17 research outputs found

    Peceneaga-Camena Fault: Geomagnetic insights into active tectonic contact

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    Highly detailed, very accurate ground magnetic investigations were jointly conducted by Romanian and Ukrainian researchers on a segment of the Peceneaga-Camenas Fault (PCF) in order to reveal the potential of geomagnetic method for active faults investigating. The survey succeeded to outline the PCF track in the area covered by recent sediments, and provide insights on the fault structure and in-depth development. 2D numerical modeling has been employed for interpreting the obtained geomagnetic anomaly. Lateral variations in magnetization, as suggested by the model, reveal the complex geological architecture in the area, hidden by recent deposits. The zero magnetization outlined in the central part of the survey lines has been interpreted in geodynamic terms, as a breccias zone created along PCF track by its active dynamics

    A review of the studies results of paleomagnetic applicability of Precambrian crystalline rocks of the Ukrainian Shield.

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    The review of the data has been conducted of the long-term laboratory methods of studies of stability and origin of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of Precambrian crystalline rocks of the Ukrainian Shield (USh). Generalization of the data gives weighty arguments for considering the Precambrian rocks of the Ukrainian Shield as promising objects for paleomagnetic studies. Statistical analysis has been made as to directions of NRM in exposures different by their age, composition and origin of crystalline rocks of the USh. It has been found that everywhere within the limits of the Ukrainian Shield in the exposures with magnetically stabile single-component magnetization of thermoremanent origin (according to laboratory and mineralogical criteria) NRM directions in contemporary coordinate system are distributed heterogeneously and are characterized by considerable dispersion. The most probable source of dispersion of NRM vectors within the limits of considered exposures of crystalline rocks of the USh is local tectonics, which produced reorientation within the area of the surface of initial magnetization of rocks

    The physical parameters of the rocks of the sedimentary cover of the northwestern part of the DnieperDonetsk trough

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    Density and volume magnetic susceptibility of rocks from 8 boreholes drilled in northwestern part of the DnieperDonets Depression were studied as well as variations of these values for the major rock types found in each of the wells. In accordance with the data the density of rocks of the same type is changed widely for both separate wells and sedimentary cover section as a whole. Decompacted rocks spaces accompanied by increased values of magnetic susceptibility are revealed. Such spaces may be potentially oilandgas bearing


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    High intensity of proteolysis and lipolysis in the curd due to the activity of mold enzymes is characteristic of mold-ripened cheeses. The intensity of proteolysis and lipolysis in cheese curd during the ripening process of Pechersky cheese containing two types of mold has been investigated in order to delineate the optimal production parameters. The results showed that the intensity of enzymatic processes in Pechersky cheese was higher than in Roquefort and Camembert cheeses. This is due to the bidirectional ripening of Pechersky cheese, with mold Penicillium roqueforti mediating the ripening starting from the center of the block and the mold Penicillium camemberti mediating the ripening starting from the surface of the block. The data obtained allow for a reduction of the ripening time of Pechersky cheese to 21 days

    Просторово-часові зміни геомагнітного поля: екологічний аспект

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    The geomagnetic field, along with other environmental factors, is a necessary component of life on the Earth. Currently, there are relevant ecological standards for the values of constant and variable fields. Taking them into account, it is possible to determine the conditions necessary for the normal functioning of biological objects in general and humans in particular. In a number of regulations, certain limit values for a constant magnetic field are introduced, as well as the maximum permissible time of a human being stay in such fields. In this regard, the article considers the spatiotemporal change in induction B on the Earth’s surface using the example of its main magnetic field according to the international model IGRF-13 for the time interval 1950—2020. In more detail for this time interval, the induction module B and its perturbation were analyzed for geomagnetically different regions that are, namely, the territories of Ukraine, of Yamal (Russia) and around the Ukrainian Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky station. For the planet in whole, a significant decrease in the geomagnetic field is shown, against the background of which its sharp jumps are observed (in 1960—1965, 1980—1985 and in 2000—2005), and after 2005 to the present, a deceleration in the decrease of the geomagnetic field is observed. Against the background of a decrease in the geomagnetic field of the planet, areas with extreme changes both in the direction of increase (Ukraine, Yamal) and decrease (AV station) are distinguished. The spatiotemporal changes in the geomagnetic field detected on the Earth’s surface determine the structure and dynamics of its magnetosphere, which by-turn affects the nature of the interaction with it of solar wind substance and of cosmic radiation, as well as the flow altitudes of magnetospheric and ionospheric currents. According to the distribution of the geomagnetic field anomalies on the surface of the planet, as well as to their changes over the studied time interval, regions with different (as compared with proposed ecological norms) values of the constant magnetic field and its disturbances are distinguished. In particular, for the epoch of 2020, for the territory in the vicinity of the AV station, the induction vector module B is on average 15,000 nT less than its value for the territory of Ukraine and 25,000 nT — of Yamal. Significant changes in the geomagnetic field were determined: an increase of 1765 nT for Ukraine, 1418 nT for Yamal and a decrease of — 7081 nT in the vicinity of AV station. At the same time, the perturbation of the geomagnetic field of the territory of Ukraine is within its ecological norm, deviates from it in the direction of increase on the Yamal Peninsula, and near the AV station it will soon go beyond its limits in the direction of decrease, while maintaining modern field changes.Геомагнитное поле наравне с другими факторами внешней среды является необходимым компонентом существования жизни на Земле. В настоящее время существуют соответствующие экологические нормы величин постоянных и переменных полей, учитывая которые, определяют условия, необходимые для нормального функционирования биологических объектов в целом и человека в частности. В ряде нормативных документов для постоянного магнитного поля введены предельные величины, а также максимальное время возможного пребывания человека в таких полях. В связи с этим, в статье рассмотрены пространственно-временные изменения индукции В на поверхности Земли для временного интервала 1950—2020 гг. на приме- ре ее главного магнитного поля по международной модели IGRF-13. Более подробно для этого временного интервала проанализированы модуль индукции и его возмущенность для различных в геомагнитном отношении регионов, а именно территории Украины, Ямала (Россия) и вокруг украинской антарктической станции «Академик Вернадский». Для планеты в целом показано существенное уменьшение геомагнитного поля, с резкими скачками в 1960—1965 гг., 1980—1985 гг. и в 2000—2005 гг. Но после 2005 г. до настоящего времени наблюдается замедление скорости его уменьшения. На фоне уменьшения геомагнитного поля планеты выделяются области с экстремальными его изменениями как в сторону увеличения (Украина, Ямал), так и уменьшения (станция «Академик Вернадский»). Обнаруженные на поверхности Земли пространственно-временные изменения геомагнитного поля определяют структуру и динамику ее магнитосферы, которая, в свою очередь, влияет на характер взаимодействия с ней вещества солнечного ветра и космического излучения, а также на высоты протекания ряда процессов в ионосфере и атмосфере. Согласно распределению аномалий геомагнитного поля на поверхности планеты, а также их изменениям за исследованный временной интервал выделены регионы с отличающимися от предложенных экологических норм величинами постоянного магнитного поля и его возмущений. В частности, на эпоху 2020 модуль вектора индукции В для территории в окрестности станции «Академик Вернадский» в среднем на 15 000 нТл меньше, чем для территории Украины, и на 25 000 нТл, чем для Ямала. Определены существенные изменения геомагнитного поля — увеличение на 1765 нТл для Украины, 1418 нТл для Ямала и уменьшение на 7081 нТл в районе станции «Академик Вернадский». Поэтому возмущенность геомагнитного поля территории Украины находится в пределах его «экологической нормы», на Ямале отклоняется от нее в сторону увеличения, а вблизи станции «Академик Вернадский» скоро выйдет за ее пределы в сторону уменьшения при сохранении современных изменений поля.Геомагнітне поле нарівні з іншими факторами зовнішнього середовища є необхідною компонентою існування життя на Землі. В даний час існують відповідні екологічні норми величин постійних і змінних полів, з огляду на які визначають умови, необхідні для нормального функціонування біологічних об’єктів у цілому і людини зокрема. У ряді нормативних документів для постійного магнітного поля введені граничні величини, а також максимальний час можливого перебування людини в таких полях. У зв’язку з цим, у статті розглянуто просторово-часові зміни індукції В на поверхні Землі для часового інтервалу 1950—2020 рр. на прикладі її головного магнітного поля за міжнародною моделлю IGRF-13. Більш детально для цього часового інтервалу проаналізовано модуль індукції В і його збуреність для різних у геомагнітному відношенні регіонів, а саме території України, Ямалу (Росія) і довкола української антарктичної станції «Академік Вернадський». Для планети в цілому показано істотне зменшення геомагнітного поля , з різкими скачками в 1960—1965 рр., 1980—1985 рр. та в 2000—2005 рр., але після 2005 р. по теперішній час спостерігається уповільнення швидкості його зменшення. На тлі зменшення геомагнітного поля планети виділяються зони з екстремальними його змінами як в сторону збільшення (Україна, Ямал), так і зменшення (станція «АВ»). Виявлені на поверхні Землі просторово-часові зміни геомагнітного поля визначають структуру та динаміку її магнітосфери, яка у свою чергу впливає на характер взаємодії з нею речовини сонячного вітру та космічного випромінювання, а також на висоти протікання низки процесів в іоносфері та атмосфері. Відповідно до розподілу аномалій геомагнітного поля на поверхні планети, а також їх змін за досліджений часовий інтервал виділено регіони з відмінними від запропонованих екологічних норм величинами постійного магнітного поля і його збуреності. Зокрема на епоху 2020 р. для території в околі станції «АВ» модуль вектору індукції В«АВ» у середньому на 15 000 нТл меньше його величин для території України і на 25 000 нТл — Ямалу. Визначено також суттєві зміни геомагнітного поля — збільшення на 1765 нТл для України, 1418 нТл — для Ямалу і зменшення на — 7081 нТл в районі станції «АВ». За цього збуреність геомагнітного поля території України знаходиться в межах його «екологічної норми», на Ямалі відхиляється від неї в сторону збільшення, а поблизу станції «АВ» — скоро вийде за її межі в сторону зменшення за збереження сучасних змін поля

    Magnetic declination of the territory of Ukraine: the results of observations and calculations

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    A technology is proposed for calculating the strength and angular components of the vector of the induction of the Earth's magnetic field. The technology is based on the development of a three-dimensional model of the earth's crust and the calculation of the northern (∆Вах), eastern (∆Ваy) and vertical (∆Ваz) components of the anomalous magnetic field from it, which, together with the corresponding components (В0х, В0y, В0z) allow us to determine the total values of the Вх-, Вy-, Вz-components of the Earth's magnetic field. With their use, the horizontal component (BH) of the geomagnetic field vector and the angles of its declination D and the inclination J are calculated. The values of the magnetic declination D in the territory of Ukraine for the epoch of 2010 are calculated (varies from –6 ° to +20 °) and the secular run for the period 2010—2015 (6.0—7.5 min/year). The contribution to the value of the magnetic declination D of its normal (D0) and anomalous (ΔD) components is estimated. The accuracy of the calculated values of D is estimated by comparison with the measured values of magnetic declination at magnetic observatories and points of secular run. For most points, the difference is about 3—6 minutes. Currently, the results of calculating the magnetic declination D for the time interval of 2010—2015 are used by the state services of Ukraine ("UkSATSE", "Topographic Service of the APU") to ensure flight safety and compiling topographic maps

    Magnetic data, fault tectonics of consolidated earth crust and oil-and-gas content of the Dnieper-Donets avlakogen

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    Main perspectives to find oil-and gas deposits into crystal foundation and lower parts of sedimentary cover are related to the deep ruptures of different categories, to its crossings as well as to the presence of decompression and fracturing zones in it. In the article anomal magnetic field (AT )a, its regional and local components as well as developed 3D magnetic model together with magmatism and fault tectonics scheme of Dnieper-Donets Aulacogene have been analyzed. On the basis of complex analysis and interpretation of obtained data the Earth's crust deep structure have been defined and eventual migration ways to the places of deep hydrocarbons agglomeration have been considered. That interpretation allowed to specify found hydrocarbons inflow locations in the Earth's crust of DDA as well as to indicate the new prospective ones. It also permitted to formulate regional geomagnetic signs oil-and-gas content in foundation and to identify probability to replenish the deposits of sedimentary cover by deep hydrocarbons. It has been defined that decompression and fracturing zones of sedimentary basins foundation located over deep magnetic blocks of DDA consolidated crust may be potentially gas-bearing while weekly magnetic zone of the Earth's crust among strongly magnetic blocks of Chernigiv and Lohvitsa segments is potentially oil-bearing

    Spatial-temporeral changes in the geomagnetic field and seismisity

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    This paper presents the results of an analysis of spatial-temporeral changes in the Earth’s magnetic field and its seismicity for the period 1950—2015. The International Geomagnetic Field of the 12 generation (BIGRF-12) was analyzed. This model allows one to study the characteristic features of magnetic anomalies with dimensions of the first thousands of kilometers. To determine the temporal changes in the geomagnetic field (dB/dt), digital datasets of BIGRF were developed for the period 1950—2015 in a 1°Ч1° grid and for an interval of 5 years. Temporal changes were divided into the virtual long-wave core-generated and short-wave mantle-lithospheric — generated components. There were revealed 2 negative and 3 positive foci of the core-generated component. For the 65 y period the component changes in these foci range from –6600 to 2000 nT (from –100 to 30 nT/y), the foci being characterized by the significant westward drift. 12 positive and 10 negative foci were delineated in the mantle-lithospheric-caused component. During 65 years most of the foci do not change their location. The changes in magnitude of positive and negative foci are 175—490 nT, (2,5—7,5 nT/y) and –(220—535) nT, (–(3,4—8,2) nT/y) respectively. In the southwestern domain of the Earth the intensity of seismicity is lower and the core-originated component is significantly decreased in comparison with the northwestern domain. The relationship is observed between areas of increased seismic activity, foci of the mantle-lithospheric component of the geomagnetic field and areas of its positive increase, which tectonically correspond to the junction zones of lithospheric plates of the «subduction», «collision» and «mid-ocean-rift» types. On the basis of the regularities revealed, two mechanisms of such an association are proposed: a) «temperature-magnetic», caused by discending the magnetic blocks of the oceanic crust in a subduction zone and also serpentinization of ultrabasic rocks of the upper mantle; b) «fluid-gas-magnetic», based on the formation and transformation of ferruginous minerals under the influence of the mantle gases and fluids. The magnetic blocks of the Earth’s lithosphere are more solid than those of the non-magnetic. Therefore, within the blocks, as well as on their margins, the accumulation of large stresses is possible and, consequеntly, the preconditions are created for the formation of earthquake foci

    Spatial-temporeral changes in the geomagnetic field and seismisity

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    This paper presents the results of an analysis of spatial-temporeral changes in the Earth’s magnetic field and its seismicity for the period 1950—2015. The International Geomagnetic Field of the 12 generation (BIGRF-12) was analyzed. This model allows one to study the characteristic features of magnetic anomalies with dimensions of the first thousands of kilometers. To determine the temporal changes in the geomagnetic field (dB/dt), digital datasets of BIGRF were developed for the period 1950—2015 in a 1°Ч1° grid and for an interval of 5 years. Temporal changes were divided into the virtual long-wave core-generated and short-wave mantle-lithospheric — generated components. There were revealed 2 negative and 3 positive foci of the core-generated component. For the 65 y period the component changes in these foci range from –6600 to 2000 nT (from –100 to 30 nT/y), the foci being characterized by the significant westward drift. 12 positive and 10 negative foci were delineated in the mantle-lithospheric-caused component. During 65 years most of the foci do not change their location. The changes in magnitude of positive and negative foci are 175—490 nT, (2,5—7,5 nT/y) and –(220—535) nT, (–(3,4—8,2) nT/y) respectively. In the southwestern domain of the Earth the intensity of seismicity is lower and the core-originated component is significantly decreased in comparison with the northwestern domain. The relationship is observed between areas of increased seismic activity, foci of the mantle-lithospheric component of the geomagnetic field and areas of its positive increase, which tectonically correspond to the junction zones of lithospheric plates of the «subduction», «collision» and «mid-ocean-rift» types. On the basis of the regularities revealed, two mechanisms of such an association are proposed: a) «temperature-magnetic», caused by discending the magnetic blocks of the oceanic crust in a subduction zone and also serpentinization of ultrabasic rocks of the upper mantle; b) «fluid-gas-magnetic», based on the formation and transformation of ferruginous minerals under the influence of the mantle gases and fluids. The magnetic blocks of the Earth’s lithosphere are more solid than those of the non-magnetic. Therefore, within the blocks, as well as on their margins, the accumulation of large stresses is possible and, consequеntly, the preconditions are created for the formation of earthquake foci

    Valuation of induction current contribution to the secular variation of geomagnetic field (according to the data of Ukrainian geomagnetic observatories)

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    Induction current contribution to the secular variation of geomagnetic field in accordance with the data of Ukrainian geomagnetic observatories has been investigated. The dynamics of the monthly changes of the secular variations depending on the values of the induction currents has been shown. Correlation between changes of secular variations and solar activity has been found. Changes of solar activity outstrip secular variation changes