27 research outputs found

    Response of lignin and flavonoid metabolic pathways in Capsicum annuum to drought and waterlogging stresses

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    Water stress is a critical factor limiting the growth and development of Capsicum annuum. Flavonoids and lignin are important secondary metabolites that serve as signaling molecules in plant stress responses. However, the effects and regulatory mechanisms of lignin and flavonoids under water stress in Capsicum annuum remain unknown. The present study focused on the effects of drought and waterlogging stress on the morphology, hydrogen peroxide, and relative chlorophyll (SPAD), as well as enzyme activities, metabolite contents, and gene expression related to lignin and flavonoid metabolic pathways in Capsicum annuum. The results showed that drought and waterlogging stresses on the Capsicum annuum variety ‘Shuyu2’ significantly reduced plant height, stem thickness, and single-fruit weight, and increased fruit shape coefficients. Drought stress increased H2O2 and SPAD content, enhanced the activity levels of metabolic enzymes (phenylalanine deaminase, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase, coenzyme A ligase, peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase), and up-regulated the expression of related genes, phenylalanine deaminase (PAL), trans-cinnamate monooxygenase (C4H), chalcone isomerase (CHI), and mangiferyl hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (HCT), while also promoting the accumulation of metabolites (total phenolics, flavonoids, and lignin) that have a restorative effect on drought stress. The continuous accumulation of H2O2 and the increase and then decrease in SPAD under waterlogging stress was also observed. Waterlogging stress also enhanced the activities of the above-mentioned metabolic enzymes, but the related genes were selectively down-regulated, e.g., C4H, 4CL, and peroxidase (POD), which resulted in the inhibition of the synthesis of lignin, flavonoids, and total phenols. These results indicate that the Capsicum annuum variety ‘Shuyu2’ is a drought-tolerant, waterlogging-sensitive variety. Meanwhile, the lignin and flavonoid pathway is a key pathway in response to drought stress in Capsicum annuum, which improves the theory of stress tolerance breeding in Capsicum annuum

    The Effect Mechanism of Tie Strength of Supply Networks on Risk Sharing: Based on the Empirical Data of China’s Automobile Manufacturing Industry

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    Based on the research perspective of the cooperation risk and opportunistic risk between supply network enterprises, this article investigates the mechanism of how tie strength between manufacturers and suppliers influences risk sharing among enterprises from two dimensions of tie strength: structural strength and relational strength. In particular, we introduce how asymmetry of dependence moderates the relationship between tie strength and risk sharing. We surveyed China’s domestic auto OEMs and their first-tier suppliers in China through 260 questionnaires and used a hierarchical regression model as a research method to carry out the empirical analysis and test. We found an inverted U-shaped relationship between tie strength and risk sharing among enterprises, and asymmetry of dependence has a significant negative adjustment function on relational strength of the tie and risk-sharing relationship, while there is no significant adjustment function on the structural strength of it. Our findings suggest that keeping moderate tie strength among enterprises is conducive to achieving risk sharing. Moreover, trust and reciprocity is inhibitory regarding the adjustment effect of asymmetry of the dependence influencing relational strength and risk-sharing relationship. However, the structural strength and risk-sharing relationship are not interfered with by the adjustment function of asymmetry of dependence; that is, structural strength plays a decisive role in risk sharing

    Analysis of the Potential Impacts on China’s Industrial Structure in Energy Consumption

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    Industrial structure is one of the main factors that determine energy consumption. Based on China’s energy consumption in 2015 and the goals in 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (The 13th Five-Year Plan), this paper established an input–output fuzzy multi-objective optimization model to estimate the potential impacts of China’s industrial structure on energy consumption in 2015. Results showed that adjustments to industrial structure could save energy by 19% (1129.17 million ton standard coal equivalent (Mtce)). Second, China’s equipment manufacturing industry has a large potential to save energy. Third, the development of several high energy intensive and high carbon intensive sectors needs to be strictly controlled, including Sector 25 (electricity, heat production, and supply industry), Sector 11 (manufacture of paper and stationery, printing), and Sector 14 (non-metallic mineral products industry). Fourth, the territory industry in China has a great potential for energy saving, while its internal structure still needs to be upgraded. Finally, we provide policy suggestions that may be adopted to reduce energy consumption by adjusting China’s industrial structure

    Allocation of Energy Consumption among Provinces in China: A Weighted ZSG-DEA Model

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    To realize the sustainable development of energy, the Chinese government has formulated a series of national goals of total energy control and energy structure optimization. Under the national constraints, how to efficiently allocate the constrained total amount of energy consumption to each province is a fundamental problem to be solved. Based on a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model and a zero-sum game theory (ZSG), this paper constructs a weighted zero-sum game data envelopment analysis (ZSG-DEA) model to allocate the energy consumption quota. Additionally, this paper compares the results with the current administrative targets, to examine the efficiency and feasibility of each allocation mechanism. Finally, this paper employs the proposed model to determine the optimal energy structure for each province in China. The results indicate that by 2020, the national goal of energy structure adjustment will be realized, and energy structure will be diversified in most regions, whereas the coal-dominated status in primary energy consumption will not change. Additionally, the weighted ZSG-DEA model focuses on allocation efficiency while the government considers more regional economic disparity. Therefore, this study suggests a mixture of the two allocation mechanisms in accordance with specific conditions

    Transcriptional and Metabolic Characterization of Feeding Ramie Growth Enhanced by a Combined Application of Gibberellin and Ethrel

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    Feeding ramie cultivars (Boehmaria nivea L.) are an important feedstock for livestock. Increasing their biomass and improving their nutritional values are essential for animal feeding. Gibberellin (GA3) and ethylene (ETH) are two plant hormones that regulate the growth, development, and metabolism of plants. Herein, we report effects of the GA3 and ETH application on the growth and plant metabolism of feeding ramie in the field. A combination of GA3 and ETH was designed to spray new plants. The two hormones enhanced the growth of plants to produce more biomass. Meanwhile, the two hormones reduced the contents of lignin in leaves and stems, while increased the content of flavonoids in leaves. To understand the potential mechanisms behind these results, we used RNA-seq-based transcriptomics and UPLC-MS/MS-based metabolomics to characterize gene expression and metabolite profiles associated with the treatment of GA3 and ETH. 1562 and 2364 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were obtained from leaves and stems (treated versus control), respectively. Meanwhile, 99 and 88 differentially accumulated metabolites (DAMs) were annotated from treated versus control leaves and treated versus control stems, respectively. Data mining revealed that both DEGs and DAMs were associated with multiple plant metabolisms, especially plant secondary metabolism. A specific focus on the plant phenylpropanoid pathway identified candidates of DEGs and DEMs that were associated with lignin and flavonoid biosynthesis. Shikimate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT) is a key enzyme that is involved in the lignin biosynthesis. The gene encoding B. nivea HCT was downregulated in the treated leaves and stems. In addition, genes encoding 4-coumaryl CoA ligase (4CL) and trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase (CYP73A), two lignin pathway enzymes, were downregulated in the treated stems. Meanwhile, the reduction in lignin in the treated leaves led to an increase in cinnamic acid and p-coumaryl CoA, two shared substrates of flavonoids that are enhanced in contents. Taken together, these findings indicated that an appropriate combination of GA3 and ETH is an effective strategy to enhance plant growth via altering gene expression and plant secondary metabolism for biomass-enhanced and value-improved feeding ramie

    Integrated Transcriptome and Metabolome Analysis Reveal That Exogenous Gibberellin Application Regulates Lignin Synthesis in Ramie

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    Gibberellin regulates plant growth, development, and metabolic processes. However, the underlying mechanism of the substantial effect of gibberellin on stem height and secondary metabolites in forage ramie is unclear. Therefore, this study combined transcriptomic and metabolomics analyses to identify the mechanisms regulating growth and secondary metabolite contents in forage ramie following exogenous gibberellin application. Exogenous gibberellin application significantly reduced the lignin content in the leaves but not in the stems. At the same time, gibberellin significantly increased the total flavonoid and chlorogenic acid contents in both the stems and leaves. In addition, 293 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and 68 differentially expressed metabolites (DEMs) were identified in the leaves. In the stems, 128 DEGs and 41 DEMs were identified. The DEGs PER42, FLS, CYP75A, and PNC1 were up-regulated in the leaves, affecting phenylpropane metabolism. The joint analysis of the DEMs and DEGs revealed that the changes in the DEGs and DEMs in the leaves and stems improved the substrate efficiency in the phenol propane pathway and inhibited lignin synthesis in plants, thus shifting to flavonoid pathway synthesis. In conclusion, gibberellin treatment effectively reduces the lignin content in forage ramie while increasing the flavonoid and chlorogenic acid contents. These findings provide empirical and practical guidance for breeding for forage quality in ramie and the improvement and cultivation control of forage ramie

    The Role of Hemicellulose in Cadmium Tolerance in Ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.)

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    Ramie cell walls play an important role in cadmium (Cd) detoxification. However, the Cd binding capacity of the cell wall components and the cell wall compositions among ramie species remains unclear. Therefore, this study compared two ramie populations (‘Dazhuhuangbaima’ (low-Cd-accumulating population) and ‘Zhongzhu 1’ (high-Cd-accumulating population)) with different Cd enrichment characteristics. The two ramie populations were treated with 0, 25, and 75 mg kg−1 Cd for 30 days; then, their root length, plant height, biomass, Cd enrichment in the organs, subcellular Cd distribution, Cd content in the cell wall polysaccharides, and hemicellulose content were determined. The root length, plant height, biomass, and Cd enrichment in all organs were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in ‘Zhongzhu 1’ than in ‘Dazhuhuangbaima’ under Cd stress. In addition, the subcellular Cd distribution analysis revealed that Cd was mainly found in the cell wall in both ramie populations. Among the cell wall fractions, Cd was mainly bound to the hemicelluloses, with 60.38–73.10% and 50.05–64.45% Cd accumulating in the ‘Zhongzhu 1’ and ‘Dazhuhuangbaima’ cell wall hemicelluloses, respectively. However, the Cd concentration in the ‘Zhongzhu 1’ hemicellulose was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) than that in the ‘Dazhuhuangbaima’ hemicellulose. Hemicellulose content analysis further revealed that the hemicellulose concentration increased with the Cd concentration in both populations, but it was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in ‘Zhongzhu 1’ than in ‘Dazhuhuangbaima’ across all Cd treatments. Thus, ramie copes under Cd stress by increasing the hemicellulose content in the cell wall. The findings in this study confirm that hemicellulose is the main enrichment site for Cd in ramie. It also provides a theoretical basis for Cd enrichment breeding in ramie

    Modeling and Design of Graphene GaAs Junction Solar Cell

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    Graphene based GaAs junction solar cell is modeled and investigated by Silvaco TCAD tools. The photovoltaic behaviors have been investigated considering structure and process parameters such as substrate thickness, dependence between graphene work function and transmittance, and n-type doping concentration in GaAs. The results show that the most effective region for photo photogenerated carriers locates very close to the interface under light illumination. Comprehensive technological design for junction yields a significant improvement of power conversion efficiency from 0.772% to 2.218%. These results are in good agreement with the reported experimental work