283 research outputs found

    Classical Cepheids: Yet another version of the Baade-Becker-Wesselink method

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    We propose a new version of the Baade--Becker--Wesselink technique, which allows one to independently determine the colour excess and the intrinsic colour of a radially pulsating star, in addition to its radius, luminosity, and distance. It is considered to be a generalization of the Balona approach. The method also allows the function F(CI) = BC + 10 log (Teff) for the class of pulsating stars considered to be calibrated. We apply this technique to a number of classical Cepheids with very accurate light and radial-velocity curves and with bona fide membership in open clusters (SZ Tau, CF Cas, U Sgr, DL Cas, GY Sge), and find the results to agree well with the reddening estimates of the host open clusters. The new technique can also be applied to other pulsating variables, e.g. RR Lyrae and RV Tauri.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 table; Submitted to Astrophysical Bulletin, 201

    Superconformal mechanics and nonlinear supersymmetry

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    We show that a simple change of the classical boson-fermion coupling constant, 2α2αn2\alpha \to 2\alpha n , nNn\in \N, in the superconformal mechanics model gives rise to a radical change of a symmetry: the modified classical and quantum systems are characterized by the nonlinear superconformal symmetry. It is generated by the four bosonic integrals which form the so(1,2) x u(1) subalgebra, and by the 2(n+1) fermionic integrals constituting the two spin-n/2 so(1,2)-representations and anticommuting for the order n polynomials of the even generators. We find that the modified quantum system with an integer value of the parameter α\alpha is described simultaneously by the two nonlinear superconformal symmetries of the orders relatively shifted in odd number. For the original quantum model with α=p|\alpha|=p, pNp\in \N, this means the presence of the order 2p nonlinear superconformal symmetry in addition to the osp(2|2) supersymmetry.Comment: 16 pages; misprints corrected, note and ref added, to appear in JHE

    Problems with Time-Varying Extra Dimensions or "Cardassian Expansion" as Alternatives to Dark Energy

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    It has recently been proposed that the Universe might be accelerating as a consequence of extra dimensions with time varying size. We show that although these scenarios can lead to acceleration, they run into serious difficulty when taking into account limits on the time variation of the four dimensional Newton's constant. On the other hand, models of ``Cardassian'' expansion based on extra dimensions which have been constructed so far violate the weak energy condition for the bulk stress energy, for parameters that give an accelerating universe.Comment: 8 pages, minor changes. To appear in Physical Review

    Genesis of Dark Energy: Dark Energy as Consequence of Release and Two-stage Tracking Cosmological Nuclear Energy

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    Recent observations on Type-Ia supernovae and low density (Ωm=0.3\Omega_{m} = 0.3) measurement of matter including dark matter suggest that the present-day universe consists mainly of repulsive-gravity type `exotic matter' with negative-pressure often said `dark energy' (Ωx=0.7\Omega_{x} = 0.7). But the nature of dark energy is mysterious and its puzzling questions, such as why, how, where and when about the dark energy, are intriguing. In the present paper the authors attempt to answer these questions while making an effort to reveal the genesis of dark energy and suggest that `the cosmological nuclear binding energy liberated during primordial nucleo-synthesis remains trapped for a long time and then is released free which manifests itself as dark energy in the universe'. It is also explained why for dark energy the parameter w=2/3w = - {2/3}. Noting that w=1 w = 1 for stiff matter and w=1/3w = {1/3} for radiation; w=2/3w = - {2/3} is for dark energy because "1""-1" is due to `deficiency of stiff-nuclear-matter' and that this binding energy is ultimately released as `radiation' contributing "+1/3""+ {1/3}", making w=1+1/3=2/3w = -1 + {1/3} = - {2/3}. When dark energy is released free at Z=80Z = 80, w=2/3w = -{2/3}. But as on present day at Z=0Z = 0 when radiation strength has diminished to δ0\delta \to 0, w=1+δ1/3=1w = -1 + \delta{1/3} = - 1. This, thus almost solves the dark-energy mystery of negative pressure and repulsive-gravity. The proposed theory makes several estimates /predictions which agree reasonably well with the astrophysical constraints and observations. Though there are many candidate-theories, the proposed model of this paper presents an entirely new approach (cosmological nuclear energy) as a possible candidate for dark energy.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, minor correction

    Large-scale magnetic fields from inflation in dilaton electromagnetism

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    The generation of large-scale magnetic fields is studied in dilaton electromagnetism in inflationary cosmology, taking into account the dilaton's evolution throughout inflation and reheating until it is stabilized with possible entropy production. It is shown that large-scale magnetic fields with observationally interesting strength at the present time could be generated if the conformal invariance of the Maxwell theory is broken through the coupling between the dilaton and electromagnetic fields in such a way that the resultant quantum fluctuations in the magnetic field has a nearly scale-invariant spectrum. If this condition is met, the amplitude of the generated magnetic field could be sufficiently large even in the case huge amount of entropy is produced with the dilution factor 1024\sim 10^{24} as the dilaton decays.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, the version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D; some references are adde

    Constraints on accelerating universe using ESSENCE and Gold supernovae data combined with other cosmological probes

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    We use recently observed data: the 192 ESSENCE type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), the 182 Gold SNe Ia, the 3-year WMAP, the SDSS baryon acoustic peak, the X-ray gas mass fraction in clusters and the observational H(z)H(z) data to constrain models of the accelerating universe. Combining the 192 ESSENCE data with the observational H(z)H(z) data to constrain a parameterized deceleration parameter, we obtain the best fit values of transition redshift and current deceleration parameter zT=0.6320.127+0.256z_{T}=0.632^{+0.256}_{-0.127}, q0=0.7880.182+0.182q_{0}=-0.788^{+0.182}_{-0.182}. Furthermore, using Λ\LambdaCDM model and two model-independent equation of state of dark energy, we find that the combined constraint from the 192 ESSENCE data and other four cosmological observations gives smaller values of Ω0m\Omega_{0m} and q0q_{0}, but a larger value of zTz_{T} than the combined constraint from the 182 Gold data with other four observations. Finally, according to the Akaike information criterion it is shown that the recently observed data equally supports three dark energy models: Λ\LambdaCDM, wde(z)=w0w_{de}(z)=w_{0} and wde(z)=w0+w1ln(1+z)w_{de}(z)=w_{0}+w_{1}\ln(1+z).Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Weathering the Storm: Managing Older Adults With Breast Cancer Amid COVID-19 and Beyond

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    Caring for older patients with breast cancer presents unique clinical considerations because of preexisting and competing comorbidity, the potential for treatment-related toxicity, and the consequent impact on functional status. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, treatment decision making for older patients is especially challenging and encourages us to refocus our treatment priorities. While we work to avoid treatment delays and maintain therapeutic benefit, we also need to minimize the risk for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) exposures, myelosuppression, general chemotherapy toxicity, and functional decline. Herein, we propose multidisciplinary care considerations for the aging patient with breast cancer, with the goal to promote a team-based, multidisciplinary treatment approach during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. These considerations remain relevant as we navigate the "new normal" for the approximately 30% of breast cancer patients aged 70 years and older who are diagnosed in the United States annually and for the thousands of older patients living with recurrent and/or metastatic disease

    Age constraints and fine tuning in variable-mass particle models

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    VAMP (variable-mass particles) scenarios, in which the mass of the cold dark matter particles is a function of the scalar field responsible for the present acceleration of the Universe, have been proposed as a solution to the cosmic coincidence problem, since in the attractor regime both dark energy and dark matter scale in the same way. We find that only a narrow region in parameter space leads to models with viable values for the Hubble constant and dark energy density today. In the allowed region, the dark energy density starts to dominate around the present epoch and consequently such models cannot solve the coincidence problem. We show that the age of the Universe in this scenario is considerably higher than the age for noncoupled dark energy models, and conclude that more precise independent measurements of the age of the Universe would be useful in distinguishing between coupled and noncoupled dark energy models.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, matches the Phys. Rev. D published versio

    Observational constraints on the curvaton model of inflation

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    Simple curvaton models can generate a mixture of of correlated primordial adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations. The baryon and cold dark matter isocurvature modes differ only by an observationally null mode in which the two perturbations almost exactly compensate, and therefore have proportional effects at linear order. We discuss the CMB anisotropy in general mixed models, and give a simple approximate analytic result for the large scale CMB anisotropy. Working numerically we use the latest WMAP observations and a variety of other data to constrain the curvaton model. We find that models with an isocurvature contribution are not favored relative to simple purely adiabatic models. However a significant primordial totally correlated baryon isocurvature perturbation is not ruled out. Certain classes of curvaton model are thereby ruled out, other classes predict enough non-Gaussianity to be detectable by the Planck satellite. In the appendices we review the relevant equations in the covariant formulation and give series solutions for the radiation dominated era.Comment: Minor changes and corrections to match version accepted by PR