116 research outputs found

    Defective glycolysis and the use of 2-deoxy-d-glucose in polycystic kidney disease: from animal models to humans

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    Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is an inherited renal disease characterized by bilateral renal cyst formation. ADPKD is one of the most common rare disorders, accounting for ~10% of all patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). ADPKD is a chronic disorder in which the gradual expansion of cysts that form in a minority of nephrons eventually causes loss of renal function due to the compression and degeneration of the surrounding normal parenchyma. Numerous deranged pathways have been identified in the cyst-lining epithelia, prompting the design of potential therapies. Several of these potential treatments have proved effective in slowing down disease progression in pre-clinical animal studies, while only one has subsequently been proven to effectively slow down disease progression in patients, and it has recently been approved for therapy in Europe, Canada and Japan. Among the affected cellular functions and pathways, recent investigations have described metabolic derangement in ADPKD as a major trait offering additional opportunities for targeted therapies. In particular, increased aerobic glycolysis (the Warburg effect) has been described as a prominent feature of ADPKD kidneys and its inhibition using the glucose analogue 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2DG) proved effective in slowing down disease progression in preclinical models of the disease. At the same time, previous clinical experiences have been reported with 2DG, showing that this compound is well tolerated in humans with minimal and reversible side effects. In this work, we review the literature and speculate that 2DG could be a good candidate for a clinical trial in humans affected by ADPKD

    New developments in the genetics, pathogenesis, and therapy of IgA nephropathy

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    Recent years have brought notable progress in the field of IgA nephropathy. Here, we highlight important new directions and latest developments, including successful discovery of several genetic susceptibility loci, formulation of the multihit pathogenesis model, introduction of the Oxford pathology scoring system, and formalization of the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) consensus treatment guidelines. We focus on the latest genetic findings that confirm a strong contribution of inherited factors and explain some of the geoethnic disparities in disease susceptibility. Most IgA nephropathy susceptibility loci discovered to date encode genes involved in the maintenance of the intestinal epithelial barrier and response to mucosal pathogens. The concerted pattern of interpopulation allelic differentiation across all genetic loci parallels the disease prevalence and correlates with variation in local pathogens, suggesting that multilocus adaptation might have shaped the present-day landscape of IgA nephropathy. Importantly, the 'Intestinal Immune Network for IgA Production' emerged as one of the new targets for potential therapeutic intervention. We place these findings in the context of the multihit pathogenesis model and existing knowledge of IgA immunobiology. Lastly, we provide our perspective on the existing treatment options, discuss areas of clinical uncertainty, and outline ongoing clinical trials and translational studies.Kidney International advance online publication, 16 September 2015; doi:10.1038/ki.2015.252

    CD133 and CD24 expression in renal tissue of patients affected by autosomal dominant polcystic kidney disease

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    Background: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is a condition mainly character- ized by the progressive development and enlar- gement of cysts in each kidney. In this process a high rate of proliferation and apoptosis of tubu- lar cells has been documented and interpreted as a futile attempt of tissue repair. In considera- tion of the role of stem cells in reparative proc- esses we investigated the presence and local- ization of CD133 + CD24+ renal progenitors in renal ADPKD tissue and cells. Methods: Two normal kidneys and two ADPKD kidneys were examined. CD133 and CD24 expression was in- vestigated by confocal microscopy and immu- noblotting. Furthermore cystic isolated cells and cultured immortalized cells were characterized. Results: CD133 and CD24 have the same local- ization in ADPKD tissues and in normal kidneys: expression is restricted to a subset of epithelial cells (PEC) of Bowman’s capsule and to tubular cells in a focal and segmental pattern. Further- more, in ADPKD tissue, cysts diffusely express CD133 and CD24. According to a quantitative analysis in ADPKD tissue CD133 + CD24 + cells are statistically more expressed in tubules (p < 0.001) and less expressed in the Bowman’s capsule (p = 0.0016) compared to the same lo- calizations in control tissue. Conclusions: CD133 and CD24 antigens, typically expressed by renal epithelial progenitors, are more expressed in ADPKD tubules and highly expressed in ADPKD cysts. Whether CD133 and CD24 expression would signify renal progenitor recruitment or alternatively an expression pattern of the dedif- ferentiation of ADPKD cells remains unclear

    Confidence Calibration for Deep Renal Biopsy Immunofluorescence Image Classification

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    With this work we tackle immunofluorescence classification in renal biopsy, employing state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Networks. In this setting, the aim of the probabilistic model is to assist an expert practitioner towards identifying the location pattern of antibody deposits within a glomerulus. Since modern neural networks often provide overconfident outputs, we stress the importance of having a reliable prediction, demonstrating that Temperature Scaling (TS), a recently introduced re-calibration technique, can be successfully applied to immunofluorescence classification in renal biopsy. Experimental results demonstrate that the designed model yields good accuracy on the specific task, and that TS is able to provide reliable probabilities, which are highly valuable for such a task given the low inter-rater agreement

    Lipoprotein glomerulopathy treated with LDL-apheresis (Heparin-induced Extracorporeal Lipoprotein Precipitation system): a case report.

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    INTRODUCTION: Lipoprotein glomerulopathy is a glomerulonephritis which was described for the first time by Saito in 1989 and is currently acknowledged as a separate nosological entity. It is histologically characterized by a marked dilatation of the glomerular capillaries and the presence of lipoprotein thrombi in the glomerular lumens. The dyslipidemic profile is similar to that of type III dyslipoproteinemia with Apolipoprotein E values that are often high; proteinuria and renal dysfunction are present. Proteinuria often does not respond to steroid and cytostatic treatments. The phenotypic expression of lipoprotein glomerulopathy is most probably correlated to a genetic alteration of the lipoprotein metabolism (mutation of the Apolipoprotein E coding gene). In literature, lipoprotein glomerulopathies have mainly been reported in Japanese and Chinese subjects, except for three cases in the Caucasian race, reported in France and the USA.CASE PRESENTATION: We describe the case of a 60-year-old female, Caucasian patient suffering from lipoprotein glomerulopathy, carrier of a new mutation on the Apolipoprotein E gene (Apolipoprotein E(MODENA)), and treated successfully with low density lipoprotein-apheresis with the Heparin induced extracorporeal lipoprotein precipitation system. After a first phase of therapeutic protocol with statins, the patient was admitted for nephrotic syndrome, renal failure and hypertension. Since conventional treatment alone was not able to control dyslipidemia, aphaeretic treatment with heparin-induced Extracorporeal Lipoprotein Precipitation - apheresis (HELP-apheresis) was started to maintain angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor therapy for the treatment of hypertension. Treatment with HELP-apheresis led to a complete remission of the proteinuria in a very short time (four months), as well as control of hypercholesterolemia and renal function recovery.CONCLUSION: According to this case of lipoprotein glomerulopathy, we believe that renal damage expressed by proteinuria correlates to the levels of lipids and, furthermore, the treatment with HELP-apheresis, by lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides, may be considered as a therapeutic option in synergy with pharmacological treatment in the treatment of lipoprotein glomerulopathy

    PAX2/Renal Coloboma Syndrome Expresses Extreme Intrafamilial Phenotypic Variability

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    Renal coloboma syndrome (RCS) is a disease characterized by kidney and ocular anomalies (kidney hypodysplasia and coloboma). RCS is caused, in half of the cases, by mutations in the paired box 2 (PAX2) gene, a critical organogenesis transcriptional factor. We report the case of a newborn with kidney hypodysplasia in a negative parental context where mother and father were phenotypically unaffected at the initial evaluation. The maternal family presented an important history of kidney disease with undefined diagnosis. Molecular characterization identified a PAX2 variant, classified as likely pathogenic. This variant segregates with the disease, and it was also found in the newborn, explaining his severe symptoms. It is noteworthy that the mother shows the same PAX2 variant, with an apparently negative kidney phenotype, displaying the possibility of an extreme variable expressivity of the disease. This feature suggests extreme caution in segregation analysis and family counseling of PAX2 pedigrees

    Identification and Characterization of New Proteins in Podocyte Dysfunction of Membranous Nephropathy by Proteomic Analysis of Renal Biopsy

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    Interstitial fluid, obtained by gentle centrifugation of the renal biopsy specimen, is highly enriched in elements directly secreted by the kidney tissue and is suitable for proteomic analysis. Here we describe the first clinical application of renal interstitial fluid analysis in a subset of samples obtained from patients affected by idiopathic membranous nephropathy. We included in the study fifty-one patients with different pathologic diagnoses. We identified the proteomic pattern of idiopathic membranous nephropathy with mass spectrometry analysis by comparing these samples with two controls: normal kidney and IgA nephropathy. Proteomic results were validated by immunofluorescence analysis of renal tissues and Western blot of serum, urines and podocyte cell cultures. We observed an increased expression of PDZ and LIM domain protein 5 (PDLI5) and LIM domain binding protein 3 (LDB3) providing first evidence of the differential expression of these LIM domain-related proteins in kidney and urines of patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy. Interstitial fluid can be considered a valuable biological fluid in the discovery phase of biomarkers. In order to validate its clinical use, it is pivotal to assess the availability of the biomarkers in ‘usual’ samples: blood and/or urine. PDLI5 and LDB3 share a common LIM domain suggesting a possible role in the cytoskeleton organization and they appear upregulated in glomeruli of patients affected by idiopathic membranous nephropathy. Furthermore the two proteins become highly abundant in the urine of patients affected by idiopathic membranous nephropathy. In conclusion, our approach may be considered a novel method for identifying candidate biomarkers for patients suffering from membranous nephropathy and other glomerulonephrite

    Plasma exchange in acute and chronic hyperviscosity syndrome: a rheological approach and guidelines study

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    Therapeutic plasma exchange is an extra-corporeal technique able to remove from blood macromolecules and/or replace deficient plasma factors. It is the treatment of choice in hyperviscosity syndrome, due to the presence of quantitatively or qualitatively abnormal plasma proteins such as paraproteins. In spite of a general consensus on the indications to therapeutic plasma exchange in hyperviscosity syndrome, data or guide lines about the criteria to plan the treatment are still lacking. We studied the rheological effect of plasma exchange in 20 patients with plasma hyperviscosity aiming to give data useful for a rational planning of the treatment. Moreover, we verified the clinical applicability of the estimation of plasma viscosity by means of Kawai's equation. Plasma exchange decreases plasma viscosity about 20-30% for session. Only one session is required to normalize plasma viscosity when it is 2.2 till to 6 mPas. A fourth session is useless, especially if the inter-session interval is < 15 days. By means of a polynomial equation, knowing basal-plasma viscosity and the disease of a patient, we can calculate the decrease of viscosity obtainable by each session of plasma exchange then the number of session required to normalize the viscosity. Kawai's equation is able to evaluate plasma viscosity in healthy volunteers, but it is not clinically reliable in paraproteinemias. [Pubmed] [Scholar] [EndNote] [BibTex


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    Lipoprotein glomerulopathy (LPG) is a rare disease characterized by laminated lipid thrombi in the lumina of dilated glomerular capillaries. Apolipoproteins E and B can be demonstrated in these lipid deposits. The plasma lipid profile of LPG patients is similar to that of dysbetalipoproteinemia with elevated IDL and ApoE. Patients often present nephrotic proteinuria but their lipid profile differs from that of nephrotic syndrome secondary to other kidney diseases. LPG has been mainly reported in Japanese and Chinese subjects, associated with novel mutations in APOE gene encoding ApoE. We have identified LPG in an Italian women who at the age of 47 was found to have a combined hyperlipidemia (TC 376 and TG 306 mg/dl) and subsequently developed proteinuria in the nephrotic range. Renal biopsy demonstrated lipoprotein thrombi in glomerular capillaries suggesting LPG. The sequence of APOE gene showed that the patient was: i) homozygous for \uf0652 allele [Cys112 and Cys158 in the mature protein] and ii) heterozygous for a novel mutation in exon 4: c.502 C>T [Arg 150>Cys in the mature protein]. Since the mutant ApoE has a new cysteine residue it is likely that it forms a disulfide bridge with the other Cys residues of the E2 isoforms, resulting in ApoE polymerization (dominant negative effect). This is probably the cause of both dyslipidemia and lipid thrombi in the glomerular capillaries. In view of the poor response of plasma lipids and renal histology and function to statin treatment, the patient started lipid-apheresis with reduction of both dyslipidemia and proteinuria
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