9 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Lymphatic Compensation By Lymphoscintigraphy In The Postoperative Period Of Breast Cancer Surgery With Axillary Dissection [avaliação Das CompensaçÔes Linfåticas No Pós-operatório De Cùncer De Mama Com Dissecção Axilar Através Da Linfocintilografia]

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    The lymphatic system is a component of the human body that is closely related to the venous system. However, scientific knowledge of this system is limited. The etiology and risk factors for the development of postoperative lymphedema in patients with breast cancer seem to bemultifactorial and have not been fully understood yet. The objective of this review of the literature was to describe lymphoscintigraphic pattern and to evaluate upper limb lymphatic compensation following breast cancer surgery with axillary dissection. Copyright© 2008 by Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e de Cirurgia Vascular.74370375Instituto Nacional do CĂąncer (INCA) [site na Internet]. Brasil, MinistĂ©rio da SaĂșde2007. [citado, , http://www.inca.gov.br, 30 dez 2007, DisponĂ­vel emSoran, A., D'Angelo, G., Begovic, M., Breast cancer-related lymphedema: What are the significant predictors and how they affect the severity of lymphedema? (2006) Breast J, 12, pp. 536-543Werner RS, McCormick B, Petrek J, Cox L, Cirrincione C, Gray JR. Armedema in conservatively managed breast cancer: obesity is a major predictive factor. 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Tratado de Fisiologia Medica. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan1998Suami, H., Pan, W.R., Taylor, G.I., Changes in the lymph structure of the upper limb after axillary dissection: Radiographic and anatomical study in human cadaver (2007) Plast Reconstr Surg, 120, pp. 982-991Kim, C., Li, B., Papaiconomou, C., Zakharov, A., Johnston, M., Functional impact of lymphangiogenesis on fluid transport after lymph node excision (2003) Lymphology, 36, pp. 111-119Clodius, L., Minimizing secondary arm lymphedema from axillary dissection (2001) Lymphology, 34, pp. 106-110Howarth, D.M., Increased lymphoscintigraphy flow pattern in the lower extremity under evaluation for lymphedema (1997) Mayo Clin Proc, 72, pp. 423-429Hwang, J.H., Kwon, J.Y., Lee, K.W., Changes in lymphatic function after complex physical therapy for lymphedema (1999) Lymphology, 32, pp. 15-21Bourgeois P, Leduc O, Leduc A. Imaging techniques in the management and prevention of posttherapeutic upper limb edemas. Cancer. 1998;83(12 Suppl American):2805-13Svensson, W., Glass, D.M., Bradley, D., Peters, A.M., Measurement of lymphatic function with technetium-99m-labelled polyclonal immunoglobulin (1999) Eur J Nucl Med, 26, pp. 504-510Gloviczki, P., Calcagno, D., Schirger, A., Noninvasive evaluation of the swollen extremity: Experiences with 190 lymphoscintigraphy examinations (1989) J Vasc Surg, 9, pp. 683-689. , discussion 690Yuan, Z., Chen, L., Luo, Q., Zhu, J., Lu, H., Zhu, R., The role of radionuclide lymphoscintigraphy in extremity lymphedema (2006) Ann Nucl Med, 20, pp. 341-344Scarsbrook, A.F., Ganeshan, A., Bradley, K.M., Pearls and pitfalls of radionuclide imaging of the lymphatic system. Part 2: Evaluation of extremity lymphoedema (2006) Bri J Radiol. 2007, 80, pp. 219-226. , Epub May 25Williams, W.H., Witte, C.L., Witte, M.H., Mcneill, G.C., Radionuclide lymphangioscintigraphy in the evaluation of peripheral lymphedema (2000) Clin Nucl Med, 25, pp. 451-464Cambria, R.A., Gloviczki, P., Naessens, J.M., Wahner, H.W., Noninvasive evaluation of the lymphatic system with lymphoscintigraphy: A prospective, semiquantitative analysis in 386 extremities (1993) J Vasc Surg, 18, pp. 773-782O'Mahony, S., Rose, S.L., Chilvers, A.J., Finding an optimal method for imaging lymphatic vessels of the upper limb (2004) Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 31, pp. 555-563Szuba, A., Strauss, W., Sirsikar, S.P., Rockson, S.G., Quantitative radionuclide lymphoscintigraphy predicts outcome of manual lymphatic therapy in breast cancer-related lymphedema of the upper extremity (2002) Nucl Med Commun, 23, pp. 1171-1175Ter, S.E., Alavi, A., Kim, C.K., Merli, G., Lymphoscintigraphy. A reliable test for the diagnosis of lymphedema (1993) Clin Nucl Med, 18, pp. 646-654Lane, K.N., Dolan, L.B., Worsley, D., Mckenzie, D.C., Upper extremity lymphatic function at rest and during exercise in breast cancer survivors with and without lymphedema compared with healthy controls (2007) J Appl Physiol, 103, pp. 917-925Weissleder, H., Weissleder, R., Lymphedema: Evaluation of qualitative and quantitative lymphoscintigraphy in 238 patients (1988) Radiology, 167, pp. 729-735Petrek, J.A., Pressman, P.I., Smith, R.A., Lymphedema: Current issues in research and management (2000) CA Cancer J Clin, 50, pp. 292-307Baulieu, F., Itti, R., Taieb, W., Richard, G., Martinat, H., Barsotti, J., Lymphoscintigraphy. A predictive test of post-traumatic lymphedema of the lower limbs (1985) Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot, 71, pp. 327-332Nos, C., Lesieur, B., Clough, K.B., Lecuru, F., Blue dye injection in the arm in order to conserve the lymphatic drainage of the arm in breast cancer patients requiring an axillary dissection (2007) Ann Surg Oncol, 14, pp. 2490-249

    Glutathione S-transferase Pi expression in invasive breast cancer and its relation with the clinical outcome

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    a glutationa S-transferase (GST) Ă© um sistema enzimĂĄtico localizado no citosol celular e Ă© responsĂĄvel pela eliminação de toxinas. Estudos realizados in vitro mostraram que a presença deste sistema nas cĂ©lulas do carcinoma de mama pode promover a eliminação do quimioterĂĄpico, levando assim Ă  diminuição da eficĂĄcia desta modalidade terapĂȘutica em mulheres com carcinoma de mama que expressam tal sistema enzimĂĄtico em suas cĂ©lulas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a associação entre a expressĂŁo da enzima GST Pi em cĂ©lulas tumorais e a sobrevida global e livre de doença em mulheres com carcinoma de mama submetidas ao tratamento quimioterĂĄpico172259264Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is a cytosolic enzymatic system involved in cellular detoxifying process. In vitro studies have shown that the presence of this enzymatic system in breast carcinoma cells can accelerate the elimination of drugs commonly used in chemotherapy, thereby decreasing its efficacy The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between GST Pi expression by breast carcinoma cells and disease-free and overall survival. Methods: Ninety-five female patients with invasive breast carcinoma submitted to surgical treatment and adjuvant chemotherapy from January 1995 to June, 1997 and followed until August, 2006 were evaluated. The expression of GST Pi in breast carcinoma cells, determined by immunohistochemistry, was correlated with several clinical and pathological parameters of prognostic significance. Results: There were 36 (37.9%) GST Pi-positive cases. GST Pi immunoexpression was not significantly correlated with patient's age, histological tumor type, clinical stage, hormone receptor status and survival. On the other hand, GST Pi positivity showed a significant correlation with a lower histological grade/C-erb-B2 negative breast carcinoma phenotype. Conclusion: The findings suggest that GST Pi expression does not constitute a satisfactory prognostic factor in breast cance