10 research outputs found
The "Centro-Norte Mato-Grossense" Herbarium (CNMT): Botanical Documentation for Teaching, Extension and Research
Herbarium is a scientific collection, formed by dried plant samples from various ecosystems, serving as a record and reference on the vegetation and flora of a region. The Centro-Norte-Mato-Grossense Herbarium (CNMT) began operations in 2010 and its main objective the documentation of northern flora of Mato Grosso, as it represents a unique transition between the Cerrado and the Amazon rainforest. The instruments used in the collections are high garden shears, garden shears, and still climbing techniques to larger trees. All material is collected and incorporated into the CNMT Herbarium which has about 7.000 herbarium specimens in the collection and 200 in its dried fruit collection (carpoteca). There partnerships they are acting as collaborators in identifying material or acting directly on increasing the collection as the donation of materials and courses. The ultimate aim of the Herbarium CNMT is 100% informatization of the collection and availability of the collection online at Species Link accomplishing the goals proposed by the CBD.</p
Análise estrutural e considerações sobre a dinâmica sucessional de dois fragmentos florestais semideciduais do Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru, SP, Brasil Structural analysis and considerations on the successional dynamic of two semideciduous forest fragments at the Municipal Botanical Garden of Bauru, SP, Brazil
Parâmetros fitossociológicos, como freqüência de classes de altura e de diâmetro, são muito utilizados em inferências sobre sucessão secundária em fitocenoses. Indivíduos abustivo-arbóreos com no mínimo 1,5 m de altura e fuste a 1,3 m, foram amostrados em 2.600 m² de floresta estacional semidecidual do Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru (JBMB). Informações sobre as freqüências de classes de diâmetro das cinco espécies com maior índice de valor de importância (Ocotea pulchella, Protium heptaphyllum, Copaifera langsdorffii, Platypodium elegans e Trichilia pallida) e a classificação sucessional das populações mais numerosas também foram analisadas para inferências sobre as características sucessionais da comunidade estudada. As freqüências de classes de diâmetro de Vochysia tucanorum, espécie típica de savana, também foi estudada. As informações obtidas permitiram considerar que a floresta do JBMB encontra-se em estádio sucessional intermediário, e que, embora tenha sofrido com a ação do fogo no passado, algumas dessas populações estão conseguindo renovar-se.<br>Phytosociological parameters, as the frequency of height and diameter classes, are commonly used to make inferences about secondary succession in given phytocenoses. Shrub and tree individuals higher than 1.5 m and with a bole length of at least 1.3 m were sampled in 2,600 m2 of semideciduous seasonal forest in the Municipal Botanical Garden of Bauru (JBMB). Information on the diameter class frequencies of five species with the highest Importance Value Index (Ocotea pulchella, Protium heptaphyllum, Copaifera langsdorffii, Platypodium elegans and Trichilia pallida) and the more numerous species' successional classification were analyzed to make inferences about the successional features of the studied community. The diameter class frequencies of savannic species Vochysia tucanorum were also studied. The information obtained allowed to consider that the forest of the JBMB is at an intermediate successional stage, and that, although it used to be periodically burnt, some of its populations are able to renew themselves