452 research outputs found

    Color-flow decomposition of QCD amplitudes

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    We introduce a new color decomposition for multi-parton amplitudes in QCD, free of fundamental-representation matrices and structure constants. This decomposition has a physical interpretation in terms of the flow of color, which makes it ideal for merging with shower Monte-Carlo programs. The color-flow decomposition allows for very efficient evaluation of amplitudes with many quarks and gluons, many times faster than the standard color decomposition based on fundamental-representation matrices. This will increase the speed of event generators for multi-jet processes, which are the principal backgrounds to signals of new physics at colliders.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, version to appear on Phys. Rev.

    MadEvent: Automatic Event Generation with MadGraph

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    We present a new multi-channel integration method and its implementation in the multi-purpose event generator MadEvent, which is based on MadGraph. Given a process, MadGraph automatically identifies all the relevant subprocesses, generates both the amplitudes and the mappings needed for an efficient integration over the phase space, and passes them to MadEvent. As a result, a process-specific, stand-alone code is produced that allows the user to calculate cross sections and produce unweighted events in a standard output format. Several examples are given for processes that are relevant for physics studies at present and forthcoming colliders.Comment: 11 pages, MadGraph home page at http://madgraph.physics.uiuc.ed

    Monte Carlo studies of the jet activity in Higgs + 2 jet events

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    Tree-level studies have shown in the past that kinematical correlations between the two jets in Higgs+2-jet events are direct probes of the Higgs couplings, e.g. of their CP nature. In this paper we explore the impact of higher-order corrections on the azimuthal angle correlation of the two leading jets and on the rapidity distribution of extra jets. Our study includes matrix-element and shower MC effects, for the two leading sources of Higgs plus two jet events at the CERN LHC, namely vector-boson and gluon fusion. We show that the discriminating features present in the previous leading-order matrix element studies survive.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Version to appear on JHEP. Figs. 5-8 replaced with colour version

    Quartic Gauge Couplings and the Radiation Zero in pp to l nu gamma gamma events at the LHC

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    We report a study of the process pp to l nu gamma gamma at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, using a leading order partonic-level event generator interfaced to the Pythia program for showering and hadronisation and a with a generic detector simulation. The process is sensitive to possible anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings of the form W W gamma gamma. It is shown how unitarity-safe limits may be placed on these anomalous couplings by applying a binned maximum likelihood fit to the distribution of the two-photon invariant mass, M(gamma gamma), below a cutoff of 1TeV. Assuming 30fb-1 of integrated luminosity, the expected limits are two orders of magnitude tighter than those available from LEP. It is also demonstrated how the Standard Model radiation zero feature of the qq to W gamma gamma process may be observed in the difference between the two-photon and charged lepton pseudo-rapidities.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Extending CKKW-merging to One-Loop Matrix Elements

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    We extend earlier schemes for merging tree-level matrix elements with parton showers to include also merging with one-loop matrix elements. In this paper we make a first study on how to include one-loop corrections, not only for events with a given jet multiplicity, but simultaneously for several different jet multiplicities. Results are presented for the simplest non-trivial case of hadronic events at LEP as a proof-of-concept

    The Charm Content of W+1 Jet Events as a Probe of the Strange Quark Distribution Function

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    We investigate the prospects for measuring the strange quark distribution function of the proton in associated WW plus charm quark production at the Tevatron. The W+cW+c quark signal produced by strange quark -- gluon fusion, sgWcsg\rightarrow W^-c and sˉgW+cˉ\bar sg\rightarrow W^+\bar c, is approximately 5\% of the inclusive W+1W+1 jet cross section for jets with a transverse momentum pT(j)>10p_T(j)>10~GeV. We study the sensitivity of the WW plus charm quark cross section to the parametrization of the strange quark distribution function, and evaluate the various background processes. Strategies to identify charm quarks in CDF and D\O \ are discussed. For a charm tagging efficiency of about 10\% and an integrated luminosity of 30~pb1^{-1} or more, it should be possible to constrain the strange quark distribution function from W+cW+c production at the Tevatron.Comment: submitted to Phys. Lett. B, Latex, 12 pages + 4 postscript figures encoded with uufile, FSU-HEP-930812, MAD/TH/93-6, MAD/PH/788. A postscript file with text and embedded figures is available via anonymous ftp at hepsg1.physics.fsu.edu, file is /pub/keller/fsu-hep-930812.p

    The heavy quark search at the LHC

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    We explore further the discovery potential for heavy quarks at the LHC, with emphasis on the tt' and bb' of a sequential fourth family associated with electroweak symmetry breaking. We consider QCD multijets, ttˉ+jetst\bar{t}+\rm{jets}, W+jetsW+\rm{jets} and single tt backgrounds using event generation based on improved matrix elements and low sensitivity to the modeling of initial state radiation. We exploit a jet mass technique for the identification of hadronically decaying WW's and tt's, to be used in the reconstruction of the tt' or bb' mass. This along with other aspects of event selection can reduce backgrounds to very manageable levels. It even allows a search for both tt' and bb' in the absence of bb-tagging, of interest for the early running of the LHC. A heavy quark mass of order 600 GeV is motivated by the connection to electroweak symmetry breaking, but our analysis is relevant for any new heavy quarks with weak decay modes.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Matching matrix elements and shower evolution for top-quark production in hadronic collisions

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    We study the matching of multijet matrix elements and shower evolution in the case of top production in hadronic collisions at the Tevatron and at the LHC. We present the results of the matching algorithm implemented in the ALPGEN Monte Carlo generator, and compare them with results obtained at the parton level, and with the predictions of the MC@NLO approach. We highlight the consistency of the matching algorithm when applied to these final states, and the excellent agreement obtained with MC@NLO for most inclusive quantities. We nevertheless identify also a remarkable difference in the rapidity spectrum of the leading jet accompanying the top quark pair, and comment on the likely origin of this discrepancy.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables. JHEP styl

    Independent measurement of the top quark mass and the light- and bottom-jet energy scales at hadron colliders

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    A method for the simultaneous determination of the energy scales for b-quark jets and light jets, the jet energy resolution, and the top quark mass at hadron colliders is presented. The method exploits the unique kinematics of events with top-antitop pair production, where one of the top quarks involves a leptonic and one a hadronic W boson decay. The paper shows a feasibility study of how this simultaneous measurement can be performed at the upcoming LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Heavy neutrino signals at large hadron colliders

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    We study the LHC discovery potential for heavy Majorana neutrino singlets in the process pp -> W+ -> l+ N -> l+ l+ jj (l=e,mu) plus its charge conjugate. With a fast detector simulation we show that backgrounds involving two like-sign charged leptons are not negligible and, moreover, they cannot be eliminated with simple sequential kinematical cuts. Using a likelihood analysis it is shown that, for heavy neutrinos coupling only to the muon, LHC has 5 sigma sensitivity for masses up to 200 GeV in the final state mu+- mu+- jj. This reduction in sensitivity, compared to previous parton-level estimates, is driven by the ~ 10^2-10^3 times larger background. Limits are also provided for e+- e+- jj and e+- mu+- jj final states, as well as for Tevatron. For heavy Dirac neutrinos the prospects are worse because backgrounds involving two opposite charge leptons are much larger. For this case, we study the observability of the lepton flavour violating signal e+- mu-+ jj. As a by-product of our analysis, heavy neutrino production has been implemented within the ALPGEN framework.Comment: Latex 36 pages, 49 PS figures. Major extension incorporating analysis for e+- e+-, e+- mu+- and e+- mu-+ final states. Final version to appear in JHE