das células epiteliais cilíndricas, 79,0% eram do tipo ciliadas e 21,0% não-ciliadas. A média de contagem de macrófagos binucleados foi de 78,5 células/lâmina, a de macrófagos trinucleados de 20,5/lâmina e a de células gigantes 28,5/lâmina. Concluiu-se que o método de colheita por sondagem nasotraqueal é eficiente para caracterizar a citologia do lavado traqueobrônquico de bezerros clinicamente sadios.<br>Tracheobronchial lavage through nasotracheal via was performed in 10 clinically health calves. They were maintained in lateral recumbence to perform the procedure. A small tube inserted into a guide tube was introduced until the tracheal bifurcation, producing cough, facilitating the collection of the lavage fluid. The mean number of total cells present in the samples was 133,750 cells/ml. The differential counting was represented by 77.2% of macrophages, 14.9% of cylindrical epithelial cells, 6.0% of neutrophils, 1.8% of lymphocytes. The cylindrical ciliated cells represented 79.0% of the sample and the nonciliated cells represented 21.0%. The mean number of macrophages was 78.5 of binucleated cells, 20.5 of trinucleated cells, and 28.5 of giant cells per smear. The tracheobronchial lavage obtained by this technique was an efficient method to characterize the cytological population of the lungs of clinically health calves