4 research outputs found


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    The utilization of filming in low altitudes allows an approach of the constituent elements of the landscape and the identification of morphological homogeneous zones with geological meaning. The cover of areas through "non Nadir" filming allows users to visualize the drainage patterns and elements of relief that complement the visualization offered by the satellites images, aerial photos, digital terrain models, thematic maps and field phases, according to the sight of an observer through airplane window. The dynamic obtained with the filming offers the possibility to perceive features in a complete and broader context, showing more details than those obtained in static scenes, despite it can be worked in a continuous way in varied scales with digital images. In the area focused in this text, situated between the cities of “Rio Claro” and “Piracicaba”, there are areas where the morphological pattern has tectonic meaning, related to tectonic activities and faults, which conditioned the rising and the evolution of the structural feature of Pitanga. The filmings, made with portable digital camera, occurred between the years of 2003 and 2006 from flights in altitudes that varied between 100 and 1500 meters from the soil. Key words: Remote Sensing. Geosciences. Videography. Domo de Pitanga. Rio Claro. Piracicaba.A utilização de filmagens em baixa altitude permite uma abordagem dos elementos constitutivos da paisagem e a identificação de zonas morfologicamente homogêneas, com significado geológico. A cobertura de áreas através de filmagens “não Nadir” permite visualização de padrões de drenagens e de elementos de relevo que complementam as visualizações oferecidas pelas imagens de satélites e fotos aéreas, Modelos Digitais de Terreno, mapas temáticos e etapas de campo, segundo a ótica de um observador de uma janela de aeronave. A dinâmica obtida com as filmagens oferece a possibilidade de perceber feições num contexto mais amplo e completo, ao mostrar mais detalhes que aqueles obtidos em cenas estáticas, ainda que se possa trabalhar de modo contínuo em escalas variadas com imagens digitais. Na área foco deste artigo, situada entre Rio Claro e Piracicaba, existem áreas onde o padrão morfológico tem significado tectônico, relacionado a atividades tectônicas e falhamentos, as quais condicionam o surgimento e a evolução do Alto Estrutural de Pitanga. As filmagens, feitas com câmera digital portátil, ocorreram entre os anos de 2003 e 2006, a partir de voos em altitudes que variaram entre 100 e 1500 metros do solo. Palavras-Chave: Sensoriamento Remoto. Geociências. Videografia. Domo de Pitanga. Rio Claro. Piracicaba. ABSTRACT The utilization of filming in low altitudes allows an approach of the constituent elements of the landscape and the identification of morphological homogeneous zones with geological meaning. The cover of areas through "non Nadir" filming allows users to visualize the drainage patterns and elements of relief that complement the visualization offered by the satellites images, aerial photos, digital terrain models, thematic maps and field phases, according to the sight of an observer through airplane window. The dynamic obtained with the filming offers the possibility to perceive features in a complete and broader context, showing more details than those obtained in static scenes, despite it can be worked in a continuous way in varied scales with digital images. In the area focused in this text, situated between the cities of “Rio Claro” and “Piracicaba”, there are areas where the morphological pattern has tectonic meaning, related to tectonic activities and faults, which conditioned the rising and the evolution of the structural feature of Pitanga. The filmings, made with portable digital camera, occurred between the years of 2003 and 2006 from flights in altitudes that varied between 100 and 1500 meters from the soil. Key words: Remote Sensing. Geosciences. Videography. Domo de Pitanga. Rio Claro. Piracicaba

    Elementos biológicos na configuração do território do rio Doce Biological elements in the River Doce's territory configuration

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    No médio rio Doce, entre 1930 e 1960, as terras de floresta foram ocupadas pela agricultura e pecuária. No início as culturas agrícolas encontraram condições favoráveis para se expandir, mas não suficientes para se consolidar, antes de dar lugar à pecuária, como é comum na história da agricultura brasileira. As terras cobertas pela floresta foram tomadas pelo capim-colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq. var. maximum) num ritmo maior que o avanço da atividade humana. A gramínea africana encontrou condições excepcionais para se alastrar, dadas pelo relevo, pelo clima e pelo manejo praticado por agricultores e fazendeiros. As suas características biológicas favoreceram o avanço das pastagens. O capim-colonião não diminui a força dos elementos socioeconômicos, marcados por relações de poder em que o fazendeiro levava nítida vantagem, mas entender sua biologia contribui para a compreensão da configuração do território do rio Doce.<br>At the middle Doce river , between 1930 and 1960, the forest lands had been occupied by agriculture and cattle raising. First, the agricultural cultures had found favorable conditions to enlargement, but not enough for consolidating itself, before giving place to cattle, as it is common in the history of Brazilian agriculture. The lands covered by the forest had been invaded by the capim-colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq. var. maximum) in a bigger rhythm than the advance of the human activity. The African grassy found very good conditions to spreading (the relief, the climate and the practices of the farmers. Its biological characteristics had favored the advance of the grass. The capim-colonião does not diminished the force of the socioeconomics elements, marked for power relations where the farmer took clear advantage, but understand its biological aspects contributes for the understanding of the configuration of the territory of the river Doce