39 research outputs found

    High-intensity ultrasound energy density: How different modes of application influence the quality parameters of a dairy beverage

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    This study evaluated the influence of the high-intensity ultrasound (HIUS) technology on the quality parameters of a model dairy beverage (chocolate whey beverage), operating under the same energy density (5000 J/mL), but applied at different ways. Two processes were performed varying nominal power and processing time: HIUS-A (160 W and 937 s), and HIUS-B (720 W and 208 s). Our objective was to understand how different modes of application of the same HIUS energy density could influence the microstructure, droplet size distribution, zeta potential, phase separation kinetic, color parameters and mineral profile of the chocolate whey beverage. The results demonstrated that the different modes of application of the same HIUS energy density directly influenced the final quality of the product, resulting in whey beverages with distinct physical and microstructural characteristics. The HIUS-B processing was characterized as a thermal processing, since the final processing temperature reached 71 °C, while the HIUS-A processing was a non-thermal process, reaching a final temperature of 34 °C. Moreover, HIUS-B process greatly reduced the droplet size and increased the lightness value in relation to the HIUS-A processing. Both treatments resulted in whey beverages with similar phase separation kinetics and were more stable than the untreated sample. The HIUS processes did not modify the mineral content profile. Overall, the study emphasizes the versatility of the HIUS technology, highlighting that the processing must not be based only on the applied energy density, since different powers and processing times produce dairy beverages with distinct characteristics63CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP302423/2015-0sem informação2015/22226-6The authors gratefully acknowledge the CAPES Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Brazil) scholarship granted to Sara Hadass M. C Monteiro in his doctorate degree (Finance code 001) and postdoctoral assistantship granted to Jonas de T. Guimarães. Eric Keven Silva thanks FAPESP (2015/22226-6) for his postdoctoral assistantship at University of Campinas. M. Angela A. Meireles thanks CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brazil) for her productivity grant (302423/2015-0

    Effect Of High Hydrostatic Pressure On The Color And Texture Parameters Of Refrigerated Caiman (caiman Crocodilus Yacare) Tail Meat

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    The effect of applying high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on the instrumental parameters of color and texture and sensory characteristics of alligator meat were evaluated. Samples of alligator tail meat were sliced, vacuum-packed, pressurized and distributed into four groups: control, treated with 200. MPa/10. min, 300. MPa/10. min and 400. MPa/10. min, then stored at 4. °C ± 1. °C for 45. days. Instrumental color, texture profile and a sensory profiling using quantitative descriptive analysis were carried out on the 1st, 15th, 30th and 45th days of storage. HHP was shown to affect the color and texture of the product, and the sensory descriptors (p. < 0.05). The results suggest that high pressure is a promising technology for the processing of alligator meat, especially low pressures (200. MPa) which can have positive effects on the quality of the product. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.913255260Angsupanich, K., Ledward, D.A., High pressure treatment effects on cod (Gadus morhua) muscle (1998) Food Chemistry, 63 (1), pp. 39-50Ashie, I.N.A., Simpson, B.K., Application of high hydrostatic pressure to control enzyme related fresh seafood texture deterioration (1996) Food Research Internacional, 29 (5-6), pp. 569-575Aymerich, T., Picouet, P.A., Monfort, J.M., Decontamination technologies for meat products (2008) Meat Science, 78 (1-2), pp. 114-129Bourne, M.C., Texture profile analysis (1978) Food Technology, 32 (7), pp. 62-66Instrução Normativa n o 03, de 17 de janeiro de 2000 (2000) Aprova o Regulamento Técnico de Métodos de Insensibilização para o Abate Humanitário de Animais de Açougue, , Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brazília, Brazil, BrasilCarlez, A., Veciana-Nogues, T., Cheftel, J.C., Changes in colour and myoglobin of minced beef meat due to high pressure processing (1995) Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie, 28 (5), pp. 528-538Chéret, R., Chapleau, N., Delbarre, C.L., Verrez-Bagnis, S.M., Effects of high pressure on texture and microstructure of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) fillets (2005) Journal of Food Science, 70 (8), pp. 477-483Chevalier, D., Bail, A.L., Ghoul, M., Effects of high pressure treatment (100-200MPa) at low temperature on turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) muscle (2001) Food Research Internacional, 34 (5), pp. 425-429Crehana, C.M., Troya, D.J., Buckley, D.J., Effects of salt level and high hydrostatic pressure processing on frankfurters formulated with 1.5 and 2.5% salt (2000) Meat Science, 55, pp. 123-130Cruz, A.G., Faria, J.A.F., Saad, S.M.I., Santd́ana, A.S., Cristianini, M., High Pressure Processing and Pulsed Electric Fields: Potential use in probiotic dairy foods processing (2010) Trends in Food Science & Technology, 21, pp. 483-493Cruz-Romero, M., Smiddy, M., Hill, C., Kerry, J.P., Kelly, A.L., Effects of high pressure treatment on physicochemical characteristics of fresh oysters (Crassostrea gigas) (2004) Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 5 (2), pp. 161-169Damásio, M.H., Costell, E., Análisis sensorial descriptivo: Generación de desciptores e seleción de catadores (1991) Revista Agroquímica de Tecnologia Alimentaria, 31 (2), pp. 165-178Dong Sun, X., Holley, R.A., High hydrostatic pressure effects on the texture of meat and meat products (2010) Journal of Food Science, 75 (1), pp. 17-23Ferreira, E.H.R., Masson, L.M.P., Rosenthal, A., Efeito da alta pressão hidrostática nos microrganismos (2008) Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos, 26 (1), pp. 135-150Fletcher, D.L., Qiao, M., Smith, D.P., The relationship of raw broiler breast meat color and pH to cooked meat color and pH (2000) Poultry Science, 79, pp. 784-788Freitas, M.Q., (2005) Características e aceitação sensorial de mortadelas produzidas com carne mecanicamente separada de frango, , Editora UFV, Viçosa, BrazilGou, J., Lee, H.Y., Ahn, J., Effect of high pressure processing on the quality of squid (Todarodes pacificus) during refrigerated storage (2010) Food Chemistry, 119 (2), pp. 471-476Jung, S., Ghoul, M., Lamballerie-Anton, M.D., Influence of high pressure on the color and microbial quality of beef meat (2003) Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie, 36 (6), pp. 625-631Lamballerie-Anton, M.D., Taylor, R.G., Culioli, J., High pressure processing of meat (2002) Meatprocessing: Improving quality. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited, pp. 313-324. , J. Kerry, J. Kerry, & D. Ledward (Eds.)Ma, H.J., Ledward, D.A., High pressure/thermal treatment effects on the texture of beef muscle (2004) Meat Science, 68 (3), pp. 347-355Mathias, S.P., Rosenthal, A., Gaspar, A., Deliza, R., Slongo, A.P., Vicente, J., Alterações oxidativas (cor e lipídios) em presunto de peru tratado por Alta Pressão Hidrostática (APH) (2010) Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 30 (4), pp. 852-857Picouet, P., Pérez-Juan, M., Realini, C.E., High Hydrostatic Pressure technology on fresh beef and beef products, , http://www.prosafebeef.eu/images/site/assets/hhp%20technology.doc, [Text file]. URLRastogi, N.K., Raghavarao, K.S., Balasubramaniam, V.M., Niranjan, K., Knorr, D., Opportunities and challenges in high pressure processing of foods (2007) Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition, 47 (1), pp. 69-112(2000) User's Guide: Release 8.03, , Statistical Analysis Institute, Cary, NC, SAS SSequeira-Munoz, A., Chevalier, D., Lebail, A., Romaswamy, H.S., Simpson, B.K., Physicochemical changes induced in carp (Cyprinus carpio) fillets by high pressure processing at low temperature (2006) Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 7 (1-2), pp. 13-18Sorenson, D., Henchion, M., Marcos, B., Ward, P., Mullen, A.M., Allen, P., Consumer acceptance of high pressure processed beef-based chilled ready meals: The mediating role of food-related lifestyle factors (2011) Meat Science, 87 (1), pp. 81-87Souza, C.M., Boler, D.D., Clark, D.L., Kutzler, L.W., Holmer, S.F., Summerfiled, J.W., The effects of high pressure processing on pork quality, palatability, and further processed products (2011) Meat Science, 87 (4), pp. 419-427Souza, S.S., Cruz, A.G., Faria, J.A.F., Walter, E.H.M., Ferreira, M.M., Celeghini, R.M.S., Santd́ana, A.S., Monitoring the authenticity of Brazilian UHT Milk: A chemometric approach (2011) Food Chemistry, 124, pp. 692-695Stone, H., Sidel, J.L., Oliver, S., Woosley, A., Singleton, R.C., Sensory evaluation by quantitative descriptive analysis (1974) Food Technology, 28 (11), pp. 24-34Suzuki, A., Kim, K., Tanji, H., Nishiumi, H., Ikeuchi, Y., Application of high hydrostatic pressure to meat and meat processing (2006) Advanced technologies formeat processing, pp. 194-217. , CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla, L.M.L. Nollet, F. Toldr'a (Eds.)Téllez-Luis, S.J., Ramírez, J.A., Pérez-Lamela, C., Vasquéz, M., Simal Gándara, J., Aplicación de la alta presión hidrostática en la conservación de los alimentos (2001) Ciencia y Tecnología Alimentaria, 3 (2), pp. 66-80Vicente Neto, J., Bressan, M.C., Faria, P.B., Vieira, J.O., Santana, M.T.A., Kloster, M., Composição centesimal e colesterol da carne de jacaré-do pantanal (Caiman yacare Daudin 1802) oriundo de zoocriadouro e habitat natural (2007) Ciência Agrotecnológica, 30 (4), pp. 701-706Vieira, J.P., Caracterização do processo de rigor mortis do músculo Ilio-ischiocaudalis da cauda de jacaré-do-pantanal (Caiman crocodilus yacare) e maciez da carne (2010) Niterói, 2010, , EdUFF, Niterói, BrazilYagiz, Y., Kristinsson, H.G., Balaban, M.O., Marshall, M.R., Effect of high pressure treatment on the quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and mahimahi (Coryphaena hippurus) (2007) Food Chemistry and Toxicology, 72 (9), pp. 509-515Zbigniew, K.A., Hyejeong, Y., David, R.L., Eun, J.L., Yun, J.K., Cheorun, J., The effect of high pressure on microbial population, meat quality and sensory characteristics of chicken breast fillet (2011) Food Control, 22, pp. 6-1

    Q Methodology: an interesting strategy for concept profile and sensory description of low sodium salted meat

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    The conceptual representation and sensory profiling of low sodium salted meat containing different flavor enhancers (n = 9) were investigated using the Q methodology. Seventy consumers performed a Q-sorting task having in mind the health concept, using a hedonic test and sensory description of the samples. Regular sodium salted meats were associated to the health concept and were characterized by as too much salt, fatty, salty taste, strange taste, and high blood pressure, while the low-sodium samples were associated with good appearance, metallic taste, and healthy. The Health questionnaire showed it is a valorization of food with improved sensory characteristics in addition and the importance of physical and emotional health. Our findings suggested the Q methodology can be an interesting tool for meat processors, together with the traditional sensory test with consumers, to obtain more consistent and complementary information about meat products16