15 research outputs found

    Theranostic body fluid cleansing : rationally designed magnetic particles enable capturing and detection of bacterial pathogens

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    We report on theoretical and experimental considerations on bacteria capturing and enrichment via magnetic separation enabling integrated diagnosis and treatment of blood stream infections. We show optimization of carrier-pathogen interactions based on a mathematical model followed by an experimental proof-of-concept study along with investigations on the process safety

    Rationally designed Magnetic Particles enable Capturing and Detection of Bacterial Pathogens

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    In this work we highlight magnetic blood purification as possible therapy for blood stream infections [1-2], where circulating pathogens are at first removed from the bodily fluid and subsequently recovered and analyzed. (Fig. 1) This process would result in an immediate therapeutic benefit for the patient, while also considerably shortening the diagnosis process, a critical step which heavily affects the final outcome of the treatment. Finally, the use of a newly developed human IgG1 monoclonal antibody against poly-N-acetylglucosamine (PNAG) as targeting moiety extends this therapy to the majority of the pathogens responsible for the most frequent nosocomial infections. We show an experimental proof-of-concept study along with an optimization of carrier-pathogen interactions based on a mathematical model and an investigations on the process safety [3]. [1] I. K. Herrmann, M. Urner, F. M. Koehler, M. Hasler, B. Roth-Z\u2019Graggen, R. N. Grass, U. Ziegler, B. Beck-Schimmer, and W. J. Stark, Small, 2010, 6, 1388 [2] I. K. Herrmann , M. Urner, S. Graf , C. M. Schumacher , B. Roth-Z\u2019graggen , M. Hasler , W. J. Stark , and B. Beck-Schimmer, Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2013, 2, 829\u2013835 [3] M. Lattuada, Q. Ren, F. Zuber, M. Galli, N. Bohmer, A. Wichser, S. Bertazzo, G. B. Pier and I. K. Herrmann, J. Mater Chem. B, under review

    Zinc incorporation via the vapor−liquid−solid mechanism into InP nanowires

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    We report the incorporation of zinc atoms into vapor−liquid−solid grown indium phosphide nanowires via a gold catalyst particle. We demonstrate this by synthesizing axial pn-junctions, chemically etching them, and fabricating electrical contacts in a vertical configuration. Electrical measurements show clear diode behavior. Control of dopant incorporation is crucial for future applications and will eventually lead to full freedom of design

    Environmental Health Studies

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    Cardiac Function

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