4 research outputs found

    The predicates of the Apollonius diagram: Algorithmic analysis and implementation

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    We study the predicates involved in an efficient dynamic algorithm for computing the Apollonius diagram in the plane, also known as the additively weighted Voronoi diagram. We present a complete algorithmic analysis of these predicates, some of which are reduced to simpler and more easily computed primitives. This gives rise to an exact and efficient implementation of the algorithm, that handles all special cases. Among our tools we distinguish an inversion transformation and an infinitesimal perturbation for handling degeneracies. The implementation of the predicates requires certain algebraic operations. In studying the latter, we aim at minimizing the algebraic degree of the predicates and the number of arithmetic operations; this twofold optimization corresponds to reducing bit complexity. The proposed algorithms are based on static Sturm sequences. Multivariate resultants provide a deeper understanding of the predicates and are compared against our methods. We expect that our algebraic techniques are sufficiently powerful and general to be applied to a number of analogous geometric problems on curved objects. Their efficiency, and that of the overall implementation, are illustrated by a series of numerical experiments. Our approach can be immediately extended to the incremental construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams for various classes of objects. © 2005 Elsevier B.V

    Connections between theta-graphs, Delaunay triangulations, and orthogonal surfaces

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    Abstract. Θk-graphs are geometric graphs that appear in the context of graph navigation. The shortest-path metric of these graphs is known to approximate the Euclidean complete graph up to a factor depending on the cone number k and the dimension of the space. TD-Delaunay graphs, a.k.a. triangular-distance Delaunay triangulations, introduced by Chew, have been shown to be plane 2-spanners of the 2D Euclidean complete graph, i.e., the distance in the TD-Delaunay graph between any two points is no more than twice the distance in the plane. Orthogonal surfaces are geometric objects defined from independent sets of points of the Euclidean space. Orthogonal surfaces are well studied in combinatorics (orders, integer programming) and in algebra. From orthogonal surfaces, geometric graphs, called geodesic embeddings can be built. In this paper, we introduce a specific subgraph of the Θ6-graph defined in the 2D Euclidean space, namely the half-Θ6-graph, composed of the evencone edges of the Θ6-graph. Our main contribution is to show that these graphs are exactly the TD-Delaunay graphs, and are strongly connected to the geodesic embeddings of orthogonal surfaces of coplanar points in the 3D Euclidean space. Using these new bridges between these three fields, we establish: – Every Θ6-graph is the union of two spanning TD-Delaunay graphs. In particular, Θ6-graphs are 2-spanners of the Euclidean graph, and the bound of 2 on the stretch factor is the best possible. It was not known that Θ6-graphs are t-spanners for some constant t, and Θ7-graphs were only known to be t-spanners for t ≈ 7.562. – Every plane triangulation is TD-Delaunay realizable, i.e., every combinatorial plane graph for which all its interior faces are triangles is the TD-Delaunay graph of some point set in the plane. Such realizability property does not hold for classical Delaunay triangulations

    Constructing Two-Dimensional Voronoi Diagrams via Divide-and-Conquer of Envelopes in Space

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    We present a general framework for computing two-dimensional Voronoi diagrams of different site classes under various distance functions. The computation of the diagrams employs the Cgal software for constructing envelopes of surfaces in 3-space, which implements a divide-and-conquer algorithm. A straightforward application of the divide-andconquer approach for Voronoi diagrams yields highly inefficient algorithms. We show that through randomization, the expected running time is near-optimal (in a worst-case sense). We believe this result, which also holds for general envelopes, to be of independent interest. We describe the interface between the construction of the diagrams and the underlying construction of the envelopes, together with methods we have applied to speed up the (exact) computation. We then present results, where a variety of diagrams are constructed with our implementation, including power diagrams, Apollonius diagrams, diagrams of line segments, Voronoi diagrams on a sphere, and more. In all cases the implementation is exact and can handle degenerate input