14 research outputs found


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    This paper presents experience in monitoring renal ultrasound data in patients with pancreatonecrosis from 20 to 60 years. It is also present two clinical cases of renal urodynamics in destructive forms of acute pancreatitis. Edematous form of acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cause violations not only secretion but also excretory function of the nephros. In patients with pancreatic necrosis accompanied by the formation of zones of limited fluid in the retroperitoneal space including retroperitoneal phlegmon may occur ureteral compression which is accompanied by appearance of urodynamic disorders in the nephros of varying severity. Ultrasound monitoring of renal care for patients with edematous form of acute pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis helps to diagnose renal urodynamic disorders which allows timely corrected in the early stages of treatment activities in these patients and improve outcomes.Представлен опыт ультразвукового мониторинга почек у пациентов с панкреонекрозом в возрасте 20–60 лет. Приведено 2 клинических примера нарушения почечной уродинамики при деструктивных формах острого панкреатита. Сделаны выводы о том, что отечная форма острого панкреатита и панкреонекроз являются причиной нарушения не только секреторной, но и экскреторной функции почек. При панкреонекрозе, сопровождающемся образованием ограниченных жидкостных зон в забрюшинном пространстве, в т.ч. при флегмонах забрюшинного пространства, может возникать сдавление мочеточников, что сопровождается появлением уродинамических нарушений в почках разной степени выраженности. Ультразвуковой мониторинг состояния почек при ведении больных с отечной формой острого панкреатита, панкреонекрозом позволяет диагностировать почечные уродинамические нарушения, что дает возможность своевременно корригировать лечебные мероприятия у этой категории больных и улучшить результаты лечения.

    Noise Enhanced Signaling in STDP Driven Spiking-Neuron Network

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    Population spike signaling is widely observed both in intact brain and neuronal cultures. Experimental evidence suggests that a locally applied electrical stimulus can shape the network architecture and thus the neuronal response. However, there is no clue on how this process can be controlled. Here we study a realistic model of a culture of cortical-like neurons with spike timing dependent plasticity. We show that a stimulus applied at a corner of the culture can rebuild synaptic couplings. Then the network eventually switches from a turbulent-like asynchronous spiking to an ordered population spike signaling mode. The structural analysis shows that the stimulus potentiates centrifugal couplings, which promotes spiking waves traveling outwards the stimulus location. This phenomenon can be catalyzed by noise of an intermediate strength. We predict that matured cultures with high connectivity are more susceptible to reconfiguration and generation of a population spike response than young cultures with low connectivity. We also report on an intermittent synchronization causing switches between two quasi-stable states: generation of time-locked population spikes and turbulent spiking. In the turbulent mode the stimulus excites patches of spiking activity randomly traveling in the network. Such a regime can be implemented through a large scale looping of couplings backwards to the stimulus location. We anticipate that the robust mechanisms of shaping the network architecture discussed here can also be effective in more complex preparations and studies of the relationship between network structure and function

    Synchronization of low-frequency rhythms in electroencephalogram by respiration with linear dependent time frequency.

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the features of interaction of low-frequency rhythms in delta band of electroencephalogram (EEG) and processes in vegetative regulation of circulation with respiration. Materials and methods. 19 leads of EEG, photoplethysmogram (PPG) and respiration were simultaneously recorded in four healthy males (19-25 years old) during 30 minutes physiological test with linearly increasing frequency of respiration. Modern methods of nonlinear dynamics were used to diagnose the presence of phase and frequency synchronization between respiration and low-frequency rhythms in delta band of EEG and in PPG. Results. We found significantly long sections of synchronization of delta rhythms in cervical leads of EEG and low-frequency rhythms in PPG by respiration with linearly increasing frequency. Conclusion. Obtained results correlate well with established hypothesis which suggest that low-frequency rhythms in baroreflectory regulation of circulation are in complex dynamic relationships with structures of brain stem. A method was proposed for quantitative evaluation of synchronization strength between respiration and low-frequency rhythms in electrical brain activity in physiological tests with respiration with frequency linearly increasing in time

    EEG biomarkers of activation of the lymphatic drainage system of the brain during sleep and opening of the blood-brain barrier

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    The lymphatic drainage system of the brain (LDSB) is the removal of metabolites and wastes from its tissues. A dysfunction of LDSB is an important sign of aging, brain oncology, the Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The development of new strategies for diagnosis of LDSB injuries can improve prevention of age-related cerebral amyloid angiopathy, neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases. There are two conditions, such as deep sleep and opening of the blood-brain-barrier (OBBB) associated with the LDSB activation. A promising candidate for measurement of LDSB could be electroencephalography (EEG). In this pilot study on rats, we tested the hypothesis, whether deep sleep and OBBB can be an informative platform for an effective extracting of information about the LDSB functions. Using the nonlinear analysis of EEG dynamics and machine learning technology, we discovered that the LDSB activation during OBBB and sleep is associated with similar changes in the EEG θ-activity. The OBBB causes the higher LDSB activation vs. sleep that is accompanied by specific changes in the low frequency EEG activity extracted by the power spectra analysis of the EEG dynamics combined with the coherence function. Thus, our findings demonstrate a link between neural activity associated with the LDSB activation during sleep and OBBB that is an important informative platform for extraction of the EEG-biomarkers of the LDSB activity. These results open new perspectives for the development of technology for the LDSB diagnostics that would open a novel era in the prognosis of brain diseases caused by the LDSB disorders, including OBBB