58 research outputs found

    Second-Generation Muslim Youth Between Perception and Change: A Case Study on the Prevention of Radicalization

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    The following article presents the results of a research-action and an online communication campaign on the prevention of radicalization of second-generation young Italian Muslims as a part of a project called “Oltre” (the Italian acronym means “Beyond”) financed by European Union. After a short presentation of the four steps of the prevention communication model PKIC, a deepening on the radicalization factors, and a focus on the research-action methodology, the results of the research on some fundamental issues like the relationship with family and the relation with media and social media of the young interviewees, are shown. Finally, in the last part of the article, the interventions carried out by the second-generation young moderators of the social media campaign carried on Facebook and Instagram, are presented in the framework of the online communication campaign born out of the research-action to discuss if and how a prevention process and consequent change with regard to the radicalization factors took place


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    In un contesto in continua evoluzione per effetto della globalizzazione e della rivoluzione tecnologica, la definizione del concetto di devianza e l’esplorazione dei suoi cambiamenti rendono necessaria una riflessione trasversale a diversi ambiti disciplinari, attraversando il confine tra sociologia della devianza e diritto.In a changing environment as a result of globalization and technological revolution, the definition of the concept of deviance and the exploration of its changes make necessary a cross-reflection in different disciplines, crossing the border between sociology of deviance and law

    Ralf Gustav Dahrendorf e il mutamento delle classi sociali

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    Il capitolo venti è parte del manuale Sociologia generale curato da Rita Bichi fondato sulla categoria di persona nella sua correlazione con la struttura sociale. Ralf Dahrendorf (1929-2009) vede nell’attraversamento dei confini - disciplinari, teorici, lavorativi, territoriali – un elemento di vitalità e ricchezza creativa. È un intellettuale pubblico. Il continuo “cavalcare il confine” nel corso della sua vita gli permette di connettere mondi diversi, senza cancellarne le differenze, di passare dalla teoria alla prassi e viceversa, come studioso, come docente, come consigliere, giornalista e politico. Da ciò deriva la difficoltà di collocarlo esclusivamente all’interno di una definizione o di un’area. Proprio tale trasversalità gli consente quello sguardo critico e quella prospettiva innovativa che lo caratterizzano lungo tutto il suo percorso personale e accademico e che il capitolo affronta e attualizza.Chapter twenty is part of the General Sociology textbook edited by Rita Bichi based on the category of person in its correlation with social structure. Ralf Dahrendorf (1929-2009) sees the crossing of boundaries - disciplinary, theoretical, work, territorial - as an element of vitality and creative richness. He is a public intellectual. The continuous 'border-crossing' throughout his life allows him to connect different worlds without erasing their differences, to move from theory to practice and vice versa, as a scholar, as a lecturer, as an advisor, journalist and politician. Hence the difficulty of placing him exclusively within one definition or area. It is precisely this transversality that allows him the critical gaze and innovative perspective that characterised him throughout his personal and academic career and that the chapter addresses and updates

    Coltivare la salute mentale: dignità, partecipazione e creatività attraverso il lavoro

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    This chapter, trying to imagine a reversal of the conditions of marginality or disincentives to the participation of subjects with mental suffering, deals with the pioneering case of the Cooperativa Solidarietà in Palermo. Specifically, among the experiences carried out by its members, the Vivaio Ibervillea, in which people with mental suffering have been working and self-actualising together with other citizens and professionals for many years, is considered particularly significant. The parameters that we take into consideration, in an exploratory key, to define whether or not this case can be considered a good practice, include some elements that are also analysed in other case studies in this volume, and in particular: a) inter-institutional cooperation; b) training; c) family involvement; d) employer sensitivity in small businesses; d) impact on the community. The examination of documentary, textual and audio-visual material (formal acts, grey material, video interviews, photographs, etc.), and participation in some of the events organised over the years, constitute the sources for this research

    Democrazia e consultazione on line. Nuova edizione rivista e aggiornata

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    Il volume è stato immaginato per gli studenti dei corsi di laurea in comunicazione, per gli studiosi e gli operatori della comunicazione pubblica. Integra infatti riflessioni su comunicazione e decisioni pubbliche, democrazia e media digitali, ripercorrendo il dibattito sulla consultazione elettronica attraverso discipline e settori differenti. Il testo, a partire da una riflessione teorica sulla democrazia deliberativa, esamina in modo critico la risposta tecnologica al declino della partecipazione politica a livello internazionale. Presenta le tecniche di consultazione pubblica on line, gli standard minimi, possibili strumenti di pianificazione (metodologica e comunicativa), in una prospettiva che combina ciò che avviene sulla Rete con iniziative sul territorio. Una ricerca empirica compara le prime consultazioni pubbliche on line realizzate in Italia e in Gran Bretagna attraverso l’analisi di documenti, l’indagine secondaria di fonti statistiche ed una ricerca su un corpus di 2075 consultazioni britanniche e 56 progetti italiani di e-democracy, presentando alcuni casi studio. In questa nuova edizione, riflettendo su continuità e mutamento, si aggiorna il dibattito sulla democrazia digitale e le consultazioni pubbliche.The book is designed for communication degree students, scholars and public communication practitioners. It integrates reflections on communication and public decision-making, democracy and digital media, tracing the debate on electronic consultation through different disciplines and sectors. Starting from a theoretical reflection on deliberative democracy, the text critically examines the technological response to the decline of political participation at the international level. It presents online public consultation techniques, minimum standards, possible planning tools (methodological and communicative), in a perspective that combines what happens on the Net with initiatives on the ground. An empirical research compares the first online public consultations carried out in Italy and Great Britain through the analysis of documents, secondary investigation of statistical sources and a research on a corpus of 2075 British consultations and 56 Italian e-democracy projects, presenting some case studies. In this new edition, reflecting on continuity and change, the debate on digital democracy and public consultations is updated

    Lo Stato moderno e la sfida del bitcoin

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    Marilena Macaluso's chapter focuses on the 'challenge' of bitcoin by analysing the transformation of the concept of money in the transition to 'virtual currency' starting from Weber's reflections on the functions of money and the importance of the monetary monopoly for the modern state. If, on the one hand, the role of the state continues to remain relevant in the monetary system, on the other hand, the great transformations that mark post-modernity bring new actors onto the scene, who privatise the issuing and transferring of bitcoins, thus profoundly shaking up traditional modes of regulation and the role of centralised monetary authorities. This entails the return of pre-modern elements in the definition of the modes of currency issuance and exchange: from the barter metaphor for bitcoin transactions to the cryptographic privatisation of the minting of virtual currency in an anonymous and only apparently horizontal system, which aspires to regulate itself without intermediaries and in opposition to states

    Electronic Consultations: Techniques, Opportunities, and Threats

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    Public Participation in Alternative Governance in Ital

    Il tesoro di Ciancimino reinvestito nell’oro blu

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    Il capitolo analizza gli interessi di Cosa Nostra in ambito energetico presentando un caso studio. I nodi della rete ricostruita in questo saggio, attraverso una prospettiva macro e micro-sociologica, comprendono singoli colletti bianchi e soggetti collettivi, come organizzazioni criminali, imprese e banche. In tale sistema ognuno ha un compito specifico, ma per tutti le relazioni sono essenziali