2,583 research outputs found
Mistura para bolo com farinhas de castanha-do-brasil e banana verde.
A farinha de castanha-do-brasil é rica em proteínas de alto valor biológico e em selênio, enquanto a farinha de banana verde é rica em amido resistente. A combinação dessas farinhas pode ser usada na fabricação de diversos produtos alimentícios com vistas a conferir sabor e melhorar seu valor nutritivo. As misturas prontas para bolo constituem um produto versátil, representando uma boa alternativa para a inclusão de ingredientes com melhores propriedades nutricionais na alimentação cotidiana. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma formulação de mistura pronta para bolo com adição de farinhas de castanha-do-brasil e banana verde. Foram testadas três formulações: a) tradicional; b) com substituição de 16,67% da farinha de trigo por farinha de castanha e 50% do amido por farinha de banana; c) com substituição de 33,34% da farinha de trigo por farinha de castanha e 100% do amido por farinha de banana. Os bolos resultantes foram avaliados quanto à composição centesimal, textura instrumental, cor e aceitação sensorial. Os bolos fabricados com farinhas de castanha-do-brasil e banana verde apresentaram melhor aceitação sensorial, maiores teores de proteína e fibras e cor mais escura que o bolo tradicional. Nas condições deste estudo, a substituição dos ingredientes tradicionais por farinhas de banana verde e castanha foi vantajosa.bitstream/item/123672/1/25484.pd
Características pós-colheita da laranja Aquiri no Acre.
A produção agrícola no Estado do Acre sofre muitas críticas devido a sua fraca participação na mesa dos consumidores, isso em virtude da maioria do hortifrutigranjeiro vir de outros estados. Com a laranja a situação não é diferente, grande parte da fruta consumida no estado é importada principalmente de São Paulo, o que indica uma grande potencialidade no mercado para essa cultura. Para que se possam atingir esses potenciais, os fatores ligados às práticas culturais precisam ser aperfeiçoados à realidade local. Dentre os fatores genéticos, a seleção de cultivares é primordial pra se obter um produto de qualidade e de aceitação no mercado. No intuito de melhorar e incentivar a citricultura no Acre, a Embrapa Acre publicou recomendações técnicas e recomendou algumas variedades para cultivo, dentre elas a laranjeira ?Aquiri? (LEDO et al., 1997). Os frutos da laranjeira Aquiri são do tipo caipira, esféricos, sucosos, de tamanho médio, polpa alaranjada, textura firme, com 8 a 10 sementes, casca de espessura média e cor amarela. Para a comercialização, a colheita dos frutos precisa ser realizada no estádio certo de maturação, pois a laranja apresenta o padrão de atividade respiratória baixa e constante, com declínio após a colheita, não sendo capaz de completar o processo de amadurecimento fora da planta. Assim a sua colheita deve ser realizada no estádio ótimo e desejável pelos consumidores. Os principais fatores determinantes observados na colheita são teor de açúcares e ácidos, bem como volume de suco (CHITARRA; CHITARRA, 2005). O objetivo desde trabalho foi de verificar as características físicos e físico-químicas da laranja ?Aquiri? no ponto de maturação comercial dos frutos
Canopy Changes of Brachiaria Managed Under Continuous Stocking in the Dry-Water Transition
Pasture supplementation is an alternative to take advantage of the forage mass deferred in the rainy season and maintain or provide weight gain in periods of rain absence. The objective was to compare the structural characteristics, mass production, density and population demography of tillers of Urochloa brizantha cv. Paiaguás and Urochloa spp. cv. Convert under fixed and continuous stocking with steers supplemented with pelleted concentrate supplied in the trough or on the ground in the water/dry transition period. The experiment was carried out in the Jatai Federal University, from March to June 2020, in a completely randomized design and a 2 x 2 factorial scheme, using six paddocks/treatment. SAS was used considering repeated measures (RM) at 5% to do variance analysis. There was a significant interaction between Brachiaria and the method of supplementation for basal tiller, aerial and total tiller density. Convert-grass had an average of 551 basal and 577 total tiller/m2. Paiaguas grass presented higher tiller density (1,028 vs. 582 tiller/m2) and higher tiller birth rate (12.92 vs. 9.14%) than Convert. No significant difference was observed between the brachiarias. The average height of Paiaguas-grass was 62.34 cm and 50.70 cm for Convert-grass. The average height was 57.83 cm and on the ground it was 54.90 cm. Supplementation offer method changed Paiaguas canopy. The Convert showed higher leaf and dead mass production but lower weeds despite its smaller tillering
Nature of the constant factor in the relation between radial breathing mode frequency and tube diameter for single-wall carbon nanotubes
Resonance Raman scattering is used to determine the radial breathing mode (RBM) frequency (ωRBM) dependence on tube diameter (dt) for single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). We establish experimentally the ωRBM=227.0/dt as the fundamental relation for pristine SWNTs. All the other RBM values found in the literature can be explained by an upshift in frequency due mostly to van der Waals interaction between SWNTs and environment
Analysis of flight parameters and georeferencing of images with different control points obtained by RPA
ArticleNew techniques for analysing the earth's surface have been explored, such as the use
of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) to obtain aerial images. However, one of the obstacles of
photogrammetry is the reliability of the scenes, because in some cases, considerable geometric
errors are generated, thus necessitating adjustments. Some parameters used in these adjustments
are image overlaps and control points, which generate uncertainties about the amount and
arrangement of these points in an area. The aim of this study was to test the potential of a
commercial RPA for monitoring and its applicability in the management of and decision-making
about coffee crops with two different overlaps and to evaluate geometric errors by applying four
grids of georeferenced points. The study area is located in an experimental Arabica coffee
plantation measuring 0.65 ha. To capture the images, the flight altitude was standardized to a
30 m altitude from the ground, and a constant travel speed of 3 m s
-1 was used. The treatments
studied were two combinations of image overlap, namely, 80/80% and 70/60%. Six points were
tracked through Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers and identified with signs,
followed by an RPA flight for image collection. The obtained results indicated distinct residual
error rates pointing to larger errors along Cartesian axis Y, demonstrating that the point
distribution directly affects the residual errors. The use of control points is necessary for image
adjustments, but to optimize their application, it is necessary to consider the shape of the area to
be studied and to distribute the points in a non-biased way relative to the coordinate axes. It is
concluded that the lower overlap can be recommended for use in the flight plan due to the high
resolution of the orthomosaic and the shorter processing time
Myxobolus sp. (Myxozoa) in the circulating blood of Colossoma macropomum (Osteichthyes, Characidae).
Myxosporea parasitize many organs in fresh and saltwater fish. Species of the genus Myxobolus parasitizing the gills and other organs of the tambaqui Colossoma macropomum have been described. In the present study, blood smears were made from juvenile tambaqui and were stained with May Grunwald-Giemsa-Wright in order to identify myxozoan parasites. Out of a total of 36 fish examined, one specimen (2.7%) that was reared in a cage presented spores that were identified as M. colossomatis, whereas fish kept in 250 L tanks showed prevalence of 5.5%. This is the first report of M. colossomatis in the blood of farmed tambaqui in the Amazon region. These results indicate that myxozoan parasites should also be investigated in fish blood smears. Some myxosporean species may cause diseases in fish, and these species need to be identified so that adequate preventive sanitary control can be instituted
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