58 research outputs found

    Deformation history of the eclogite- and jadeitite-bearing mélange from North Motagua Fault Zone, Guatemala: insights in the processes of a fossil subduction channel

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    In Guatemala, along the northern side of the Motagua Valley, a me ́lange consisting of blocks of eclogite and jadeitite set in a metaserpentinitic and metasedimentary matrix crops out. The metasedimentary rocks display a complex deformation history that includes four tectonic phases, from D1 to D4. The D1 phase occurs only as a relic and is characterized by a mineral assemblage developed under pressure temperature (P–T) conditions of 1.00–1.25GPa and 206–2638C. The D2 phase, characterized by isoclinal folds, schistosity and mineral/stretching lineation, developed at P–T conditions of 0.70–1.20 GPa and 279–4098C. The following D3 and D4 phases show deformations developed at shallower structural levels. Whereas the D1 phase can be interpreted as the result of underplating of slices of oceanic lithosphere during an intraoceanic subduction, the following phases have been acquired by the me ́lange during its progressive exhumation through different mechanisms. The deformations related to the D2 and D3 phases can be regarded as acquired by extrusion of the me ́lange within a subduction channel during a stage of oblique subduction. In addition, the structural evidences indicate that the coupling and mixing of different blocks occurred during the D2 phase, as a result of flow reverse and upward trajectory in the subduction channel. By contrast, the D4 phase can be interpreted as related to extension at shallow structural levels. In this framework, the exhumation- related structures in the me ́lange indicate that this process, probably long-lived, developed through different mechanisms, active in the subduction channel through time

    Switching deformation mode and mechanisms during subduction of continental crust: a case study from Alpine Corsica

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    The switching in deformation mode (from distributed to localized) and mechanisms (viscous versus frictional) represent a relevant issue in the frame of crustal deformation, being also connected with the concept of the brittle–ductile transition and seismogenesis. In a subduction environment, switching in deformation mode and mechanisms and scale of localization may be inferred along the subduction interface, in a transition zone between the highly coupled (seismogenic zone) and decoupled deeper aseismic domain (stable slip). However, the role of brittle precursors in nucleating crystal-plastic shear zones has received more and more consideration being now recognized as fundamental in some cases for the localization of deformation and shear zone development, thus representing a case in which switching deformation mechanisms and scale and style of localization (deformation mode) interact and relate to each other. This contribution analyses an example of a millimetre-scale shear zone localized by brittle precursor formed within a host granitic protomylonite. The studied structures, developed in ambient pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions of low-grade blueschist facies (temperature T of ca. 300 °C and pressure P ≄ 0. 70 GPa) during involvement of Corsican continental crust in the Alpine subduction. We used a multidisciplinary approach by combining detailed microstructural and petrographic analyses, crystallographic preferred orientation by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and palaeopiezometric studies on a selected sample to support an evolutionary model and deformation path for subducted continental crust. We infer that the studied structures, possibly formed by transient instability associated with fluctuations of pore fluid pressure and episodic strain rate variations, may be considered as a small-scale example of fault behaviour associated with a cycle of interseismic creep and coseismic rupture or a new analogue for episodic tremors and slow-slip structures. Our case study represents, therefore, a fossil example of association of fault structures related to stick-slip strain accommodation during subduction of continental crust

    Syn-exhumation coupling of oceanic and continental units along the western edge of the alpine corsica: A review

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    The Alpine Corsica represents a segment of the Alpine collisional belt. In its western edge, it is characterized by the close association of continental units deformed under high-pressure metamorphic conditions (Lower Units) and oceanic units showing a metamorphism ranging from high-pressure (Schistes Lus-trés Complex) to very low-grade conditions (Upper Units). This paper provides a complete review of the relationships between the continental and oceanic units in selected five areas where the stratigraphic features, deformation history, metamorphic P-T path and tectonic setting are available for each unit. The collected data indicate that the oceanic units occur not only at the top of the continental ones, as generally proposed in the literature, but also intercalated within them. Such relationships were achieved at shallow structural level during the late stage of exhumation, when the continental units were tectonically coupled with the oceanic units which were dragged as slices from the orogenic wedge. The coupling probably occurred immediately before the transition from syn-to post-orogenic geodynamic regime that affected the whole Alpine-Apennine collisional system in the early Oligocene. After the coupling, the stack of oceanic and continental units experienced a further exhumation-related deformation before their final exposure at the surface

    Synchronization of the Frenet-Serret linear system with a chaotic nonlinear system by feedback of states

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    A synchronization procedure of the generalized type in the sense of Rulkov et al [Phys. Rev. E 51, 980 (1995)] is used to impose a nonlinear Malasoma chaotic motion on the Frenet-Serret system of vectors in the differential geometry of space curves. This could have applications to the mesoscopic motion of biological filamentsComment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted at Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Burial and exhumation history of the Daday Unit (Central Pontides, Turkey): implications for the closure of the Intra-Pontide oceanic basin

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    In northern Turkey, the Intra-Pontide suture zone represents one of the first-order tectonic structures located between the Istanbul-Zonguldak and the Sakarya continental terranes. It consists of an east-west trending assemblage of deformed and variably metamorphosed tectonic units, including sedimentary rocks and ophiolites derived from a NeoTethyan oceanic basin, known as Intra-Pontide oceanic basin. One of these units is represented by the Daday Unit that consists of an assemblage of block-in-matrix derived from a supra-subduction oceanic crust and related deep-sea sedimentary cover of Middle Jurassic age. This setting has been acquired during the Late Jurassic by underplating at 26-38 km of depth associated with blueschist facies metamorphism (D1 phase). The following D2, D3 and D4 phases developed in a time span running from Albian to late Paleocene during the exhumation of the Daday Unit from 26-38 km to uppermost structural levels. The high geothermal gradient detected during the development of the D2 phase seems to be consistent with the exhumation of the Daday Units during a continent-arc collisional setting. The tectonic structures of the Intra-Pontide suture zone, resulting from the previously described tectonic history, are unconformably sealed by the late Paleocene - Eocene deposits. This tectonic setting was intensely reworked by the activity of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, producing the present-day geometrical relationships of the Intra-Pontide suture zone of central Pontides

    HP/LT metamorphism in the Volparone Breccia (Northern Corsica, France): evidence for involvement of the Europe/Corsica continental margin in the Alpine subdution zone

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    The Alpine belt in Corsica (France) is characterized by the occurrence of stacked tectonic slices derived from the Corsica/Europe continental margin, which outcrop between two weakly or non-metamorphic tectonic domains: the “autochthonous” domain of the Hercynian basement to the west and the Balagne Nappe (ophiolitic unit belonging to the “Nappes supĂ©rieures”) to the east. These slices, including basement rocks (Permian granitoids and their Palaeozoic host rocks), Late Carboniferous–Permian volcano-sedimentary deposits, coarse-grained polymict breccias (Volparone Breccia) and Middle Eocene siliciclastic turbidite deposits, were affected by a polyphase deformation history of Alpine age, associated with a well-developed metamorphic recrystallization. This study provides new quantitative data about the peak of metamorphism and the retrograde P–T path in the Alpine Corsica: the tectonic slices of Volparone Breccia from the Balagne region (previously regarded as unmetamorphosed) were affected by peak metamorphism characterized by the phengite + chlorite + quartz ± albite assemblage. Using the chlorite-phengite local equilibria method, peak metamorphic P–T conditions coherent with the low-grade blueschist facies are estimated as 0.60 ± 0.15 GPa and 325 ± 20 C. Moreover, the retrograde P–T path, characterized by a decrease of pressure and temperature, is evidence of the first stage of the exhumation path from the peak metamorphic conditions to greenschist facies conditions (0.35 ± 0.06 GPa and 315 ± 20 °C). The occurrence of metamorphic peak at high-pressure/lowtemperature (HP/LT) conditions is evidence of the fact that these tectonic slices, derived from the Corsica/Europe continental margin, were deformed and metamorphosed in the Alpine subduction zone during their underplating at about 20 km of depth into the accretionary wedge and were subsequently juxtaposed against the metamorphic and non-metamorphic oceanic units during a complex exhumation history
