60 research outputs found

    Evolution of green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) : an anchored phylogenomics approach

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    A phylogeny of green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) using anchored hybrid enrichment data is presented. Using this phylogenomic approach, we analysed 137 kb of sequence data (with < 10% missing) for 82 species in 50 genera of Chrysopidae under Bayesian and maximum likelihood criteria. We recovered a strongly supported tree topologically congruent with recently published phylogenies, especially relationships amongst higher‐level groups. The subfamily Nothochrysinae was recovered as paraphyletic, with one clade sister to the rest of Chrysopidae, and the second clade containing the nominal genus (Nothochrysa Navás) as sister to the subfamily Apochrysinae. Chrysopinae was recovered as a monophyletic with the monobasic Nothancylini tribe n. sister to the rest of the subfamily. Leucochrysini was recovered sister to Belonopterygini, and Chrysopini was rendered paraphyletic with respect to Ankylopterygini. Divergence times and diversification estimates indicate a major shift in rate in ancestral Chrysopini at the end of the Cretaceous, and the extensive radiation of Chrysopinae, the numerically dominant clade of green lacewings, began in the Mid‐Paleogene (c. 45 Ma).Table S1. Taxa used in this study, including SRA accession numbers.Table S2. Divergence time estimates (mean ages and ranges) and branch support values for nodes in Figs 2 and S1. PP, posterior probability.Figure S1. Chronogram node numbers and fossils.Figure S2. Maximum likelihood phylogeny of Chrysopidae using AHE data. Bootstrap support values are indicated on nodes and grouped by colour according to value.Figure S3. Nucleotide Astral tree.Figure S4. BAMM plot showing the two most common shift configurations in the credible set. The ‘f’ number corresponds to the proportion of the posterior samples in which this configuration is present.Figure S5. Macroevolutionary cohort matrix for diversifica-tion. Each cell in the matrix is coded by a colour denoting the pairwise probability that two species share a common macroevolutionary rate regime. The maximum clade credi-bility tree is shown for reference in the left and upper margins of each cohort matrix.Figure S6. BAMM rate shift tree showing the overall best fit configuration. Red circles signify placement of shifts.File S1. Chrysopidae Anchored hybrid enrichment alignment. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/downloadSupplement?doi=10.1111%2Fsyen.12347&file=syen12347-sup-0001-FileS1.txt)File S2. Chrysopidae anchored hybrid enrichment, partition datasets. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/downloadSupplement?doi=10.1111%2Fsyen.12347&file=syen12347-sup-0002-FileS2.txt)Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (209447/2013–3, to JPG), the US National Science Foundation (DEB-1144119, to SLW; DEB-1144162, to MSE; and DEB-0933588, to JDO) and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (5162016) (to XL).https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/136531132020-07-01hj2019Zoology and Entomolog

    Efecto insecticida y repelente del aceite de canela sobre moscas asociadas con el ganado

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    Objetivo. Debido a la mayor resistencia parásita, hay una necesidad de explorar insecticidas alternativos, incluidos los productos naturales, tales como aceites esenciales. En este sentido, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar, para el primer equipo, el efecto insecticida y repelente de Cinnamomum zeylanicum (formas libres y nanoemulsión) in vitro e in vivo. Materiales y métodos. Para ello, el efecto insecticida de la forma libre se ensayó a 1.0, 5.0 y 10%, mientras que la forma nanoemulsión se ensayó a 0.5, 1.0 y 5.0% frente a las moscas domésticas adultas, Musca domestica. Para la validación de la prueba, las moscas fueron rociados con el diluyente (agua y triton 10%) y con nanoemulsión en blanco (sin aceite esencial de C. zeylanicum). También, fueron realizados pruebas in vivo usando vacas naturalmente infestadas con Haemotobia irritans. Resultados. Los resultados demostraron que el aceite de canela (10%) y la nanoemulsión (5%) fueron 100% eficaz contra M. domestica después de 90 minutos de exposición. El efecto repelente se ensayó in vivo usando 5% de aceite de canela en vacas Holstein, naturalmente infestados por Haemotobia irritans. Se contaron las moscas a las 0, 1, 2, 3, 9 y 24 h después del tratamiento el aceite de canela. Se verificó disminución significativa (p<0.05) en el número de moscas vivas de vacas canela pulverizada en todo momento. Conclusiones. En base a estos resultados, C. zeylanicum mostró un efecto insecticida (in vitro) contra las moscas domésticas y efecto repelente (in vivo) contra la mosca de los cuernos