8,907 research outputs found
Models of MOS and SOS devices
Quarterly report describes progress in three programs: dc sputtering machine for aluminum and aluminum alloys; two dimensional computer modeling of MOS transistors; and development of computer techniques for calculating redistribution diffusion of dopants in silicon on sapphire films
Should a clinical rotation in haematology be mandatory for undergraduate medical students?
Clinical rotations form the foundation of medical education. Medical students in the UK are offered conventional rotations such as cardiology, surgery and psychiatry as part of their curriculum, but a rotation of haematology is not currently compulsory. This article explores the benefits of a compulsory haematology rotation, and suggests recommendations for its implementation into UK medical school curricula
Trends and techniques for space base electronics
A system was developed for depositing aluminum and aluminum alloys by the D.C. sputtering technique. This system which was designed for a high level of cleanliness and ion monitoring the deposition parameters during film preparation is ready for studying the deposition and annealing parameters upon double level metal preparation. The finite element method was studied for use in the computer modeling of two dimensional MOS transistor structures. An algorithm was developed for implementing a computer study which is based upon the finite difference method. The program was modified and used to calculate redistribution data for boron and phosphorous which had been predeposited by ion implantation with range and straggle conditions typical of those used at MSFC. Data were generated for 111 oriented SOS films with redistribution in N2, dry O2 and steam ambients. Data are given showing both two dimensional effects and the evolution of the junction depth, sheet resistance and integrated dose with redistribution time
Measurement uncertainty for the Uniform Engine Testing Program conducted at NASA Lewis Research Center
An uncertainty analysis was conducted to determine the bias and precision errors and total uncertainty of measured turbojet engine performance parameters. The engine tests were conducted as part of the Uniform Engine Test Program which was sponsored by the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD). With the same engines, support hardware, and instrumentation, performance parameters were measured twice, once during tests conducted in test cell number 3 and again during tests conducted in test cell number 4 of the NASA Lewis Propulsion Systems Laboratory. The analysis covers 15 engine parameters, including engine inlet airflow, engine net thrust, and engine specific fuel consumption measured at high rotor speed of 8875 rpm. Measurements were taken at three flight conditions defined by the following engine inlet pressure, engine inlet total temperature, and engine ram ratio: (1) 82.7 kPa, 288 K, 1.0, (2) 82.7 kPa, 288 K, 1.3, and (3) 20.7 kPa, 288 K, 1.3. In terms of bias, precision, and uncertainty magnitudes, there were no differences between most measurements made in test cells number 3 and 4. The magnitude of the errors increased for both test cells as engine pressure level decreased. Also, the level of the bias error was two to three times larger than that of the precision error
Učinak zajedničke primjene meloksikama na anestetsko djelovanje natrijevog tiopentala na modelu pilića
Few studies have dealt with thiopental sodium-induced anaesthetic action and the effect of combining meloxicam (a high plasma protein-bound) in 10–15 day old chicks. First, the analgesic median effective dose (ED50) was determined as 35.85 mg/kg, IM by up-and-down routine, while the hypnotic ED50 value was 34.40 mg/kg, IM in the chick model. A thiopental sodium injection (18, 36 and 72 mg/kg, IM) produces a significant dose-responsive hypnotic effect in chicks, determined by the beginning of the lack of a righting reflex, duration and recovery time. Thiopental sodium and meloxicam (72 and 1 mg/kg, IM) in combination shortened the beginning of hypnosis, and significantly extended its duration, with a significant increase in recovery time from the hypnotic effect when compared to the group receiving only thiopental sodium. The same combination also elicited a significant increase in the analgesic percentage and efficacy, and significant increase in the voltage current estimated via using electrical stimulation to induce the ache feeling. No significant changes were found in the concentrations of serum glutamate pyruvate trans-aminase (GPT), glutamate oxalo-acetate trans-aminase (GOT) with body temperature between the two groups, with the exception of a significant change in respiratory rate. The outcomes of this study support the prospect of using thiopental sodium as an anaesthetic agent for veterinary surgical procedures in the chicks, in combination with meloxicam, to produce worthy, consistent, and proficient anaesthesia.Malo se studija bavi anestetskim djelovanjem induciranim natrijevim tiopentalom i učinkom kombiniranja s meloksikamom (visoki stupanj vezivanja na proteine u plazmi) u pilića starih 10- 15 dana. Srednje učinkovita analgetska doza (ED50) ustvrđena je kao 35,85 mg/kg intramuskularno gore-dolje rutinom, dok je hipnotička ED50 vrijednost bila 34,40 mg/kg, intramuskularno na modelu pilića. Injekcija natrijevog pentanola (18, 36 i 72 mg/kg, intramuskularno) stvara značajni hipnotički učinak ovisno o dozi u pilića određivanjem početka izostanka refleksa uspravljanja i tranja u vremenu oporavka. Kombinacija natrijevog tiopentanola i meloksikama (72 i 1 mg/kg, intramuskularno), skratila je početak hipnoze, značajno produljila njezino trajanje uz značajno produljenje vremena oporavka od hipnotičkog učinka u usporedbi sa skupinom koja je primala samo natrijev tiopentanol. U isto vrijeme ista je kombinacija izazvala značajan porast analgetskog postotka i učinkovitosti uz značajan porast napona struje procijenjen uporabom električne simulacije za induciranje osjeta boli. Uočeno je da nema značajne promjene koncentracija glutamat-piruvat transaminaze (GPT) i glutamat-oksaloacetat transaminaze (GOT) u krvi s tjelesnom temperaturom, osim značajne promjene respiratorne frekvencije između dvije navedene skupine. Rezultati ove studije govore u prilog uporabe natrijevog tiopentanola kao anestetskog sredstva za veterinarske kirurške postupke u pilića čiji se učinci mogu pojačati uporabom meloksikama u svrhu postizanja dobre, dosljedne i učinkovite anestezije
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