13 research outputs found

    The zebrafish cerebellar upper rhombic lip generates tegmental hindbrain nuclei by long-distance migration in an evolutionary conserved manner.

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    The upper rhombic lip (URL) of the developing mammalian cerebellum produces different neuronal cell types in a temporal sequence. The first neuronal populations arising from this proliferation zone include the progenitors of the parabrachial, parabigeminal, and laterodorsal-pedunculopontine tegmental hindbrain nuclei. By means of expression analysis, histology, and retrograde neuronal tracing, we have identified the zebrafish homologues of these nuclei, namely, the secondary gustatory/viscerosensory nucleus, the nucleus isthmi, and the superior reticular nucleus, respectively, in the embryonic and larval brain of a stable transgenic wnt1:Gal4-VP16-14 x UAS:GFP zebrafish strain. Combining time-lapse confocal imaging with individual cell tracing, we characterize the migratory behavior of these neuronal precursor populations in detail by revealing their migration path, velocity, and directionality. In addition, we identify neuronal progenitors of the secondary gustatory/viscerosensory nucleus and nucleus isthmi/superior reticular nucleus as belonging to the polysialic acid (PSA)-expressing cell population in the cerebellar plate that migrates in a PSA-dependent manner. Finally, we reveal that circuitries involved in the processing of sensory information (visual, gustatory, general viscerosensory) are already established in the zebrafish larva at day 4 of development. Also the wnt1-expressing pretectal neuronal precursors (not originating from the URL) sending mossy fiber-like projections into the cerebellar corpus are established at that time. In sum, our results show that the origin of neurons of some tegmental hindbrain nuclei, namely, nucleus isthmi/superior reticular nucleus and secondary gustatory/viscerosensory nucleus is in the URL, and that the temporal order of cell types produced by the URL and their developmental program are conserved among vertebrate species

    Vertebrate Sensory Systems and Brains: From Genes to Behavior

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    Axonal projections originating from raphe serotonergic neurons in the developing and adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, using transgenics to visualize raphe-specific pet1 expression. Hâ‚‚O.

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    Serotonin is a major central nervous modulator of physiology and behavior and plays fundamental roles during development and plasticity of the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS). Understanding the developmental control and functions of serotonergic neurons is therefore an important task. In all vertebrates, prominent serotonergic neurons are found in the superior and inferior raphe nuclei in the hindbrain innervating most CNS regions. In addition, all vertebrates except for mammals harbor other serotonergic centers, including several populations in the diencephalon. This, in combination with the intricate and wide distribution of serotonergic fibers, makes it difficult to sort out serotonergic innervation originating from the raphe from that of other serotonergic cell populations. To resolve this issue, we isolated the regulatory elements of the zebrafish raphe-specific gene pet1 and used them to drive expression of an eGFP transgene in the raphe population of serotonergic neurons. With this approach together with retrograde tracing we 1) describe in detail the development, anatomical organization, and projection pattern of zebrafish pet1-positive neurons compared with their mammalian counterparts, 2) identify a new serotonergic population in the ventrolateral zebrafish hindbrain, and 3) reveal some extent of functional subdivisions within the zebrafish superior raphe complex. Together, our results reveal for the first time the specific innervation pattern of the zebrafish raphe and, thus, provide a new model and various tools to investigate further the role of raphe serotonergic neurons in vertebrates