21 research outputs found

    Geomechanical characterisation of massive rock for deep TBM tunnelling

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    A combined geological and rock mechanics approach to tunnel face behaviour prediction, based on improved understanding of brittle fracture processes during TBM excavation, was developed to complement empirical design and performance prediction for TBM tunnelling applications in novel geological conditions. A major challenge of this research is combining geological and engineering languages, methods, and objectives to construct a unified geomechanics characterisation system. The goal of this system is to describe the spalling sensitivity of hard, massive, highly stressed crystalline rock, often deformed by tectonic processes. Geological, lab strength testing and TBM machine data were used to quantify the impact of interrelated geological factors, such as mineralogy, grain size, fabric and the heterogeneity of all these factors at micro and macro scale, on spalling sensitivity and to combine these factors within a TBM advance framework. This was achieved by incorporating aspects of geology, tectonics, mineralogy, materials strength theory, fracture process theory and induced stresses

    Constitutive Model for Numerical Modelling of Highly Stressed Heterogeneous Massive Rocks at Excavation Boundaries

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    A numerical modelling approach was developed to explicitly simulate geomechanical characteristics of intact rock: mineralogy, grain size and fabric. The approach involved creating a representative constitutive model for each of three common rock-forming minerals: mica, quartz and feldspar. The constitutive models developed are valid within the low confinement realm of excavation boundaries, where tensile fracture processes dominate. The mineral types were assigned to numerical elements, which were associated with each other through an algorithm created in a finite difference model, FLAC 2D (Itasca 2007a), to simulate real crystal geometries and orientations. The numerical models were used in a parametric investigation of the geomechanical characteristics and compared with published observations of the rock yielding process in laboratory testing. This approach has allowed the explicit grain-scale investigation of the impact of geomechanical characteristics on rock yielding at low confinement, leading to an improved mechanistic understanding of excavation-scale rock yielding processes at excavation boundaries

    Numerical analyses in the design of umbrella arch systems

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    Due to advances in numerical modelling, it is possible to capture complex support-ground interaction in two dimensions and three dimensions for mechanical analysis of complex tunnel support systems, although such analysis may still be too complex for routine design calculations. One such system is the forepole element, installed within the umbrella arch temporary support system for tunnels, which warrants such support measures. A review of engineering literature illustrates that a lack of design standards exists regarding the use of forepole elements. Therefore, when designing such support, designers must employ complex numerical models combined with engineering judgement. With reference to past developments by others and new investigations conducted by the authors on the Driskos tunnel in Greece and the Istanbul metro, this paper illustrates how advanced numerical modelling tools can facilitate understanding of the influences of design parameters associated with the use of forepole elements. In addition, this paper highlights the complexity of the ground-support interaction when simulated with two-dimensional (2D) finite element software using a homogenous reinforced region, and three-dimensional (3D) finite difference software using structural elements. This paper further illustrates sequential optimisation of two design parameters (spacing and overlap) using numerical modelling. With regard to capturing system behaviour in the region between forepoles for the purpose of dimensioning spacing, this paper employs three distinctive advanced numerical models: particle codes, continuous finite element models with joint set and Voronoi blocks. Finally, to capture the behaviour/failure ahead of the tunnel face (overlap parameter), 2D axisymmetric models are employed. Finally, conclusions of 2D and 3D numerical assessment on the Driskos tunnel are drawn. The data enriched case study is examined to determine an optimum design, based on the proposed optimisation of design parameters, of forepole elements related to the site-specific considerations

    Revisiting support optimization at the Driskos tunnel using a quantitative risk approach

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    With the scale and cost of geotechnical engineering projects increasing rapidly over the past few decades, there is a clear need for the careful consideration of calculated risks in design. While risk is typically dealt with subjectively through the use of conservative design parameters, with the advent of reliability-based methods, this no longer needs to be the case. Instead, a quantitative risk approach can be considered that incorporates uncertainty in ground conditions directly into the design process to determine the variable ground response and support loads. This allows for the optimization of support on the basis of both worker safety and economic risk. This paper presents the application of such an approach to review the design of the initial lining system along a section of the Driskos twin tunnels as part of the Egnatia Odos highway in northern Greece. Along this section of tunnel, weak rock masses were encountered as well as high in situ stress conditions, which led to excessive deformations and failure of the as built temporary support. Monitoring data were used to validate the rock mass parameters selected in this area and a risk approach was used to determine, in hindsight, the most appropriate support category with respect to the cost of installation and expected cost of failure. Different construction sequences were also considered in the context of both convenience and risk cost

    Effects of confinement on rock mass modulus: A synthetic rock mass modelling (SRM) study

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    The main objective of this paper is to examine the influence of the applied confining stress on the rock mass modulus of moderately jointed rocks (well interlocked undisturbed rock mass with blocks formed by three or less intersecting joints). A synthetic rock mass modelling (SRM) approach is employed to determine the mechanical properties of the rock mass. In this approach, the intact body of rock is represented by the discrete element method (DEM)-Voronoi grains with the ability of simulating the initiation and propagation of microcracks within the intact part of the model. The geometry of the pre-existing joints is generated by employing discrete fracture network (DFN) modelling based on field joint data collected from the Brockville Tunnel using LiDAR scanning. The geometrical characteristics of the simulated joints at a representative sample size are first validated against the field data, and then used to measure the rock quality designation (RQD), joint spacing, areal fracture intensity (P21), and block volumes. These geometrical quantities are used to quantitatively determine a representative range of the geological strength index (GSI). The results show that estimating the GSI using the RQD tends to make a closer estimate of the degree of blockiness that leads to GSI values corresponding to those obtained from direct visual observations of the rock mass conditions in the field. The use of joint spacing and block volume in order to quantify the GSI value range for the studied rock mass suggests a lower range compared to that evaluated in situ. Based on numerical modelling results and laboratory data of rock testing reported in the literature, a semi-empirical equation is proposed that relates the rock mass modulus to confinement as a function of the areal fracture intensity and joint stiffness. Keywords: Synthetic rock mass modelling (SRM), Discrete fracture network (DFN), Rock mass modulus, Geological strength index (GSI), Confinemen