17 research outputs found

    Static and dynamic structure factors with account of the ion structure for high-temperature alkali and alkaline earth plasmas

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    The electron-electron, electron-ion, ion-ion and charge-charge static structure factors are calculated for alkali (at T = 30 000 K, 60 000 K, n (e) = 0.7 x 10(21) A center dot 1.1 x 10(22) cm(-3)) and Be2+ (at T = 20 eV, n (e) = 2.5 x 10(23) cm(-3)) plasmas using the method described by Gregori et al. The dynamic structure factors for alkali plasmas are calculated at T = 30 000 K, n (e) = 1.74 x 10(20), 1.11 x 10(22) cm(-3) using the method of moments developed by Adamjan et al. In both methods the screened Hellmann-Gurskii-Krasko potential, obtained on the basis of Bogolyubov's method, has been used taking into account not only the quantum-mechanical effects but also the repulsion due to the Pauli exclusion principle. The repulsive part of the Hellmann-Gurskii-Krasko (HGK) potential reflects important features of the ion structure. Our results on the static structure factors for Be2+ plasma deviate from the data obtained by Gregori et al., while our dynamic structure factors are in a reasonable agreement with those of Adamyan et al.: at higher values of k and with increasing k the curves damp down while at lower values of k, and especially at higher electron coupling, we observe sharp peaks also reported in the mentioned work. For lower electron coupling the dynamic structure factors of Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+ and Cs+ do not differ while at higher electron coupling these curves split. As the number of shell electrons increases from Li+ to Cs+ the curves shift in the direction of low absolute value of omega and their heights diminish. We conclude that the short range forces, which we take into account by means of the HGK model potential, which deviates from the Coulomb and Deutsch ones, influence the static and dynamic structure factors significantly.The work has been realised at the Humboldt University at Berlin (Germany). One of the authors (S. P. Sadykova) would like to express sincere thanks to the Erasmus Mundus Program of the EU for the financial support and especially to Mr. M. Parske for his aid, to the Institute of Physics, Humboldt University at Berlin, for the support which made her participation at some scientific Conferences possible; I. M. T. acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia Project No. ENE2007-67406-C02-02/FTN and valuable discussions with Dr. D. Gericke.Sadykova, SP.; Ebeling, W.; Tkachenko Gorski, IM. (2011). Static and dynamic structure factors with account of the ion structure for high-temperature alkali and alkaline earth plasmas. 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    Flowcharts for the management of biliary tract and ampullary carcinomas

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    No strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of biliary tract carcinoma have been clearly described. We developed flowcharts for the diagnosis and treatment of biliary tract carcinoma on the basis of the best clinical evidence. Risk factors for bile duct carcinoma are a dilated type of pancreaticobiliary maljunction (PBM) and primary sclerosing cholangitis. A nondilated type of PBM is a risk factor for gallbladder carcinoma. Symptoms that may indicate biliary tract carcinoma are jaundice and pain in the upper right area of the abdomen. The first step of diagnosis is to carry out blood biochemistry tests and ultrasonography (US) of the abdomen. The second step of diagnosis is to find the local extension of the carcinoma by means of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Because resection is the only way to completely cure biliary tract carcinoma, the indications for resection are determined first. In patients with resectable disease, the indications for biliary drainage or portal vein embolization (PVE) are checked. In those with nonresectable disease, biliary stenting, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and/or best supportive care is selected

    Plasma lipid profiles discriminate bacterial from viral infection in febrile children

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    Fever is the most common reason that children present to Emergency Departments. Clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of bacterial infection ar

    Progress in fold recognition.

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    The prediction experiment reveals that fold recognition has become a powerful tool in structural biology. We applied our fold recognition technique to 13 target sequences. In two cases, replication terminating protein and prosequence of subtilisin, the predicted structures are very similar to the experimentally determined folds. For the first time, in a public blind test, the unknown structures of proteins have been predicted ahead of experiment to an accuracy approaching molecular detail. In two other cases the approximate folds have been predicted correctly. According to the assessors there were 12 recognizable folds among the target proteins. In our postprediction analysis we find that in 7 cases our fold recognition technique is successful. In several of the remaining cases the predicted folds have interesting features in common with the experimental results. We present our procedure, discuss the results, and comment on several fundamental and technical problems encountered in fold recognition

    Online regret bounds for Markov decision processes with deterministic transitions

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    Abstract. We consider an upper confidence bound algorithm for Markov decision processes (MDPs) with deterministic transitions. For this algorithm we derive upper bounds on the online regret (with respect to an (Δ-)optimal policy) that are logarithmic in the number of steps taken. These bounds also match known asymptotic bounds for the general MDP setting. We also present corresponding lower bounds. As an application, multi-armed bandits with switching cost are considered.