353 research outputs found

    Universal light quark mass dependence and heavy-light meson spectroscopy

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    Clean predictions are presented for all the spin-averaged heavy-light meson spectroscopies. A new symmetry is identified wherein the energy eigenstates have a universal dependence on both the light and heavy quark masses. This universality is used in an efficient analysis of these mesons within the QCD string/flux tube picture. Unique predictions for all the D, D_s, B, and B_s type mesons in terms of just four measured quantities.Comment: REVTeX4, 6 pages, 9 eps figure

    Semileptonic form factors - a model-independent approach

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    We demonstrate that the B->D(*) l nu form factors can be accurately predicted given the slope parameter rho^2 of the Isgur-Wise function. Only weak assumptions, consistent with lattice results, on the wavefunction for the light degrees of freedom are required to establish this result. We observe that the QCD and 1/m_Q corrections can be systematically represented by an effective Isgur-Wise function of shifted slope. This greatly simplifies the analysis of semileptonic B decay. We also investigate what the available semileptonic data can tell us about lattice QCD and Heavy Quark Effective Theory. A rigorous identity relating the form factor slope difference rho_D^2-rho_A1^2 to a combination of form factor intercepts is found. The identity provides a means of checking theoretically evaluated intercepts with experiment.Comment: 18 pages, Revtex, 4 postscript figures, uses epsfig.st

    The self-consistent bounce: an improved nucleation rate

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    We generalize the standard computation of homogeneous nucleation theory at zero temperature to a scenario in which the bubble shape is determined self-consistently with its quantum fluctuations. Studying two scalar models in 1+1 dimensions, we find the self-consistent bounce by employing a two-particle irreducible (2PI) effective action in imaginary time at the level of the Hartree approximation. We thus obtain an effective single bounce action which determines the rate exponent. We use collective coordinates to account for the translational invariance and the growth instability of the bubble and finally present a new nucleation rate prefactor. We compare the results with those obtained using the standard 1-loop approximation and show that the self-consistent rate can differ by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 28 pages, revtex, 7 eps figure

    Spontaneous Breaking of Lorentz Invariance

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    We describe how a stable effective theory in which particles of the same fermion number attract may spontaneously break Lorentz invariance by giving non-zero fermion number density to the vacuum (and therefore dynamically generating a chemical potential term). This mecanism yields a finite vacuum expectation value whichweconsiderinthecontextofproposedmodelsthatrequiresuchabreakingofLorentzinvarianceinordertoyieldcompositedegreesoffreedomthatactapproximatelylikegaugebosons.Wealsomakegeneralremarksabouthowthebackgroundsourceprovidedby which we consider in the context of proposed models that require such a breaking of Lorentz invariance in order to yield composite degrees of freedom that act approximately like gauge bosons. We also make general remarks about how the background source provided by could relate to work on signals of Lorentz violation in electrodynamics.Comment: revtex4, 11 pages, 5 figures; v2:references added; v3:more references added, typos fixed, some points in sect. IV clarified; v4:even more references added, discussion in sect. V extended; v5:replaced to match published version (minor corrections of form

    Lattice Study of the Massive Schwinger Model with a Ξ\theta term under L\"uscher's "Admissibility" condition

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    We present a numerical study of the massive two-flavor QED in two dimensions with the gauge action proposed by L\"uscher, which allows only ``admissible'' gauge fields. We find that the admissibility condition does not allow any topology changes by the local updation in Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm so that the configurations in each topological sector can be generated separately. By developing a new method to sum over different topological sectors, we investigate Ξ\theta vacuum effects. Combining with domain-wall fermion action, we obtain the fermion mass dependence and Ξ\theta dependence of the meson masses, which are consistent with the analytic results by mass perturbation in the continuum theory.Comment: 3 pages, Lattice2003(chiral

    Magnetic catalysis and anisotropic confinement in QCD

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    The expressions for dynamical masses of quarks in the chiral limit in QCD in a strong magnetic field are obtained. A low energy effective action for the corresponding Nambu-Goldstone bosons is derived and the values of their decay constants as well as the velocities are calculated. The existence of a threshold value of the number of colors NcthrN^{thr}_c, dividing the theories with essentially different dynamics, is established. For the number of colors Ncâ‰ȘNcthrN_c \ll N^{thr}_c, an anisotropic dynamics of confinement with the confinement scale much less than ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} and a rich spectrum of light glueballs is realized. For NcN_c of order NcthrN^{thr}_c or larger, a conventional confinement dynamics takes place. It is found that the threshold value NcthrN^{thr}_c grows rapidly with the magnetic field [Ncthr≳100N^{thr}_c \gtrsim 100 for ∣eB∣≳(1GeV)2|eB| \gtrsim (1{GeV})^2]. In contrast to QCD with a nonzero baryon density, there are no principal obstacles for checking these results and predictions in lattice computer simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. REVTeX. Minor correction. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Non-Trivial Effective Potential of the `Trivial' lambda Phi^4 Theory: A Lattice Test

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    The strong evidence for the `triviality' of (lambda Phi^4)_4 theory is not incompatible with spontaneous symmetry breaking. Indeed, for a `trivial' theory the effective potential should be given exactly by the classical potential plus the free-field zero-point energy of the shifted field; i.e., by the one-loop effective potential. When this is renormalized in a simple, but nonperturbative way, one finds, self-consistently, that the shifted field does become non-interacting in the continuum limit. For a classically scale-invariant (CSI) lambda Phi^4 theory one finds m_h^2 = 8 pi^2 v^2, predicting a 2.2 TeV Higgs boson. Here we extend our earlier work in three ways: (i) we discuss the analogy with the hard-sphere Bose gas; (ii) we extend the analysis from the CSI case to the general case; and (iii) we propose a test of the predicted shape of the effective potential that could be tested in a lattice simulation.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, DE-FG05-92ER40717-

    Higher-Spin Theory and Space-Time Metamorphoses

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    Introductory lectures on higher-spin gauge theory given at 7 Aegean workshop on non-Einstein theories of gravity. The emphasis is on qualitative features of the higher-spin gauge theory and peculiarities of its space-time interpretation. In particular, it is explained that Riemannian geometry cannot play a fundamental role in the higher-spin gauge theory. The higher-spin symmetries are argued to occur at ultra high energy scales beyond the Planck scale. This suggests that the higher-spin gauge theory can help to understand Quantum Gravity. Various types of higher-spin dualities are briefly discussed.Comment: 37 pages, no figures; V2: references adde

    Production of topological defects at the end of inflation

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    Hybrid inflation within supersymmetric grand unified theories, as well as inflation through brane collisions within braneworld cosmological models, lead to the formation of one-dimensional defects. Observational data, mainly from the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies but also from the gravitational wave background, impose constraints on the free parameters of the models. I review these inflationary models and discuss the constraints from the currently available data.Comment: 9 pages, Invited talk in the Conference "Challenges in Particle Astrophysics" -- 6th Rencontres du Vietnam, Hanoi (Vietnam) 6-12 Aug. 200

    Gap Fluctuations in Inhomogeneous Superconductors

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    Spatial fluctuations of the effective pairing interaction between electrons in a superconductor induce variations of the order parameter which in turn lead to significant changes in the density of states. In addition to an overall reduction of the quasi-particle energy gap, theory suggests that mesoscopic fluctuations of the impurity potential induce localised tail states below the mean-field gap edge. Using a field theoretic approach, we elucidate the nature of the states in the `sub-gap' region. Specifically, we show that these states are associated with replica symmetry broken instanton solutions of the mean-field equations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures included. To be published in PRB (Sept. 2001
