17 research outputs found

    Green Approaches to Highly Selective Processes: Reactions of Dimethyl Carbonate Over Zeolites and Bases

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    Nowadays available by clean industrial processes, dimethyl carbonate (DMC) possesses properties of nontoxicity and biodegradability which make it a true green reagent/solvent to devise syntheses that prevent pollution at the source. In particular, the versatile reactivity of DMC allows both methylation and carboxymethylation protocols that can replace conventional and highly noxious reagents such as methyl halides (and dimethyl sulfate, DMS) and phosgene. In the field of DMC-mediated methylations, representative examples are the reactions of DMC with CH2-active compounds and primary aromatic amines. In the presence of organic/inorganic bases or zeolites (faujasites) catalysts, these processes proceed with unprecedented selectivity (up to 99 %, at complete conversion) toward the corresponding mono-C- and mono-N-methyl derivatives, a result hitherto not possible with conventional alkylation reagents. In the case of ambident amines (e.g., aminophenols, aminobenzyl alcohols, aminobenzoic acids, and aminobenzamides), the unique combination of DMC and zeolites allows not only a very high mono-N-methyl selectivity, but also a complete chemoselectivity toward the amino group. The other nucleophilic functionalities (OH, CO2H, CH2OH, CONH2) are fully preserved from alkylation and/or transesterification reactions, usually observed over basic catalysts

    The Methylation of Benzyl-type Alcohols with Dimethyl Carbonate in Presence of Y and X-Faujasites: Selective Synthesis of Methyl Ethers

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    At 165–200 uC, in the presence of sodium-exchanged faujasites (NaX or NaY) as catalysts, the reaction of dimethyl carbonate with benzyl-, o- and p-methoxybenzyl-, p-hydroxybenzyl-, diphenylmethyl-, and triphenylmethyl-alcohols (1a, 2a,b, 3a, 4a, and 4c, respectively), produces the corresponding methyl ethers in up to 98% yields. A peculiar chemoselectivity is observed for hydroxybenzyl alcohols (compounds 3a and 3b, para- and ortho-isomers) whose etherification takes place without affecting the OH aromatic groups. Acid–base interactions of alcohols and DMC over the faujasite surface offer a plausible explanation for the catalytic effect of zeolites NaY and NaX, as well as for the trend of reactivity shown by the different alcohols (primary . secondary . tertiary). However, in the case of substrates with mobile protons in the b-position (i.e. 1-phenylethanol and 1,1-diphenylethanol), the dehydration reaction to olefins is the major, if not the exclusive, process

    Mono-N- methylation of Functionalised Anilines with Alkyl Methyl Carbonates over NaY Faujasites. 4. Kinetics and Selectivity

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    In the presence of NaY faujasite as the catalyst, the reaction of bifunctional anilines (1-4: XC6H4- NH2; X ) OH, CO2H, CH2OH, and CONH2) with methyl alkyl carbonates [MeOCO2R¢: R¢ ) Me or MeO(CH2)2O(CH2)2] proceeds with a very high mono-N-methyl selectivity (XC6H4NHMe up to 99%), and chemoselectivity as well, with other nucleophilic functions (OH, CO2H, CH2OH, CONH2) fully preserved from alkylation and/or transesterification reactions. Aromatic substituents, however, modify the relative reactivity of amines 1-4: good evidence suggests that, not only steric and electronic effects, but, importantly, direct acid-base interactions between substituents and the catalyst are involved. Weakly acidic groups (OH, CH2OH, CONH2, pKa g 10) may help the reaction, while aminobenzoic acids (pKa of 4-5) are the least reactive substrates. The solvent polarity also affects the reaction, which is faster in xylene than in the more polar diglyme. The mono-N-methyl selectivity is explained by the adsorption pattern of reagents within the zeolite pores: a BAl2 displacement of the amine on methyl alkyl carbonate should occur aided by the geometric features of the NaY supercavities. Different factors account for the reaction chemoselectivity. Evidence proves that the polarizability of the two nucleophilic terms (NH2 and X groups) of anilines is relevant, although adsorption and confinement phenomena of reagents promoted by the zeolite should also be considered

    Synthesis of Methyl Carbamates from Primary Aliphatic Amines and Dimethyl Carbonate in Supercritical CO2: Effects of Pressure and Cosolvents and Chemoselectivity

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    At 130 °C, in the presence of CO2 (5-200 bar), primary aliphatic amines react with dimethyl carbonate (MeOCO2Me, DMC) to yield methyl carbamates (RNHCO2Me) and N-methylation sideproducts (RNHMe and RNMe2). The pressure of CO2 largely influences both the reaction conversion and the selectivity toward urethanes: in general, conversion goes through a maximum (70-80%) in the midrange (40 bar) and drops at lower and higher pressures, whereas selectivity is continuously improved (from 50% up to 90%) by an increase of the pressure. This is explained by the multiple role of CO2 in (i) the acid/base equilibrium with aliphatic amines, (ii) the reactivity/solubility of RNHCO2 - nucleophiles with/in DMC, and (iii) the inhibition of competitive N-methylation reaction of the substrates. Cosolvents also affect the reaction: in particular, a drop in selectivity is observed with polar protic media (i.e., MeOH), plausibly because of solvation effects (through H-bonds) of RNHCO2 - moieties. The reaction shows also a good chemoselectivity: bifunctional aliphatic amines bearing either aromatic NH2 or OH substituents [XC6H4(CH2)nNH2, X ) NH2, OH; n ) 1, 2], undergo methoxycarbonylation reactions exclusively at aliphatic amino groups and give the corresponding methyl carbamates [XC6H4(CH2)nNHCO2Me] in 39-65% isolated yields

    Synthesis of oxazolidinones in supercritical CO2 under heterogeneous catalysis

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    Basic alumina efficiently promotes the reaction of propargylamines with scCO2 for the synthesis of variously substituted oxazolidinones that, after catalyst filtration, are easily isolated by methanol crystallization