1,489 research outputs found

    Cosmic Star Formation History and the Future Observation of Supernova Relic Neutrinos

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    We investigate the flux and event rate of supernova relic neutrinos (SRNs) and discuss their implications for the cosmic star formation rate. As reference models, we adopt the supernova rate model based on recent observations and the supernova neutrino spectrum numerically calculated by several groups. In the detection energy range E_e>10 MeV, which will possibly be a background-free region in the near future, the SRN event rate is found to be 1-2 yr^{-1} at a water Cerenkov detector with a fiducial volume of 22.5 kton, depending on the adopted neutrino spectrum. We also simulate the expected signal with one set of the reference models by using the Monte Carlo method and then analyze these pseudodata with several free parameters, obtaining the distribution of the best-fit values for them. In particular, we use a parameterization such that R_{SN}(z)=R_{SN}^0 (1+z)^\alpha, where R_{SN}(z) is the comoving supernova rate density at redshift z and R_{SN}^0 and \alpha are free parameters, assuming that the supernova neutrino spectrum and luminosity are well understood by way of a future Galactic supernova neutrino burst or the future development of numerical supernova simulations. The obtained 1\sigma errors for these two parameters are found to be \delta\alpha /\alpha = 30% (7.8%) and \delta R_{SN}^0/ R_{SN}^0 = 28% (7.7%) for a detector with an effective volume of 22.5 kton 5 yr (440 kton 5 yr), where one of the parameters is fixed. On the other hand, if we fix neither of the values for these two parameters, the expected errors become rather large, \delta\alpha /\alpha = 37% and \delta R_{SN}^0/ R_{SN}^0 = 55%, even with an effective volume of 440 kton 5 yr.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, corrected minor typos, accepted by Ap

    The Stellar UV Background at z<1.5 and the Baryon Density of Photoionized Gas

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    We use new studies of the cosmic evolution of star-forming galaxies to estimate the production rate of ionizing photons from hot, massive stars at low and intermediate redshifts. The luminosity function of blue galaxies in the Canada-France Redshift Survey shows appreciable evolution in the redshift interval z=0-1.3, and generates a background intensity at 1 ryd of J_L~ 1.3 x 10^{-21} f_{esc} ergs cm^{-2} s^{-1} Hz^{-1} sr^{-1} at z~0.5, where f_esc is the unknown fraction of stellar Lyman-continuum photons which can escape into the intergalactic space, and we have assumed that the absorption is picket fence-type. We argue that recent upper limits on the H-alpha surface brightness of nearby intergalactic clouds constrain this fraction to be <~ 20%. The background ionizing flux from galaxies can exceed the QSO contribution at z~ 0.5 if f_{esc}>~ 6%. We show that, in the general framework of a diffuse background dominated by QSOs and/or star-forming galaxies, the cosmological baryon density associated with photoionized, optically thin gas decreases rapidly with cosmic time. The results of a recent Hubble Space Telescope survey of OVI absorption lines in QSO spectra suggest that most of this evolution may be due to the bulk heating and collisional ionization of the intergalactic medium by supernova events in young galaxy halos.Comment: 6 pages, Latex file, 2 figures, mn.sty, MNRAS in pres

    Hypervelocity stars and the environment of Sgr A*

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    Hypervelocity stars (HVSs) are a natural consequence of the presence of a massive nuclear black hole (Sgr A*) in the Galactic Center. Here we use the Brown et al. sample of unbound and bound HVSs together with numerical simulations of the propagation of HVSs in the Milky Way halo to constrain three plausible ejection mechanisms: 1) the scattering of stars bound to Sgr A* by an inspiraling intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH); 2) the disruption of stellar binaries in the tidal field of Sgr A*; and 3) the two-body scattering of stars off a cluster of stellar-mass black holes orbiting Sgr A*. We compare the predicted radial and velocity distributions of HVSs with the limited-statistics dataset currently available, and show that the IMBH model appears to produce a spectrum of ejection velocities that is too flat. Future astrometric and deep wide-field surveys of HVSs should shed unambiguous light on the stellar ejection mechanism and probe the Milky Way potential on scales as large as 200 kpc.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    On the Evolution of the Cosmic Supernova Rates

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    Ongoing searches for supernovae (SNe) at cosmological distances have recently started to provide a link between SN Ia statistics and galaxy evolution. We use recent estimates of the global history of star formation to compute the theoretical Type Ia and Type II SN rates as a function of cosmic time from the present epoch to high redshifts. We show that accurate measurements of the frequency of SN events in the range 0<z<1 will be valuable probes of the nature of Type Ia progenitors and the evolution of the stellar birthrate in the universe. The Next Generation Space Telescope should detect of order 20 Type II SNe per 4'x 4' field per year in the interval 1<z<4.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the MNRA

    Cosmic rays, lithium abundance and excess entropy in galaxy clusters

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    We consider the production of 6^6Li in spallation reactions by cosmic rays in order to explain the observed abundance in halo metal-poor stars. We show that heating of ambient gas by cosmic rays is an inevitable consequence of this process, and estimate the energy input required to reproduce the observed abundance of 6^6Li/H1011\sim 10^{-11} to be of order a few hundred eV per particle. We draw attention to the possibility that this could explain the excess entropy in gas in galaxy groups and clusters. The evolution of 6^6Li and the accompanying heating of gas is calculated for structures collapsing at the present epoch with injection of cosmic rays at high redshift. We determine the energy required to explain the abundance of 6^6Li at z2z \sim 2 corresponding to the formation epoch of halo metal-poor stars, and also an increased entropy level of 300\sim 300 keV cm2^2 necessary to explain X-ray observations of clusters. The energy budget for this process is consistent with the expected energy output of radio-loud AGNs, and the diffusion length scale of cosmic-ray protons responsible for heating is comparable to the size of regions with excess entropy. We also discuss the constraints imposed by the extragalactic gamma-ray background.Comment: 5 pages, 1 Figure, Accepted for publication in MNRAS (Letters

    Detectability of High Redshift Ellipticals in the Hubble Deep Field

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    Relatively few intensively star-forming galaxies at redshifts z>2.5 have been found in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). This has been interpreted to imply a low space density of elliptical galaxies at high z, possibly due to a late (z<2.5) epoch of formation, or to dust obscuration of the ellipticals that are forming at z~3. I use HST UV (2300 Ang) images of 25 local early-type galaxies to investigate a third option, that ellipticals formed at z>4.5, and were fading passively by 2<z<4.5. Present-day early-types are faint and centrally concentrated in the UV. If ellipticals formed their stars in a short burst at z>4.5, and have faded passively to their present brightnesses at UV wavelengths, they would generally be below the HDF detection limits in any of its bands at z>2.5. Quiescent z ~ 3 ellipticals, if they exist, should turn up in sufficiently deep IR images.Comment: AAS LaTex, 11 pages, 1 table, 1 figure, some corrections and clarifications, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Keck Deep Fields. II. The UV Galaxy Luminosity Function at z~4, 3, and 2

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    We use very deep UGRI multi-field imaging obtained at the Keck telescope to study the evolution of the rest-frame 1700A galaxy luminosity function as the Universe doubles its age from z~4 to z~2. The depth of our imaging allows us to constrain the faint end of the luminosity function reaching M_1700A ~ -18.5 at z~3 (equivalent to ~1M_sun/yr) accounting for both N^1/2 uncertainty in the number of galaxies and for cosmic variance. We carefully examine many potential sources of systematic bias in our LF measurements before drawing the following conclusions. We find that the luminosity function of Lyman Break Galaxies evolves with time and that this evolution is likely differential with luminosity. The result is best constrained between the epochs at z~4 and z~3, where we find that the number density of sub-L* galaxies increases with time by at least a factor of 2.3 (11sigma statistical confidence); while the faint end of the LF evolves, the bright end appears to remain virtually unchanged, indicating that there may be differential, luminosity-dependent evolution significant at the 97% level. Potential systematic biases restric our ability to draw strong conclusions about continued evolution of the luminosity function to lower redshifts, z~2.2 and z~1.7, but, nevertheless, it appears certain that the number density of z~2.2 galaxies at all luminosities we studied, -22<M_1700A<-18, is at least as high as that of their counterparts at z~3. While it is not yet clear what mechanism underlies the observed evolution, the fact that this evolution is differential with luminosity opens up new avenues of improving our understanding of how galaxies form and evolve at high redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Updated preprint to reflect this final versio