1 research outputs found

    Analysis and Suggestions for Business Model of eBayEachnet

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    EBAY易趣网和淘宝网是目前中国电子商务中经常被提及的两个对手。2002年时,EBAY易趣曾经一枝独秀,但在淘宝网和拍拍网的竞争下,迅速丧失市场领先地位,市场份额逐步缩小,并终于与TOM集团有限公司下属的TOM在线成立了合营公司。 本文主要运用翁君奕教授的《商业模式创新》理论,以合营公司的成立为研究截止时间,尝试揭示、分析、解释EBAY易趣商务模式针对中国大陆市场而言存在的不足之处,并提出实现转机的若干建议。全文共分五章,分别如下: 第一章主要介绍论文写作的背景和研究意义所在,以及研究理论和框架。 第二章针对EBAY易趣商务模式,按照商业模式创新理论的层次,从商务模式环境、商务模式要素、...eBayEachnet and Taobao are main competitors in China’s E-commerce. eBayEachnet just took the lead in as earlier as year 2002, however, it was overwhelmed by Taobao and Paipai gradually, the leading was lost and the share market diminished very soon, as a result, it incorporated with Tom Online, a filial of Tom group limited company.Bearing in mind the theory of <Business Models Innovatio...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20041523