5 research outputs found

    Decay rate and decoherence control in coupled dissipative cavities

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    We give a detailed account of the derivation of a master equation for two coupled cavities in the presence of dissipation. The analytical solution is presented and physical limits of interest are discussed. Firstly we show that the decay rate of initial coherent states can be significantly modified if the two cavities have different decay rates and are weakly coupled through a wire. Moreover, we show that also decoherence rates can be substantially altered by manipulation of physical parameters. Conditions for experimental realizations are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, accepted by Physica

    Analysing a complementarity experiment on the quantum-classical boundary

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    The complementarity experiment reported in Bertet [{\it{et al.}} (2001), {\it{Nature}} {\bf{411}}, 166.] is discussed. The role played by entanglement in reaching the classical limit is pointed out. Dissipative and thermal effects of the cavity are calculated and a simple modification of the experiment is proposed in order to observe the progressive loss of the capacity of ``quantum erasing''as a manifestation of the classical limit of quantum mechanics.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Non-equilibrium entangled steady state of two independent two-level systems

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    We determine and study the steady state of two independent two-level systems weakly coupled to a stationary non-equilibrium environment. Whereas this bipartite state is necessarily uncorrelated if the splitting energies of the two-level systems are different from each other, it can be entangled if they are equal. For identical two-level systems interacting with two bosonic heat baths at different temperatures, we discuss the influence of the baths temperatures and coupling parameters on their entanglement. Geometric properties, such as the baths dimensionalities and the distance between the two-level systems, are relevant. A regime is found where the steady state is a statistical mixture of the product ground state and of the entangled singlet state with respective weights 2/3 and 1/3

    Teleportation of a quantum state of a spatial mode with a single massive particle

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    Mode entanglement exists naturally between regions of space in ultra-cold atomic gases. It has, however, been debated whether this type of entanglement is useful for quantum protocols. This is due to a particle number superselection rule that restricts the operations that can be performed on the modes. In this paper, we show how to exploit the mode entanglement of just a single particle for the teleportation of an unknown quantum state of a spatial mode. We detail how to overcome the superselection rule to create any initial quantum state and how to perform Bell state analysis on two of the modes. We show that two of the four Bell states can always be reliably distinguished, while the other two have to be grouped together due to an unsatisfied phase matching condition. The teleportation of an unknown state of a quantum mode thus only succeeds half of the time.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, this paper was presented at TQC 2010 and extends the work of Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 200502 (2009