1,208 research outputs found

    Testing the SOC hypothesis for the magnetosphere

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    As noted by Chang, the hypothesis of Self-Organised Criticality provides a theoretical framework in which the low dimensionality seen in magnetospheric indices can be combined with the scaling seen in their power spectra and the recently-observed plasma bursty bulk flows. As such, it has considerable appeal, describing the aspects of the magnetospheric fuelling:storage:release cycle which are generic to slowly-driven, interaction-dominated, thresholded systems rather than unique to the magnetosphere. In consequence, several recent numerical "sandpile" algorithms have been used with a view to comparison with magnetospheric observables. However, demonstration of SOC in the magnetosphere will require further work in the definition of a set of observable properties which are the unique "fingerprint" of SOC. This is because, for example, a scale-free power spectrum admits several possible explanations other than SOC. A more subtle problem is important for both simulations and data analysis when dealing with multiscale and hence broadband phenomena such as SOC. This is that finite length systems such as the magnetosphere or magnetotail will by definition give information over a small range of orders of magnitude, and so scaling will tend to be narrowband. Here we develop a simple framework in which previous descriptions of magnetospheric dynamics can be described and contrasted. We then review existing observations which are indicative of SOC, and ask if they are sufficient to demonstrate it unambiguously, and if not, what new observations need to be made?Comment: 29 pages, 0 figures. Based on invited talk at Spring American Geophysical Union Meeting, 1999. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, in pres

    Area Invariance of Apparent Horizons under Arbitrary Boosts

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    It is a well known analytic result in general relativity that the 2-dimensional area of the apparent horizon of a black hole remains invariant regardless of the motion of the observer, and in fact is independent of the t=constant t=constant slice, which can be quite arbitrary in general relativity. Nonetheless the explicit computation of horizon area is often substantially more difficult in some frames (complicated by the coordinate form of the metric), than in other frames. Here we give an explicit demonstration for very restricted metric forms of (Schwarzschild and Kerr) vacuum black holes. In the Kerr-Schild coordinate expression for these spacetimes they have an explicit Lorentz-invariant form. We consider {\it boosted} versions with the black hole moving through the coordinate system. Since these are stationary black hole spacetimes, the apparent horizons are two dimensional cross sections of their event horizons, so we compute the areas of apparent horizons in the boosted space with (boosted) t=constant t = constant , and obtain the same result as in the unboosted case. Note that while the invariance of area is generic, we deal only with black holes in the Kerr-Schild form, and consider only one particularly simple change of slicing which amounts to a boost. Even with these restrictions we find that the results illuminate the physics of the horizon as a null surface and provide a useful pedagogical tool. As far as we can determine, this is the first explicit calculation of this type demonstrating the area invariance of horizons. Further, these calculations are directly relevant to transformations that arise in computational representation of moving black holes. We present an application of this result to initial data for boosted black holes.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Added a new section and 2 plots along with a coautho

    Palaeoproterozoic magnesite: lithological and isotopic evidence for playa/sabkha environments

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    Magnesite forms a series of 1- to 15-m-thick beds within the approximate to2.0 Ga (Palaeoproterozoic) Tulomozerskaya Formation, NW Fennoscandian Shield, Russia. Drillcore material together with natural exposures reveal that the 680-m-thick formation is composed of a stromatolite-dolomite-'red bed' sequence formed in a complex combination of shallow-marine and non-marine, evaporitic environments. Dolomite-collapse breccia, stromatolitic and micritic dolostones and sparry allochemical dolostones are the principal rocks hosting the magnesite beds. All dolomite lithologies are marked by delta C-13 values from +7.1 parts per thousand to +11.6 parts per thousand (V-PDB) and delta O-18 ranging from 17.4 parts per thousand to 26.3 parts per thousand (V-SMOW). Magnesite occurs in different forms: finely laminated micritic; stromatolitic magnesite; and structureless micritic, crystalline and coarsely crystalline magnesite. All varieties exhibit anomalously high delta C-13 values ranging from +9.0 parts per thousand to +11.6 parts per thousand and delta O-18 values of 20.0-25.7 parts per thousand. Laminated and structureless micritic magnesite forms as a secondary phase replacing dolomite during early diagenesis, and replaced dolomite before the major phase of burial. Crystalline and coarsely crystalline magnesite replacing micritic magnesite formed late in the diagenetic/metamorphic history. Magnesite apparently precipitated from sea water-derived brine, diluted by meteoric fluids. Magnesitization was accomplished under evaporitic conditions (sabkha to playa lake environment) proposed to be similar to the Coorong or Lake Walyungup coastal playa magnesite. Magnesite and host dolostones formed in evaporative and partly restricted environments; consequently, extremely high delta C-13 values reflect a combined contribution from both global and local carbon reservoirs. A C- 13-rich global carbon reservoir (delta C-13 at around +5 parts per thousand) is related to the perturbation of the carbon cycle at 2.0 Ga, whereas the local enhancement in C-13 (up to +12 parts per thousand) is associated with evaporative and restricted environments with high bioproductivity

    Nondissipative Drag Conductance as a Topological Quantum Number

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    We show in this paper that the boundary condition averaged nondissipative drag conductance of two coupled mesoscopic rings with no tunneling, evaluated in a particular many-particle eigenstate, is a topological invariant characterized by a Chern integer. Physical implications of this observation are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. Title modified and significant revision made to the text. Final version appeared in PR

    From microscopic to macroscopic descriptions of cell\ud migration on growing domains

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    Cell migration and growth are essential components of the development of multicellular organisms. The role of various cues in directing cell migration is widespread, in particular, the role of signals in the environment in the control of cell motility and directional guidance. In many cases, especially in developmental biology, growth of the domain also plays a large role in the distribution of cells and, in some cases, cell or signal distribution may actually drive domain growth. There is a ubiquitous use of partial differential equations (PDEs) for modelling the time evolution of cellular density and environmental cues. In the last twenty years, a lot of attention has been devoted to connecting macroscopic PDEs with more detailed microscopic models of cellular motility, including models of directional sensing and signal transduction pathways. However, domain growth is largely omitted in the literature. In this paper, individual-based models describing cell movement and domain growth are studied, and correspondence with a macroscopic-level PDE describing the evolution of cell density is demonstrated. The individual-based models are formulated in terms of random walkers on a lattice. Domain growth provides an extra mathematical challenge by making the lattice size variable over time. A reaction-diffusion master equation formalism is generalised to the case of growing lattices and used in the derivation of the macroscopic PDEs

    The influence of gene expression time delays on Gierer-Meinhardt pattern formation systems

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    There are numerous examples of morphogen gradients controlling long range signalling in developmental and cellular systems. The prospect of two such interacting morphogens instigating long range self-organisation in biological systems via a Turing bifurcation has been explored, postulated, or implicated in the context of numerous developmental processes. However, modelling investigations of cellular systems typically neglect the influence of gene expression on such dynamics, even though transcription and translation are observed to be important in morphogenetic systems. In particular, the influence of gene expression on a large class of Turing bifurcation models, namely those with pure kinetics such as the Gierer–Meinhardt system, is unexplored. Our investigations demonstrate that the behaviour of the Gierer–Meinhardt model profoundly changes on the inclusion of gene expression dynamics and is sensitive to the sub-cellular details of gene expression. Features such as concentration blow up, morphogen oscillations and radical sensitivities to the duration of gene expression are observed and, at best, severely restrict the possible parameter spaces for feasible biological behaviour. These results also indicate that the behaviour of Turing pattern formation systems on the inclusion of gene expression time delays may provide a means of distinguishing between possible forms of interaction kinetics. Finally, this study also emphasises that sub-cellular and gene expression dynamics should not be simply neglected in models of long range biological pattern formation via morphogens

    Random Exchange Quantum Heisenberg Chains

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    The one-dimensional quantum Heisenberg model with random ±J\pm J bonds is studied for S=12S=\frac{1}{2} and S=1S=1. The specific heat and the zero-field susceptibility are calculated by using high-temperature series expansions and quantum transfer matrix method. The susceptibility shows a Curie-like temperature dependence at low temperatures as well as at high temperatures. The numerical results for the specific heat suggest that there are anomalously many low-lying excitations. The qualitative nature of these excitations is discussed based on the exact diagonalization of finite size systems.Comment: 13 pages, RevTex, 12 figures available on request ([email protected]

    Substorms and Solar Eclipses: A Mutual Information Based Study

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    Solar eclipses present a rare glimpse into the impact of ionospheric electrodynamics on the magnetosphere independent of other well studied seasonal influences. Despite decades of study, we still do not have a complete description of the conditions for geomagnetic substorm onset. We present herein a mutual information based study of previously published substorm onsets and the past two decades of eclipses which indicates the likelihood of co-occurrence is greater than random chance. A plausible interpretation for this relation suggests that the abrupt fluctuations in ionospheric conductivity during an eclipse may influence the magnetospheric preconditions of substorm initiation. While the mechanism remains unclear, this study presents strong evidence of a link between substorm onset and solar eclipses

    Familial Occurrence of Multiple Sclerosis with Thyroid Disease and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) has some features which suggest it is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases frequently occur in families, and patients and families often have more than one type of autoimmune disease. However, there are few reports of MS occurring in patients or families with other autoimmune conditions. It is difficult to make a separate diagnosis of MS in a patient who has a systemic autoimmune disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or Sjogren's syndrome, because these diseases can affect the nervous system directly. However, it is possible to make independent diagnoses of MS and an autoimmune disease confined to another single organ in the same patient, or diagnoses of MS and SLE (or other autoimmune diseases) in different family members. Here we describe clinically definite MS in 2 sisters, one of whom had Graves' disease, and the other of whom had a daughter with SLE and with a high titre of anti-thyroid antibodies. Other female family members over 4 generations had histories of thyroid disease, MS and Addison's disease. Available family members were HLA typed. The MS patients were positive for HLA DR2. All but one of the affected family members were related to the proband on the maternal side, and all of these affected females shared an HLA haplotype. However, this haplotype was also present in unaffected individuals. Thus HLA type alone cannot account for the familial occurrence of these disorders. We conclude that, in this family, MS, like autoimmune thyroid disease and SLE, may be an autoimmune disease developing in genetically predisposed individuals