6 research outputs found

    Allelopathic potential of bark and leaves of Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl. (Rutaceae)

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    We investigated the inhibitory potential of aqueous extracts of bark and leaves of Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl. on lettuce germination and early seedling growth. We compared the effects of four concentrations (100, 75, 50 and 25%) of each extract to water and polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) solution controls for four replicates of 50 seeds for germination and four replicates of ten seedlings for seedling growth. The inhibitory effects of E. leiocarpa extracts on the percentage of germination and on the germination speed seemed to be more than simply an osmotic effect, except for the percentage of seeds germinated in bark extracts. When compared to water control, both bark and leaf extracts delayed germination, and leaf extracts also affected the percentage of germinated seeds. Leaf extracts of all concentrations strongly inhibited the development of seedlings and caused them some degree of abnormality; bark extracts also caused abnormalities and reduced seedling growth. Root development was more sensitive to the extracts than hypocotyl growth. The negative effects of leaf extracts on germination and seedling growth were more pronounced than those of bark extracts, and the overall effects of both extracts were positively correlated with extract concentrations

    O sujeito no feminismo: revisitando os debates Revisiting the debates on the subject in feminism

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    No presente artigo, examino a condição disciplinar do sujeito no feminismo, sua identidade ambivalente e sua capacidade de agenciamento Ă  luz das discussĂ”es sobre identidade, diferença, lugar e enunciação articulados pelas teorias feministas pĂłs-estruturalistas. Tendo em vista que nĂŁo podemos abordar questĂ”es sobre o(s) sujeito(s) e sua(s) identidade(s) sem examinarmos os vetores constitutivos dos mesmos, exploro como as teorias feministas tĂȘm sido capazes de oferecer definiçÔes alternativas (de uma maior positividade) do sujeito e da identidade que, mesmo que se apoiando na inevitabilidade epistemolĂłgica da desconstrução desses, resistem ao perigo de esvaziĂĄ-los de qualquer materialidade.<br>In the present article I revisit the disciplinary status of the subject in feminism, its ambivalent identity and its potential for agency in light of the debates on identity, difference, and the notion of place of enunciation articulated by recent poststructuralist feminist theories. Since one cannot broach questions about the subject and its identity without analyzing their constitutive vectors, in this essay I explore how feminist theories have articulated alternative and more positive accounts of the subject and identity which, without abandoning the epistemological inevitability of the subject's de-construction, nonetheless resist the danger of emptying it of any materiality

    Narrar o mundo: estórias do "povo da rua" e a narração do imprevisível

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    Enquanto narrativas podem ser pensadas como produtoras de "ordenamentos" e como manifestaçÔes simbólicas de formas ideológicas, por outro lado, podemos também enfatizar a dimensão poética da narrativa, apontando a produção de significados e a proliferação de signos mediados pelo ato de narrar o mundo. A partir desta perspectiva teórica, este ensaio busca explorar as muitas estórias sobre os chamados espíritos do "povo da rua", enfatizando a dimensão performativa da narrativa. Contadas por "clientes", "filhos-de-santo" e pelos próprios "espíritos", tais narrativas não são meramente simbólicas ou representativas, mas também constitutivas do próprio "poder sobrenatural" tido como inerente aos espíritos. Mais do que narrar uma "realidade" supostamente exterior a elas, as estórias tornam-se parte inextricåvel da "realidade" que narram. Ao deslocar o foco para além dos rituais demarcados espacial e temporalmente, a narrativa etnogråfica busca aqui articular um espaço interpretativo onde se possa evocar a socialidade do narrar o mundo.<br>Although narratives can be conceived both as a mode of 'ordering' meaning and as symbolic manifestations of ideological forms, the poetic dimension of narrativity also involves the production of meanings and a proliferation of signs mediated by the act of 'narrating the world.' Adopting this theoretical premise, the essay seeks to explore the many stories of the so-called spirits of the 'povo da rua' ('street people'), emphasizing the performative dimension of narrative. Recounted by 'clients,' 'practitioners' and the spirits themselves, such narratives are not only symbolic or representative, but also constitutive of the 'supernatural power' attributed to the spirits. More than narrate a reality external to the stories, the narratives themselves become an inextricable part of the reality they narrate. By shifting the focus away from the framed space and time of ritual, the ethnographic narrative also seeks to evoke the very sociality of this narrating of the world