15 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Membina Iklim Kerja pada Kantor Perwakilan Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud di Manado

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    The development of the conducive work climate to be a very important to push spirit of work to increasing performance remember that government bureaucracy working in the hierarchy environment, bureaucrats, monopoly and bound by the rules set consistently. Based on problem background has been analyzed, then can formulate problem how government policy region Talaud Islands Regency in to develop work climate of representative office at Manado. Based on problem formulation then direction of research to know how policy implemented by the government of region Talaud Islands Regency in to develop work climate of representative office Talaud Islands Regency at Manado. This research treated and analyzed with use descriptive-analytic technique. Data source or respondent in this research is any civil servants representative office Talaud Islands Regency at Manado, number of civil servants placed in the representative office at Manado there are as many as 21 employees. Result data analysis above to give a conclusion that condition work climate in the representative office Talaud Islands Regency that exist today quite conducive and quite enjoyable and stimulating morale of the employees

    Pengaruh Human Relations Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Pegawai Di Kantor Kecamatan Lolak Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow

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    S: This research background by the problem in organization life, private although government not attention the aspects from the Human Relationship, especially be related to with needless problem the have quality psychology, society and spiritual. This research direction to analyze the influence Human Relationship to increasing employee performance in sub district Lolak. The method used in this research is survey research with the object of research population in this research is the all be related to with Human Relationship application and increasing employee performance in organization at environment sub district Lolak Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The sample taken in this research as much as 65 people employee taken from some office in the sub district Lolak the vertical instance although autonomy instance. Research result to show happen increasing employee performance the consequence from presence Human Relationship as much as 71 % with the other words, that every increase or added 100 scale in variable Human Relationship that increasing employee performance can experience big increase 71%. Human Relationship have connection functional with increasing employee performance

    Pentingnya Peningkatan Sumberdaya Manusia dalam Penyelenggaraan Administrasi Perkantoran pada Kantor Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe

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    The management of office administration on the wide organization and the big scale like regionalsecretariat office, in fact not an easy job. Therefore more needed sufficient capability from office manageror executing. The purposes of this research to know The Increasing Importance of Human Resources onThe Regional Secretariat Office Sangihe Archipelago Regency.Data analysis techniques on this research is descriptive qualitative analysis is analysis conducted for,describe, observe, delineate, embrace even summarize observation result has been done in the field.Population on research is government employees in the Regional Secretariat Office Sangihe Regency asmany as 178 peoples.The result of research to show human resources more important on the management of officeadministration, in this case the quality of the staff or employee. The inadequacy of human resources inthe Regional Secretariat Office Sangihe Regency evidently very important role to employee on themanagement of office administration

    Implementasi Kebijakan Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai di Kantor Kecamatan Bunaken Manado

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    Tambahan penghasilan pegawai (TPP) merupakan tambahan yang diberikan kepada PNSdan CPNS yang dikaitkan dengan penilaian kehadiran dan kinerja. Tunjangan kinerja daerahmerupakan penyempurnaan dari tunjangan yang telah ada dan akan menjadi satu tunjangan yangspesifik untuk memacu kinerja dan sekaligus menjamin keadilan dalam pemberian tunjangan.Metode penelitian yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif yaitudengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi lapangan dan juga wawancaraberdasarkan hasildari penelitian penulis melakukan kesimpulan dan saran melalui empat metode kebijakan publicoleh Edward III yang memenuhi beberapa aspek yakni komunikasi, sumber daya, Disposisi dan jugastruktur birokrasi.penelitian ini adalah seluruh aparat Kantor kecamatan bunaken Kota Manado provinsiSulawesi Utara yang berjumlah 17 orangHasil penelitian menunjukan Bahwa Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai (TPP) di kantorkecamatan Bunaken Manado belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan efektivitas yang ada, di karenakanpenilaian kehadiran Kinerja yang berdapak pada Disiplin pegawai yang masih Kurang dalam tugasdan tanggung jawab mereka, selain itu masih kurangnya penilaian kehadiran pegawai pada Apel diSore hari yang kadang tidak di laksanakan oleh sebagaian pegawai yang bertugas pada hari tersebut

    Kualitas Kinerja Tenaga Medis di Rumah Sakit Sitti Maryam Kota Manado

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    Based on the result observation at the Sitti Maryam Hospital Manado city still has some problems such asconcerning the quality performance of medical personnel as service providers to the community. Assessment of theperformance of qualified medical personnel by providing good service views of the reliability, responsiveness,assurance, emphaty, and tangibles. For the purpose of this study is to know the performance quality of medicalpersonnel at the Sitti Maryam Hospital Manado city. The research use descriptive qualitative research. Informantresearch as much as 8 (eight) informant that is, one leadership of hospital, two doctors, one person nurse, one personstaff employees hospital, and three patients. Data collection techniques use are observation techniques, interviewtechniques, and documentation techniques, as well as data analysis techniques that are use are data reduction, datapresentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on result of research through observations, data collection andinterview process that the researcher did, then research on the quality performance of medical personnel in the SittiMaryam Hospital not good enough, in view of the indicators of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy andtangibles. For reliability is still not good, because the services provided are not time there are still some medicalpersonnel who performed the task has not been maximum. And also the lack of surgeons that resulted in patientshaving to wait for health services. For the responsiveness is still not good, because the parient complains against theprovision of service that are not on time is not good responded. For the assurance is good, because welfare thepatient treated at Sitti Maryam Hospital is guaranteed. For emphaty is not good because there are still some nursesand employees Sitti Maryam Hospital is less good to speak to the patient. And for the tangibles is not good, becausefor general facilities such as chairs in each ward is still lacking in meeting the needs of patiens

    Koordinasi Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pembangunan Jalan di Kecamatan Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud Coordination Of Local Government In Road Construction In Kecamatan Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    The purpose of this study is to know how the coordination of local goverment in road constructionin the District of Salibabu Talaud Islands Regency.This research uses the qualitative method. Data collection by interview technique: while dataanalysis using qualitative analysis techniques interactive model of Miles and Hubernann.Based on research results drawn conclusions: (1) Coordination of district road constructionplanning in sub-districts of Salibabu run orderly and smoothly in accordance with the mechanism that hasbeen set in UU.No.25 Tahun 2004 about The National Development Planning System. Related governmentinstallations (Dinas PUTR, Bappeda, and Camat) coordinate well so that the district road developmentprogram can be set according to the priority scale. Coordination mechanism of district road developmentplaning in Salibabu sub-distric implemented accordingto the bottom. (2) Coordination of local government(Dinas PUTR and Camat, and also with Kepala Desa) in the implementation of road construction programsor projects in the District of Salibabu Talaud Islands Regency well done and running smoothly

    Penyelenggaraan Good Governance di Desa Sea Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This research there are problems in implementing Good Governance at the village of Sea, have not gone wellaccording law No. 8 of 1999 on the implementation of good governance. The researchers used a qualitative researchmethod. The data was collected starting from the stage of observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Onthe data collection was completed by using the guidelines of the interview, where there are 10 informantsinterviewed.After being interviewed, the researchers analyzed the results of interviews with several phases. The first of themwith the data collection was done through observation or interviews, then do record keeping and typing and editingas necessary, both the reduction i.e. elections against existing data, sharpen data analysis, summarize and discarddata that is not needed, the third provides data and simplifying data have been obtained in order to facilitate researchin the conclusion, the fourth withdrawal i.e., verify their conclusions with a review the records or data retrieved aswell as analyze causal including brainstorm with friends and supervising professors and take conclusion.The results showed that organizing Good Governance have not applied optimally as expected by law No. 8 in 1999and the theory of Inu Kencana, 1994.The conclusion that can be drawn through the results of this research is that found there are some principles of GoodGovernance that has not gone well. Of which public participation is still very lacking in the process management ofthe KTP & KK, law enforcement has been running fine but for the better should the existence of PERDES,transparency needs to be improved in terms of disclosure for financial management to the community. Responsifitasthe Government is still lacking in terms of service the rice still need for renewing the data community who deservethe rice, RKPdesa village and Profile updates need to be made in accordance with the year 2016, the lack of aGovernment response, information boards, still less to embrace the community in order to make KK and ID CARD.Consensus is already well underway, however, Equality with regard to note what\u27s special in service of rice, theGovernment should give the rights of the underprivileged community, lest not right on target, effectiveness andefficiency can not be rated good because there are problems that have been described above so that the communitycan be felt yet. Accountability has been running good since the village was already running task for reporting to theDistrict about financial management and already inform the community about the program that will be implemented.With this research is expected to be the subject of study of the theory of society and contribute as well as input forthe Government in realizing Good Governance effectively and efficiently

    Pengaruh Profesionalisme Kerja Pegawai terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Kantor PT. Taspen Cabang Manado”.

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    This research aims to know the influence of professionalism of employeesworking toward customersatisfaction rate on PT. TASPEN Manado Branch. This research using quantitative methods. Therespondents in this study amounted to 36 people atthe customers Office PT TASPEN Manado Branch.Data collection instrumentsand techniques used are questionnaire and assisted withinterviews andobservation. Analytical techniques used for hypothesis testing is the analysis of thecorrelation of product moment and a simple linear regression analysis assistedby data processing computer program SPSS version 13.0. The results of data analysis in this researchindicate: (1) there is a positive relationship between the variable profesioalisme of work employees andcustomer satisfaction with r = 0.773 count greater than r table with df (N-2 = 36-2 = 34) on thesignificance level 0.01 = 0.2785. (2) price determination coefficient (r ^ 2) of 0.597 gives a clue thatvariable professionalism of work employees (X) contributing positively to the development of 59.7%customer satisfaction variable (Y) PT TASPEN Branch Office in Manado, whereas the rest of 40.3%influenced by another factor that is outside of this research study. (3) the degree of correlation anddetermination of variable employee against the working professionalism of customer satisfaction this isreal and significant degrees of 0.01 or at level 99% confidence, as indicated on the test of significance (ttest)which gained value t calculate = of 7.094 that have a difference greater than the value of the t tableon the extent the significance of 0.01.Keywords: Professionalism Of Work, Employees, Customer SatisfactionPENDAHULUANSatu hal yang menjadi perhatianadalah sifat eksklusifitas dari PT TASPEN itusendiri, dimana ‘monopoli' pemberian jasajaminan sosial kepada PNS telahmembebaskan PT TASPEN dari masalahpersaingan USAha. Seperti diketahui bahwapersaingan USAha bagaimanapun bentuknyatelah menjadi salah satu indikator dalampeningkatan kualitas pelayanan khsususnya disektor swasta.Ketiadaan persaingan USAha yang relevanhingga luas dan terjaganya pangsa pasar dariPT. TASPEN itu sendiri menjadi menarikuntuk kemudian dilihat bagaimana prosespemberian pelayanan kepada pelanggandalam konteks pelaksanaan good governanceitu dilaksanan dengan berorientasi padakepuasan pelanggan

    Pengaruh Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah di Kantor Kecamatan Kawangkoan Utara

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    Government personnel is an important factor in achieving the objectives ofgovernment and state. In reality there is, still encountered problems in government agencies.Problems often occur is the presence of government officials who have the quality of work is notgood, it was seen from the slow processing tasks that accumulate, the lack of discipline ofgovernment officials, as a result of service that is provided is not maximized., While the one of thegovernment's efforts to improve the quality of government personnel is by giving knowledge andguidance through education and training.The research method that I use in this study is a quantitative research methods.quantitative method is a method / research based on the philosophy of positivism that is the sciencevalid, science is built on empirical, observable, measurable, using mathematical logic and makegeneralizations above average population and sample of this research is all employees at thedistrict office Kawangkoan north numbering 30 people.Based on the analysis using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) = 0.802,while the coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.64. The results showed that the correlationcoefficient between the level of education and training on the performance of government officialsby 0802, while the coefficient of determination of 64%. With this result can be explained that theincrease in the performance of the government apparatus is determined by the education andtraining by 64% while 36% is determined by factors other. be based on above results, thehypothesis put forward unacceptable that there are degrees of connection and the power ofdetermination between education and training on the performance of government officials at theDistrict Office North Kawangkoan. Furthermore, based on the significance of test results obtainedthat the value t = 7108 at significance level (α) = 0.05 with degrees of freedom (df) = n -2 = 28,then the table = 1.701. From the data obtained that thitung greater than table where thitung 7.108˃ 1,701. then H0 and H1 a reject. thing this proves that there is significant influence betweeneducation and training on the performance of government officials at the District Office NorthKawangkoan.of research results on North District office Kawangkoan that education andtraining programs have a very strong influence on the improvement of the performance of thegovernment apparatus, the more often a government apparatus to follow the education andtraining programs, the performance of the apparatus will also increase