16 research outputs found

    Inter-Deriving Semantic Artifacts for Object-Oriented Programming

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    We present a new abstract machine for Abadi and Cardelli's untyped calculus of objects. What is special about this semantic artifact (i.e., man-made construct) is that is mechanically corresponds to both the reduction semantics (i.e., small-step operational semantics) and the natural semantics (i.e., big-step operational semantics) specified in Abadi and Cardelli's monograph. This abstract machine therefore embodies the soundness of Abadi and Cardelli's reduction semantics and natural semantics relative to each other. To move closer to actual implementations, which use environments rather than actual substitutions, we then represent object methods as closures and in the same inter-derivational spirit, we present three new semantic artifacts: a reduction semantics for a version of Abadi and Cardelli's untyped calculus of objects with explicit substitutions, an environment-based abstract machine, and a natural semantics (i.e., an interpreter) with environments. These three new semantic artifacts mechanically correspond to each other, and furthermore, they are coherent with the previous ones since as we show, the two abstract machines are bisimilar. Overall, though, the significance of these artifacts lies in them not having been designed from scratch and then proved correct: instead, they were mechanically inter-derived

    Abstract interpreters for free

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    ... semantics bear an uncanny resemblance. In this work, we present an analysis-design methodology that both explains and exploits that resemblance. Specifically, we present a two-step method to convert a smallstep concrete semantics into a family of sound, computable abstract interpretations. The first step re-factors the concrete state-space to eliminate recursive structure; this refactoring of the state-space simultaneously determines a store-passing-style transformation on the underlying concrete state-space and a Galois connection simultaneously. The Galois connection allows the calculation of the “optimal ” abstract interpretation. The two-step process is unambiguous, but nondeterministic: at each step, analysis designers face choices. Some of these choices ultimately influence properties such as flow-, field- and context-sensitivity. Thus, under the method, we can give the emergence of these properties a graphtheoretic characterization. To illustrate the method, we systematically abstract the continuation-passing style lambda calculus to arrive at two distinct families of analyses. The first is the well-known k-CFA family interpretations, none of which appear in the literature on static analysis of higher-order programs

    Towards Compatible and Interderivable Semantic Specifications for the Scheme Programming Language, Part I: Denotational Semantics, Natural Semantics, and Abstract Machines

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    We derive two big-step abstract machines, a natural semantics, and the valuation function of a denotational semantics based on the small-step abstract machine for Core Scheme presented by Clinger at PLDI’98. Starting from a functional implementation of this small-step abstract machine, (1) we fuse its transition function with its driver loop, obtaining the functional implementation of a big-step abstract machine; (2) we adjust this big-step abstract machine so that it is in defunctionalized form, obtaining the functional implementation of a second big-step abstract machine; (3) we refunctionalize this adjusted abstract machine, obtaining the functional implementation of a natural semantics in continuation style; and (4) we closure-unconvert this natural semantics, obtaining a compositional continuation-passing evaluation function which we identify as the functional implementation of a denotational semantics in continuation style. We then compare this valuation function with that of Clinger’s original denotational semantics of Scheme

    From Interpreter to Logic Engine by Defunctionalization

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    Starting from a continuation-based interpreter for a simple logic programming language, propositional Prolog with cut, we derive the corresponding logic engine in the form of an abstract machine. The derivation originates in previous work (our article at PPDP 2003) where it was applied to the lambda-calculus. The key transformation here is Reynolds's defunctionalization that transforms a tail-recursive, continuation-passing interpreter into a transition system, i.e., an abstract machine. Similar denotational and operational semantics were studied by de Bruin and de Vink (their article at TAPSOFT 1989), and we compare their study with our derivation. Additionally, we present a direct-style interpreter of propositional Prolog expressed with control operators for delimited continuations

    The Translation Power of the Futamura Projections

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    Despite practical successes with the Futamura projections, it has been an open question whether target programs produced by specializing interpreters can always be as e#cient as those produced by a translator. We show that, given a Jones-optimal program specializer with static expression reduction, there exists for every translator an interpreter which, when specialized, can produce target programs that are at least as fast as those produced by the translator. This is not the case if the specializer is not Jones-optimal. We also examine Ershov's generating extensions, give a parameterized notion of Jones optimality, and show that there is a class of specializers that can always produce residual programs that match the size and time complexity of programs generated by an arbitrary generating extension. This is the class of generation universal specializers. We study these questions on an abstract level, independently of any particular specialization method

    Defunctionalized Interpreters for Call-by-Need Evaluation

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    Abstract. Starting from the standard call-by-need reduction for the λ-calculus that is common to Ariola, Felleisen, Maraist, Odersky, and Wadler, we inter-derive a series of hygienic semantic artifacts: a reduction-free stateless abstract machine, a continuation-passing evaluation func-tion, and what appears to be the first heapless natural semantics for call-by-need evaluation. Furthermore we observe that a data structure and a judgment in this natural semantics are in defunctionalized form. The refunctionalized counterpart of this evaluation function is an ex-tended direct semantics in the sense of Cartwright and Felleisen. Overall, the semantic artifacts presented here are simpler than many other such artifacts that have been independently worked out, and which require ingenuity, skill, and independent soundness proofs on a case-by-case basis. They are also simpler to inter-derive because the inter-derivational tools (e.g., refocusing and defunctionalization) already exist.