18 research outputs found

    Risk of jugular compression blocks in workers exposed to prolonged upright posture

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    Background The working posture affects the peripheral venous circulation, although the current literature does not report any correlation between working posture and the abnormalities of the jugular veins flow. The purpose of this preliminary research is to study, in female workers, the prevalence of Venous Compressive Syndrome (VCS) caused by total block of the internal jugular veins flow, so-called “White Compression”. Due to complete compression by postural, muscular, fascial, anatomical or bone anomalies, White Compression is not visible by EchoColorDoppler (ECD) and its flow can only be detected by the rotational movements of the head or by Valsalva’s maneuver. Methods We studied a sample of female workers with ECD (n=128), in supine and upright position divided into subgroups according to the obliged posture maintained during working hours: group A, seated work (n = 61; 47.7%); group B, standing work (n = 41; 32.0%); group C, mixed (both standing and seated work) (n = 26; 20.3%). The total sample (n = 128) had the mean age of 46 ± 10 years (minimum 18 and maximum 67 years) and mean Body Mass Index (BMI) of 23 ± 4 kg/m2 (min 16 kg/m2 and a maximum of 42 kg/m2). Results Group A and group C did not show any White Compression in orthostatic and clinostatic position. The 9.75% (p = 0.0125) of Group B had a White Compression in orthostatic position: two female workers on the left side (4.9%) and two female workers on the right side (4.9%). Conclusions We conclude that there is a risk of jugular compression blocks in female workers exposed to prolonged upright posture. Yet there is no longitudinal study that identifies the White Compressions as etiology of a chronic neurodegenerative disease. The authors hope that some wider studies can confirm the prevalence of these compressions in standing posture and their patho-physiological consequences

    Venous compression syndrome of internal jugular veins prevalence in patients with multiple sclerosis and chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency

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    OBJECTIVES: Analysis of the incidence of Venous Compression Syndrome (VCS) with full block of the flow of the internal jugular veins (IJVs) in patients with Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency. METHODS: We included 769 patients with MS and CCSVI (299 males, 470 females) and 210 controls without ms and ccsvi (92 males, 118 females). each subject was investigated by echo-color-doppler (ecd). morphological and hemodynamic ecd data were recorded by a computerized mem-net maps of epidemiological national observatory on ccsvi and they were analyzed by mem-net clinical analysis programs. RESULTS: VCS of IJVs occurs in 240 subjects affected by CCSVI and MS (31% of total) and in 12 controls (6% of total). The differences between the two groups are statistical significant (X² = 36.64, p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: Up to day there are no longitudinal studies that allow us to identify the WC of jugular and/or vertebral veins as etiology of a chronic neurodegenerative disease, but we note that Venous Compression Syndrome of IJVs is strongly associated with MS and CCSVI

    Jugular diameter and venous reflux

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    OBJECTIVES: Aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence of reflux on internal jugular veins(IJV) by Valsalva maneuver and to define the association between reflux of IJV in subjects with both CCSVI and MS. METHODS: We recruited 393 patients with MS and CCSVI. Study participants underwent EchoColor Doppler exam in order to define IJV diameter at confluence in subclavian (JSd). Subjects were divided in three groups: group "1<JSd<6 mm" (subjects with jugular diameter less than 6mm); group "6≤JSd<10 mm" (subjects with jugular diameter equal or more than 6 but less than 10); and group "JSd≥10 mm" (subjects with jugular diameter equal or more than 10 mm). RESULTS:In our sample the Jugular mean diameter was 8 ± 2 mm. There were not significant differences in mean diameter values in left/right jugular, after grouping jugular diameters into three groups by mean sample values ± standard deviation. Veins ≥10mm were more observed than veins ≤6 mm. Significant difference were found in male vs female prevalence of subject included in "JSd≥10 mm" (30.7% vs 16.7%. X2 =22.9622 with df=2 p<0.0001). Regarding the group "JSd≥10 mm", while in males the Valsalva+/Valsalva- ratio was about 1:3, in females the ratio was about 1:2. Female are more aged in "JSd≥10 mm" group vs female subjects in "1<JSd<6 mm" or "6≤JSd<10 mm" groups (p<0.05: Kruskal-Wallis H test = 8,0832 with df=2). Aged females have Jugular diameter larger than younger females. CONCLUSION: By the analysis of the data, we may suppose that the females with both CCSVI and MS may present a wall Miopragia because there are significant differences in Valsalva+/ Valsalva- Ratio in females vs males subjects included in "JSd≥10 mm" group (about 1:2 vs. 1:3).r Moreover jugular dilatations are equally present in left and right side and it can confirm the wall Miopragia hypothesis. The prevalence of V+ maneuver grows with the IJV diameter, therefore we presume that IJV dilatation is linked with the presence of jugular reflux. Further studies are required to consolidate our observations

    Preliminary results after upper cervical chiropractic care in patients with chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency and multiple sclerosis

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    PURPOSE:The aim of the study is to evaluate the clinical and X-ray results of the Upper Cervical Chiropractic care through the specific adjustments (corrections) of C1-C2 on patients with chronic venous cerebral-spinal insufficiency (CCSVI) and multiple sclerosis (MS). METHOD: We studied a sample of 77 patients before and after the Upper Cervical Chiropractic care, and we analyzed: A) The change of the X-ray parameters; B) The clinical results using a new set of questions. The protocol of the C1- C2 upper Cervical Chiropractic treatment, specific for these patients, lasts four months. From a haemodynamic point of view we divided the patients in 3 types: Type 1 - purely vascular with intravenous alterations; Type 2 - “mechanical” with of external venous compressions; Type 3 - mixed. RESULTS: We found an improvement in all kinds of subluxations after the treatment with respect to the pre-treatment X-ray evaluation, with a significant statistical difference. The differences between the clinical symptoms before and after the specific treatment of C1-C2 are statistically significant with p<0.001 according to the CHI-Square test revised by Yates. CONCLUSIONS: The preliminary X-ray and clinical improvements of the Upper Cervical Chiropractic corrections on C1- C2 on these patients with CCSVI and MS encourage us to continue with our studies. We believe that the Upper Cervical correction on C1-C2 could be the main non-invasive treatment of the CCSVI mechanical type in patients with MS. Further studies are required to evaluate the correlation between the Upper Cervical Chiropractic correction on C1-C2 on the cerebral venous drainage and the cerebro-spinal fluid

    Italian Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency National Epidemiological Observatory methodology and preliminary data

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    The aim of our work is to describe the Memnet program’s use and potential and to show the data of Italian Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI)-National Epidemiological Observatory (NEO) activity in the first three years (http://www.osservatorioccsvi. org). From 2011 to 2014, all echo-color- Doppler (ECD) assessments were stored by Mem-net program into CCSVI-NEO web site (http://www.mem-net.it). Mem-net is a tool for multicenter data collection based on the International Society for Neurovascular Disease consensus and position statement, where we can insert patients (pts) history, neurological visits, ECD assessments, different examinations, therapies and surgical procedures. The website provides an epidemiological and statistical program for data analysis in real time. At present, 7 medical centers, affiliated to CCSVI-NEO, input their symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects with CCSVI. Data were storage using the Mem-net program. We analyzed data of only four centers on seven (Rome, Bari, Cagliari and Benevento). Total pts number with multiple sclerosis (MS) was 1109, mean age 46.0±13.4 [male 422 (38.05%); female 687 (61.95%)]. CCSVI positive pts were 937 (84.49%), CCSVI negative pts were 172 (15.51%). The CCSVI type 1 subjects were 530 (56.56%), CCSVI type 2 subjects were 20 (2.13%), CCSVI type 3 subjects were 387 (41.30%). We found 800 (85.38%) pts with criterion 1; 725 (77.37%) with criterion 2; 519 (55.39%) with criterion 3; 483 (51.55%) with criterion 4; 88 (9.39%) with criterion 5. The venous hemodynamic insufficiency severity score mean score was 3.8; the CCSVI mean score was 2.8; the MEM mean score was 34.7; the expanded disability status scale mean score was 4.5; the disease mean duration was 12.5±5.7 years. MS clinical types were divided as follows: relapsing-remitting pts were 449 (47.92%), Secondary progressive pts were 144 (15.37%), primary progressive pts were 72 (7.68%). The CCSVI-NEO database and Memnet software may be useful medical and researching tools for recording, storing, analyzing and studying ECD and vascular data. Preliminary data of NEO show an elevated prevalence of CCSVI in MS

    Analysis of patients with chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency and multiple sclerosis: identification of parameters of clinical severity

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    The aims of this study were: i) analysis of clinical severity evolution in multiple sclerosis patients; ii) identification of temporal indicators for clinical worsening. We investigated by echo-color-Doppler (ECD) 789 patients (490 female plus 299 male), aged 45.4 years, with chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) and multiple sclerosis (MS). All patients tested positive for CCSVI by ECD assessment were divided into three groups, namely: type 1 CCSVI (371) presenting an endo-vascular obstacle to the venous drainage; type 2 CCSVI (40) presenting an extra-vascular obstacle to the venous drainage, for external compression of the vessel; type 3 CCSVI (315) presenting both venous endo-vascular and extra-vascular obstructed drains. We analyzed the morphological and hemodynamic data recorded on computerized map (MEM-net). All data were collected by respecting the Italian Privacy Laws and they are available on the National Epidemiological Observatory on CCSVI website (www.osservatorioccsvi.org). We focused in the three main parameters in all studied patients. First parameter was expanded disability status scale (EDSS) score; second parameter was illness duration; third parameter was CCSVI type. The MS duration values stratified by EDSS grouped values in CCSVItype- 1 and CCSVI-type-3 patients shows that the differences were statistical significant by Kruskal-Wallis test: H=44.2829; degree of freedom= 1 for CCSVI-type-1 (P&lt;0.001); and H=37.3036; degree of freedom=1 for CCSVItype- 3 (P&lt;0.001). The present study confirmed and completed scientific literature about relation between CCSVI and MS. On the same time, we found a strong correlation between MS illness duration and severity of EDSS score. In fact there is a clinical severity worsening after 11 years of illness in MS patients with CCSVI type-1 or type-3 (P&lt;0.001). These data may suggest the influence of chronic vascular disease on MS. Further searches need in order to learn more about this new aspect in MS etiology

    Working over 5,000 m: medical check-up

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    Qualsiasi attività lavorativa ad altitudini superiori a 3.000 m dal livello del mare è considerata lavoro in alta quota. Il cambiamento delle condizioni ambientali porta ad un adattamento dell’organismo umano principalmente per la riduzione della pressione parziale di ossigeno nell’aria e la riduzione proporzionale di pressione barometrica. La nostra ricerca ha effettuato una revisione sistematica della letteratura scientifica al fine di elaborare un protocollo sanitario e di rischio e una procedura di salita per ricercatori-lavoratori che prestano servizio in un laboratorio di ricerca scientifica, che si trova ad un’altitudine di 5.100 m. Si evidenzia il ruolo fondamentale della Medicina del lavoro per la predisposizione di un protocollo medico atto a valutare l’idoneità del personale, relativo alla permanenza dei lavoratori in ambienti che presentano elevati rischi per la salute come in questo caso, ed un protocollo di salita che riduca il rischio legato alle variazioni di altitudine.Any work activity performed at elevations over 3,000 m above sea level is considered as work at high altitude. The changing environmental conditions result in an adaptation of the human organism, mainly due to a reduced partial pressure of oxygen in the air and a proportional decrease in barometric pressure. We carried out a systematic review of the scientific literature in this field so as to develop a health and risk protocol as well as a procedure of ascent for researchers and staff expected to work in a science research lab at an altitude of 5,100 m asl. We wish to highlight the crucial role that occupational medicine plays in the formulation of a medical protocol used to assess the suitability of staff to work in environments posing high risks to human health, as in this case, and of a protocol of ascent minimizing the risk associated with changes in altitud

    C1-C2 X-Ray assessment of misalignment parameters in patients with chronic cerebra-spinal venous Insufficiency and multiple sclerosis versus patients with other pathologies

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    PURPOSE: The complete compression of the internal jugular veins, in front position, shows a prevalence of 48% and it is equally distributed in the various segments of these veins in patients with Chronic Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The aim of this search is to identify radiological dislocation of C1-C2 as specific markers in patients with CCSVI and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). METHOD: We investigated 386 patients suffering from CCSVI and Multiple Sclerosis and a control group of 156 patients without MS. RESULTS: The assessment of Anterior Intrusion shows the following average values: in the group with CCSVI and MS: 4.29 ±1.48 mm while in the control group: 3.78 ±1.45 mm (p = 0.0008).The evaluation of the Right Laterality shows the following average values: in group with CCSVI and MS: 2.31±1.41 mm, in control group: 1.97 ±1.28 mm (p = 0.0426). We found also that a longer duration of the disease corresponds to a higher severity of the pathological condition (p <0.0001). CONCLUSION: Data analysis of C1-C2 X-Ray parameters shows statistical significance of severe anterior intrusion and right laterality misalignment in the people with CCSVI and MS, that are two to three times more frequent as compared to controls. Considering the novelty of this work and the total absence of scientific similar works able to confirm this data, it is necessary to continue these studies in order to improve the clinical management of these patients and to perform therapeutic strategies based on venous decompressive treatments both surgical that manipulatives

    Echocolor Doppler morpho-functional study of the jugulo-subclavian confluence in chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency and multiple sclerosis patients

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this work is to measure the mean diameter of the confluence jugulo- subclavian, the impact of different types of jugular confluences and the correlation between the types of confluences and the Valsalva maneuver (jugular reflux) in subjects with Chronic Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) and Multiple Sclerosis. METHOD: We investigated by Echo-Color-Doppler (ECD) 103 subjects (67 F 36M) of mean age 45 ± 12 years (a minimum of 22 to a maximum of 79 years, with a median of 44 and a modal value 42 years), mean EDSS of 4.7 and average disease duration of 12 years. RESULTS: The 103 right jugular veins investigated had an average diameter of 8.4 ± 2.4 mm (minimum 4.0, maximum 14.9 mm; median 7.9; modal value 7-6 mm). Three form types were found: 56 cylindrical, 29 conical and 18 funnel. Valsalva maneuver was positive in 30 patients. The 103 left jugular investigated had an average diameter of 8.9 ± 2.4 mm (minimum 2.8, maximum l4-4 mm; median of 8.8; modal value 8.7 mm). The form types were found: 42 cylindrical, 45 conical and 16 funnel. Valsalva maneuver was positive in 30 patients. CONCLUSIONS: The mean diameter of the jugular veins was 8.7 mm. Internal jugular veins with cylindrical morphology have a diameter smaller than other forms; this difference is statistically significant. The different morphology of the jugular vein confluence does not increase the possibility of a reflux because the positive Valsalva maneuvers are not statistically significant when compared to the various types