225 research outputs found

    Tissue-Engineered Larynx: Future Applications in Laryngeal Cancer

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article reviews the latest developments in tissue engineering for the larynx with a specific focus on the treatment of laryngeal cancer. RECENT FINDINGS: Challenges in tissue engineering a total larynx can be divided into scaffold design, methods of re-mucosalization, and how to restore laryngeal function. The literature described a range of methods to deliver a laryngeal scaffold including examples of synthetic, biomimetic, and biological scaffolds. Methods to regenerate laryngeal mucosa can be divided into examples that use a biological dressing and those that engineer a new mucosal layer de novo. Studies aiming to restore laryngeal function have been reported, but to date, the optimum method for achieving this as part of a total laryngeal transplant is yet to be determined. SUMMARY: There is great potential for tissue engineering to improve the treatments available for laryngeal cancer within the next 10 years. A number of challenges exist however and advances in restoring function must keep pace with developments in scaffold design

    Tissue Engineered Airways: A Prospects Article

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    An ideal tracheal scaffold must withstand luminal collapse yet be flexible, have a sufficient degree of porosity to permit vascular and cellular ingrowth, but also be airtight and must facilitate growth of functional airway epithelium to avoid infection and aid in mucocilliary clearance. Finally, the scaffold must also be biocompatible to avoid implant rejection. Over the last 40 years, efforts to design and manufacture the airway have been undertaken worldwide but success has been limited and far apart. As a result, tracheal resection with primary repair remains the Gold Standard of care for patients presenting with airway disorders and malignancies. However, the maximum resectable length of the trachea is restricted to 30% of the total length in children or 50% in adults. Attempts to provide autologous grafts for human application have also been disappointing for a host of different reasons, including lack of implant integration, insufficient donor organs and poor mechanical strength resulting in an unmet clinical need. The two main approaches researchers have taken to address this issue have been the development of synthetic scaffolds and the use of decellularised organs. To date, a number of different decellularisation techniques and a variety of materials, including polyglycolic acid (PGA) and nanocomposite polymers have been explored. The findings thus far have shown great promise, however there remain a significant number of caveats accompanying each approach. That being said, the possibilities presented by these two approaches could be combined to produce a highly successful, clinically viable hybrid scaffold. This article aims to highlight advances in airway tissue engineering and provide an overview of areas to explore and utilise in accomplishing the aim of a developing an ideal tracheal prosthesis

    3D bioprinting for tissue engineering: Stem cells in hydrogels

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    Surgical limitations require alternative methods of repairing and replacing diseased and damaged tissue. Regenerative medicine is a growing area of research with engineered tissues already being used successfully in patients. However, the demand for such tissues greatly outweighs the supply and a fast and accurate method of production is still required. 3D bioprinting offers precision control as well as the ability to incorporate biological cues and cells directly into the material as it is being fabricated. Having precise control over scaffold morphology and chemistry is a significant step towards controlling cellular behaviour, particularly where undifferentiated cells, i.e., stem cells, are used. This level of control in the early stages of tissue development is crucial in building more complex systems that morphologically and functionally mimic in vivo tissue. Here we review 3D printing hydrogel materials for tissue engineering purposes and the incorporation of cells within them. Hydrogels are ideal materials for cell culture. They are structurally similar to native extracellular matrix, have a high nutrient retention capacity, allow cells to migrate and can be formed under mild conditions. The techniques used to produce these materials, as well as their benefits and limitations, are outlined

    Laryngological presentations and patient-reported outcome measures in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to characterise the laryngological presentations of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome and conduct a preliminary exploration of patient-reported outcome measures. METHODS: This paper describes a retrospective case series of patients with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome seen by the senior author between 2005 and 2019. A literature review was conducted to summarise the existing findings. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients met the inclusion criteria. All reported symptoms were grouped; this showed that swallowing, voice and hyolaryngeal skeletal complex problems were commonest. Patient-reported outcome measures were available for eight patients, which showed large variations in: the Reflux Severity Index (median = 25.5; range = 0–33), Eating Assessment Tool score (median = 21.5; range = 0–35) and Voice Handicap Index (median = 21.5; range = 0–104). Twelve studies met our literature review inclusion criteria, involving at least 91 patients with laryngological presentations of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome. CONCLUSION: Ehlers–Danlos syndrome patients experience musculoskeletal issues, which in the throat manifest as hyolaryngeal skeletal complex problems. Future studies with larger patient numbers are required to validate laryngological patient-reported outcome measure tools in Ehlers–Danlos syndrome

    The Host Immune Response to Tissue-Engineered Organs: Current Problems and Future Directions

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    As the global health burden of chronic disease increases, end-stage organ failure has become a costly and intractable problem. De novo organ creation is one of the long-term goals of the medical community. One of the promising avenues is that of tissue engineering: the use of biomaterials to create cells, structures, or even whole organs. Tissue engineering has emerged from its nascent stage, with several proof-of-principle trials performed across various tissue types. As tissue engineering moves from the realm of case trials to broader clinical study, three major questions have emerged: (1) Can the production of biological scaffolds be scaled up accordingly to meet current and future demands without generating an unfavorable immune response? (2) Are biological scaffolds plus or minus the inclusion of cells replaced by scar tissue or native functional tissue? (3) Can tissue-engineered organs be grown in children and adolescents given the different immune profiles of children? In this review, we highlight current research in the immunological response to tissue-engineered biomaterials, cells, and whole organs and address the answers to these questions

    Bilateral parotid secondaries from primary bronchial carcinoid tumour

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    Three years following a right lower lobectomy for primary carcinoid tumour of the bronchus, a patient presented with bilateral parotid masses. On investigation, both these were shown to be carcinoid tumours, consistent with metastatic spread from the primary bronchial tumour. This unique case is presented together with a discussion of the diagnostic methods employed

    GMP compliant isolation of mucosal epithelial cells and fibroblasts from biopsy samples for clinical tissue engineering

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    Engineered epithelial cell sheets for clinical replacement of non-functional upper aerodigestive tract mucosa are regulated as medicinal products and should be manufactured to the standards of good manufacturing practice (GMP). The current gold standard for growth of epithelial cells for research utilises growth arrested murine 3T3 J2 feeder layers, which are not available for use as a GMP compliant raw material. Using porcine mucosal tissue, we demonstrate a new method for obtaining and growing non-keratinised squamous epithelial cells and fibroblast cells from a single biopsy, replacing the 3T3 J2 with a growth arrested primary fibroblast feeder layer and using pooled Human Platelet lysate (HPL) as the media serum supplement to replace foetal bovine serum (FBS). The initial isolation of the cells was semi-automated using an Octodissociator and the resultant cell suspension cryopreservation for future use. When compared to the gold standard of 3T3 J2 and FBS containing medium there was no reduction in growth, viability, stem cell population or ability to differentiate to mature epithelial cells. Furthermore, this method was replicated with Human buccal tissue, providing cells of sufficient quality and number to create a tissue engineered sheet

    Optimized isolation and expansion of human airway epithelial basal cells from endobronchial biopsy samples

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    Autologous airway epithelial cells have been used in clinical tissue-engineered airway transplantation procedures with a view to assisting mucosal regeneration and restoring mucociliary escalator function. However, limited time is available for epithelial cell expansion due to the urgent nature of these interventions and slow epithelial regeneration has been observed in patients. Human airway epithelial cells can be expanded from small biopsies or brushings taken during bronchoscopy procedures but the optimal mode of tissue acquisition from patients has not been investigated. Here, we compare endobronchial brushing and endobronchial biopsy samples in terms of their cell number and their ability to initiate basal epithelial stem cell cultures. We found that direct co-culture of samples with 3T3-J2 feeder cells in culture medium containing a Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, Y-27632, led to the selective expansion of greater numbers of basal epithelial stem cells during the critical early stages of culture than traditional techniques. Additionally, we established the benefit of initiating cell cultures from cell suspensions, either using brushing samples or through enzymatic digestion of biopsies, over explant culture. Primary epithelial cell cultures were initiated from endobronchial biopsy samples that had been cryopreserved prior to the initiation of cell cultures, suggesting that cryopreservation could eliminate the requirement for close proximity between the clinical facility in which biopsy samples are taken and the specialist laboratory in which epithelial cells are cultured. Overall, our results suggest ways to expedite epithelial cell preparation in future airway cell therapy or bioengineered airway transplantation procedures
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