17 research outputs found

    Fission Track Analysis Of Apatites From São Francisco Craton And Mesozoic Alcaline-carbonatite Complexes From Central And Southeastern Brazil

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    Thermal histories on seven Brazilian apatites were obtained by fission track analysis using Monte Carlo simulations. The apatites were collected from two distinct geotectonic provinces One group, originated from São Francisco craton, represents a typical cratonic domain with Proterozoic and Eopaleozoic rocks and yielded Permo-Triassic ages (counted since the instant when temperature was low enough so that the damage produced by fission tracks in apatite started to be preserved). The common thermal history accepted by all samples of this group is a linear cooling from ∼90 to ∼25°C for the last 240 Ma, in agreement with present day thermal gradient and denudation rates. The other group, from Mesozoic alkaline-carbonatite complexes, in central and southeastern Brazil, yielded Cretaceous ages, close to those of the intrusions. For the samples of central Brazil, fission track analysis suggests a slow cooling from ∼95° to ∼85°C between 90 and 60 Ma ago, followed by a faster cooling from ∼85° to ∼27°C for the last 60 Ma. Otherwise, two trends exist for the samples of southeastern Brazil. The primary one is an increase in temperature from ∼75° to ∼95°C, which occurred between 140 and 60 Ma ago. In this period, there is also another trend: a cooling from ∼100° to ∼80°C. However, both trends are followed by a common thermal history during the last 60 Ma: a cooling from approximately ∼80° to ∼25°C. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.1003/04/15285294Amaral, G., Bushee, J., Cordani, U.G., Kawashita, K., Reynolds, J.H., Potassium-Argon ages of the alkaline rocks of southern Brazil (1967) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 31, pp. 117-142Amaral, G., Potassion-argon age studies on the Jacupiranga alkaline district, State of São Paulo, Brazil (1978) 1st International Symposium on Carbonatites, Poços de Caldas, pp. 297-302Arne, D.C., Green, P.F., Duddy, I.R., Thermochronologic constraints on the timing of Mississipi Valley - Type ore formation from apatite fission track analysis (1990) Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 17, pp. 319-323Asinus, H.E., Porto, R., Classificação das bacias sedimentares brasileiras segundo a tectônica de placas (1972) Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 26 (2), pp. 67-90. , Proceedings of the 26th Geological Congress of the Brazilian Geological SocietyBrown, R.W., Green, P.F., Discussion on thermal and tectonic history of the East Midlands shelf (onshore UK) and surrounding regions assessed by apatite fission track analysis (1991) Journal of the Geological Society, London, 148, pp. 785-787Corrigan, J.D., Apatite fission track analysis of Oligocene strata in South Texas, U.S.A.: Testing annealing models (1993) Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Section), 104, pp. 227-249Cowan, G.A., Adler, H.H., The variability of the natural abundance of U-235 (1976) Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, 40, pp. 1487-1490Duddy, I.R., Green, P.F., Laslett, G.M., Thermal annealing of fission tracks in apatite 3. 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