7 research outputs found

    Tabagismo e consumo de álcool em estudantes universitários: prevalência e fatores associados Smoking and alcohol consumption among university students: prevalence and associated factors

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    O presente estudo teve o objetivo de verificar a prevalência de tabagismo e consumo de álcool entre estudantes da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), além de investigar os fatores associados a esses comportamentos. A amostra foi composta por 485 alunos que ingressaram na UFPel em 2008. Os alunos foram selecionados de maneira aleatória entre cursos de todas as áreas da UFPel e responderam a um questionário pré-testado na sala de aula, sob supervisão da equipe de pesquisa. Dos indivíduos entrevistados, 53,9% eram do sexo feminino e 42,3% tinham menos de 20 anos. Em relação ao consumo de álcool, 75% da amostra o utilizam pelo menos uma vez por mês; a prevalência de risco para o alcoolismo foi de 6,2%. Em relação ao tabagismo, 10,2% dos estudantes relataram fumar regularmente ou nos fins-de-semana. Além disso, mais de 90% dos fumantes e dos que consomem bebidas alcoólicas iniciaram o hábito antes de ingressar na universidade. O tabagismo apresentou uma relação direta com a idade e inversa com a autopercepção de saúde. Em relação ao álcool, estudantes que moram com amigos relataram um maior consumo. Os dados sugerem a necessidade de intervenções no meio acadêmico. Entretanto, cabe destacar que as ações para a população adolescente como um todo devam ser priorizadas, pois mais de 90% dos alunos adquiriram os hábitos antes de ingressarem na universidade, demonstrando que o início do consumo está ocorrendo em idades mais precoces.<br>The study aimed to estimate the prevalence of smoking and alcohol intake among university students from the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil (UFPel), as well as to investigate factors associated with both habits. The sample included 485 students who were admitted to the university in 2008. Students were sampled randomly across all schools of the UFPel campus, and answered a pre-tested questionnaire, which was administered in the classroom by a member of the research team. Of the individuals interviewed, 53.9% were females and 42.3% were under 20 years. Regarding alcohol intake, 75% used alcohol once a month or less frequently, and the prevalence of risk for abusive alcohol intake was 6.2%. Regarding smoking, 10.2% reported smoking regularly or on weekends. More than 90% of those who smoked or used alcohol started before entering the university. Smoking was directly related to age and inversely related to self-rated health. In terms of alcohol intake, those who lived with friends were more likely to use it. Our data suggest the need for implementing strategies to promote healthy lifestyles among university students. However, the fact that more than 90% of individuals started to smoke or drink before entering the university suggests that interventions should target adolescents as a whole, and not only those who are university students, because onset of smoking and alcohol intake seems to occur at earlier ages

    Purchasing Involvement in Discontinuous Innovation: An Emerging Research Agenda

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    International audienceBuilding on a systematic review of the literature, we define and discuss why and how purchasing needs to be involved in the discontinuous innovation process. We argue that purchasing involvement in NPD should be considered mainly when the customer firm faces discontinuous innovation. Seeking to promote this emerging research agenda, we present three propositions to focus future studies and inspire practices: (a) technology sourcing and scanning out of the boundary of the supply base is an important stake to support discontinuous innovation as (b) to form an ambidextrous purchasing organization and (c) to develop absorptive capacity within purchasing function. The paper concludes by summarizing the conceptual implications of the paper, outlining some initial managerial recommendations